
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Undeserved One

An icy aura rose from one of the room in the main building of Varion Academy. A group of people had gathered and sat circling a huge table at the center of the room. They were professors of Varion Academy. The mood in the room's environment was not looking as every one of them seems quite serious. They was currently on the discussion regarding the placement of Ren Milford in S class which they thought for sure was a mistake.

"In the history of Varion, no 1st circle mage have been selected to enter S class." The Battle Tactic professor, Kallavan, stated the fact, after he checked it in the journal that was on his hand.

A decent number of present individuals nodded vigorously agreeing with what had been said by Kallavan. In particular, Head Professor Arun showed the most enthusiastic reaction.

"Of course that's the case. S Class was created for the most talented aspiring mage in our school, it is not a place for a country bumpkin, who cannot even reach 2nd circle. Even for a joke, it was simply ridiculous."

Professor Arun grinned widely, intoxicated with the amusement of his own words.

"Are you sure it is not for noble family to show their arrogance?" interrupted Professor Hilda, one of professors there, with sarcastic tone. Professor Arun slightly lifted his left eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know what I mean. Thavas, the second year student, is actually good enough to enter S class, but he was assigned on A class instead. I know you failed him during last year entrance test just because he is from commoner background."

"Huh!! That boy don't deserve it at all. He did passed the test with swordsmanship, not with magic," spoke Professor Arun, defending his judgement.

Hearing the excuse from Professor Arun, Professor Hilda snapped and began to speak with loud voice. "You said they can use any means to pass the test."

The heated argument between Professor Arun and Professor Hilda escalated quite aggressively. Professors at the meeting there was divided into two sides. One side was supporting Professor Arun while the other side agreed with Professor Hilda.

At the head of the table, a woman stood and pounded the table with his hand. "Silence!" The professors stopped and shifted their attentions to the man that shouted earlier.

Vice Chancellor of Varion Academy, Professor Vera stood at the head of table with a serious face. She grasped the documents in front of her and continued the discussion after sat back on her chair.

"We are gathered here to discuss regarding this student, Ren Milford, whether it was justified for him to continue sitting on S class or we need to transfer him to other class."

She turned to Professor Anastasia, the homeroom teacher for S class. "What were the results of his pre-test?"

"According to this report, he was currently on 1st circle, which barely passed the minimum requirements to enter our academy. His mana is very unstable and impure. His mana reserve is very low. He also don't have any affinity with either five elemental magic. Considering the results, it seems that he is indeed a completely talentless student.

The members of the audience murmured between themselves after hearing the results told by Professor Anastasia. Professor Arun interrupted their thoughts with a question.

"Who the heck that supervised this year entrance test? How come he let this talentless scum passed the test and assigned him to the S class?"

"It was..." Before Professor Vera had a chance to answer, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened from outside. "It was me."

Professor Siegfried entered the room with a slow stride and went straight to Professor Arun. He rested his hand on the table in front of Professor Arun and looking to Professor Arun with serious face."Is that a problem?"

"N..no, sir," Professor Arun answered in hesitant. Cold sweat was formed on his forehead.

"Good." Professors Siegfried walked to the head of table, where Vice Chancellor Vera sitting before continued. " I am sorry for being late. The council meeting took longer than what I anticipated." Vice Chancellor Vera stood from her seat and gave it to Professor Siegfried once he arrived.

"As the Chancellor of this academy and also the supervisor for this year entrance test, it was my sole decision to include Ren Milford in S class. I believe he has potential to become a great mage in the future. That's why I put him in S class."

He continued. "However, I understand your concerns regarding this young man's skills and background. So, let me make a proposal to you. If he doesn't place top 3 in this upcoming 'Rank Test', we will demote him to lower class."

The meeting room started filled with noisy murmurs that came from the audiences, shocked with the proposal presented to them. After discussing it among the professors there, Professor Arun, as the representative for other professors, agreed with Chancellor Siegfried's proposal.

