
Chapter 6 ~ Goodbye

It has been five years since Ty has met his daughter and has been with his daughter. The joy he felt when he was with her was indescribable. Luna is 12 years old right now and he's been teaching her a lot of things. Ty even made a skill for teaching so he wouldn't mess up, he didn't want to make any more mistakes with her. He tries to make up for lost time but that's something you can't really do.

The Cullens try to talk to him on multiple occasions but the conversation would always end up dry. Rosalie in the beginning would look at him with anger because of what happened but that soon passed. Rosalie at that point was focused on her daughter even though it's not to the man she married to, she still loved the child nonetheless.

Ty right now is sitting with the Cullens and Luna for a serious conversation. Ty found out that Luna was a natural-born alpha, so he wanted to help her build her own pack and maybe his too.

"Alright Cullens, I want to take Luna with me for a couple of years," Ty said nonchalantly.

"Where she still needs to learn," Esme said

"Around the world," Ty said hiding the fact that he would travel to a completely different world.

"But that doesn't give you the right to just take her" Emmett

"Can yall travel the world without glowing? I think not. Look it's not like I'm taking her to fool around when she hits fourteen she will go to school." Ty said trying to get his point across.

"Then I'm going with yall." Rosalie

"Nope because you are going to try and baby her and she doesn't need that," Ty said

"so," Rosalie said she was cut off by Ty.

"She will be fine. Plus I missed out on seven years of her life. She will be fine and safe." Ty said

"I want to go with dad and I have to build my own pack, just like how you guys have your coven. I need my pack." Luna said with a smile

Rosalie just let out a long sigh she didn't know what to say about this situation, she felt like she was getting ganged up on.

"She should still be with her family though. Plus how long do you plan on traveling" Alice said

"It could be a couple of years. I mean she does have to bond with her pack. we are all immortal it's not like anything will happen to yall if yall don't piss anyone off" Ty said

"Ok fine I just need you guys to keep in contact in some way. You can do that with your magic right." Rosalie said

Ty nodded his head and hashed out more details, the ended the conversation.

"Alright Luna pack some things you want to bring along," Ty said while looking at Luna.

Luna went up to her room to pack some of her belongings to bring with her, she put them in her dimensional storage that her father taught her.

Before they left Ty went to The Volturi to leave suggestions to make them leave the Cullens alone. Ty didn't want anything bad to happen to them and Luna blaming herself because she left.

When he got there he cast illusion magic and concealment magic so they wouldn't see him coming. you can never be too careful.

Going in he saw Demetri, Aro, and the rest of them he looked at a few of them with disgust, because of their greed they don't leave people alone they try to snake and control people no matter what. He wanted to kill all of them right then and there but held himself back. He felt the need to let things play out as they should here, but he didn't care about the next world he was going to he was going to mess it all up with some debauchery. It's not like he will find his mate there.

When he returned he could see Luna saying bye to everyone, tears falling from their eyes. Ty was looking at them he felt kinda bad that this was happening. He wasn't emotionless, he has feelings just a little bit of anger issues.

With that, they said goodbye to each other. Ty held Luna's hand and they left in a swirl( think of tobi jawn) When they arrived Ty started explaining that they were in a different world and that its a little more advanced than their current. He also explained that this world has all types of supernatural, and how people hunt them. But they didn't have to worry because they are immortal they will never die no matter what.

And with that, they started their journey to build their pack.



im very frustrated

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