Chancellor Siegfried grinned and continued to spoke. "Good, if all of you agree, let's end this meeting here. All of you can dismiss now."

One by one, professors there began to disperse from the meeting room.


Ren took his sweet time tidying up his deck which was full with books of his. 'Magic History Class' had ended a few minutes ago. At that moment, a shadow loomed over his open book.

Ren raised his head. Marcus Blaze stood before him and glared at him with disgust. Behind him, two other S class students, Gavin Cobalt and Hani Harrison were also glaring at Ren with same look.

"How can I help you?" asked Ren innocently.

"Well, we need you to drop out of this class. With your magic power, it seems you are not deserved to stay on this class. Students of other class will not sit well if they know there is a S class student that far weaker than them."

Ren's face stiffen slightly when he heard those words. "How did you know I am weaker?" he questioned.

"Of course you are weaker. There is no way a mere 1st circle generalist can be strong. Furthermore, I heard your family Baron title has been relinquished because your father betrayed this kingdom and aided revolution army. That's mean you are no different with those filthy commoners."

Ren glared at Marcus with menacing look. After a moment, he changed back his expression into the calm one. "If you have any problem with me attending this class, you can complain it to the faculty. After all, they are the one that put me in this class."

"Heh, although the academy made a mistake, you should know your place and decline the placement. How dare a mere commoner, and a traitor son no less, try to breathe the same air with mighty noble like us."

Then, he continued. "However, when Professor Anastasia told that the academy would drop you out after 'Rank Test', it was indeed a good news for me. I have opportunity to humiliate you in front of all students and show you how weak you are."

Marcus laughed loudly, amusing with his own word before exiting the class with two of his friends. Ren just stared at Marcus without saying anything. After Marcus disappeared from his sight, Ren leaned his head on his desk.

Ren noticed a presence that was nearing him. As he raised his head to look what it was in front of him, he surprised seeing Elena Elsgard was there.

She spoke. "You are really weak. So, I will beat you on 'Rank Test' later. I will not let you creep behind me again like you did at entrance test before." After finifhing her sentence, Elena went back to her seat and did her work like nothing happened.

Ren was perplexed with what happened just now. He did not have any chance to response as it was happened too fast. When he realised, Elena already went back to her seat.

Two of the strongest on his class, which both of them already reached 3rd circle challenged him during 'Rank Test' later. He did know whether he should be proud or terrified about this. He took a very long sigh and continued leaning his head on his desk.

"You sure are popular."

"Ahh!" Ren yelped. With a crash, his chair fell back. He had been in deep thought, so he did not realised the presence on his side.

As if untouched by this scene, Vesto Aspas nonchalantly waved his hand to Ren. He had already sat on the chair beside Ren.

Embarrassed, Ren quickly pulled his chair back to its original spot and settled back into his seat.

"As if, they just want to challenge me and make sure I dropout from this class," Ren said.

"It is an honour to be challenged by future Rank 1 and Rank 2 for our year."

"Future Rank 1 and Rank 2?" asked Ren with a frown on his forehead.

"People expect both Princess Elena and Marcus to be rank first and second. After all, both of them are the only 3rd circle mage from our year. And Princess Elena definitely the fan favourite here because of her ice magic." Vesto explained it to Ren.

Ren sighed. "Yeah, you are probably right."

Vesto responded back with an unexpected claim. "But I think, there is another contender that will join this competition."

"Who?" Ren asked curiously.

Vesto pointed his finger to Ren before answering. "You."

Ren scoffed. "There's no way I can compete to them. I am just a 1st circle mage."

"Say whatever you want, but I know you still have hidden card that you still not showing yet. I hope I can see it during 'Rank Test' later."

After Vesto saying that, he put his hand on Ren's shoulder before left him alone.

Ren with a hidden smile on his face, thought. 'It seems he has good instinct'.