
CEO's Sweet Temptation 1.6

Ming Yue, holding the the 68 million dollar dress, ran home. She was scared that someone would come and steal her dress just when she had obtained it. Her lips curled up into a breathtaking smile. She couldn't stop smiling when thinking about wearing this dress tomorrow.

When she finally reached home, she took out her condo keys and opened the apartment. A shadow flashed before her eyes heading straight towards her. When it got into a close proximity, her body naturally reacted by raising her arms and slapping the flying object away.

On a closer look, Ming Yue saw it was not an object! It was Xiao Hei!

"Host is bad! You forgot all about Xiao Hei and went out to play by yourself! How can you forget the almighty me?!" Xiao Hei was sobbing uncontrollably. "Host even slapped Xiao Hei! Even Xiao Hei's mother has never slapped Xiao Hei! Meanie! Badie!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll bring you out to play tomorrow, okay?" Ming Yue tried to coax the crying cat. She put the dress on her bed and picked up Xiao Hei and placed him on her lap while stroking his soft white fur. "And Xiao Hei, do you even have a mother?"

Xiao Hei immediately stopped crying. "Hehehe."

"I knew it, you don't have a mother!" She called out Xiao Hei's lie.

"It sounds more pitiful if I say mother!" Xiao Hei tried to explain. "And Xiao Hei's creator is too ugly  to mention."


"Achoo! It must be that damn cat talking bad about this handsome one!" Xiao Hei's creator was strike on with his prediction.


"Xiao Hei, do you have matching clothes to match this dress?" Ming Yue wanted to bring Xiao Hei to the party tomorrow, since he is a purebred Persian cat. She wanted to show off in front of the socialites, and having an expensive dress is only part of it. Bringing an expensive cat will allow her to show off even more, mainly when she needs to find clothing for him that is just as expensive as her dress. However, it can't be more expensive than hers. :p

The corners of Ming Yue's mouth rose.

Ming Yue: "Hehehehe!"

Xiao Hei shivered.

Xiao Hei: Why is my host so scary? Why does it look like she is about to kill someone? RIP to whoever is going to fall victim to his host! Xiao Hei will attend their funeral!

After a while of smiling evilly, Ming Yue finally remembered what she had wanted to ask Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, who is Wang Yi and Chu Hua?" She found these names familiar.

"Host, how can you be this dumb?" Xiao Hei shook his tiny cat head. "Wang Yi and Chu Hua are the main leads in this world. You are supposed to be killed by them. One of the missions require you to break them up."

"Ummmmm, Xiao Hei?" Ming Yue had a weird feeling. "Can you check the mission status for me?"

Xiao Hei: "Why?"

Ming Yue: "No particular reason. Only that I have a very strange feeling."

Xiao Hei went to check the status.

Xiao Hei: "H… host?"

Ming Yue: "Yeah?"

Xiao Hei: "You already finished one of the missions."

Ming Yue: "Sh*t! When you said easy, I never thought it would be this easy. I didn't try yet."

Xiao Hei: "Host, you are my new idol! You broke the hardest mission out of the three accidentally and within the same day you just transmigrated! So great!"

Ming Yue felt proud from all of Xiao Hei's sweet talk.

Ming Yue: "So, which mission did I complete?"

Xiao Hei: "You completed the mission of preventing An Chu Hua from becoming Fang Wang Yi's wife! Host, teach me your secrets! Accept Xiao Hei as your disciple. Too bad Xiao Hei did not witness it first hand!"

As Xiao Hei was rambling on, Ming Yue was in deep consideration. Hmmmm, how did she get Fang Wang Yi to not marry An Chu Hua?

Ming Yue: "Xiao Hei. Do you have sort of page that I can see the favorability levels of people to other people?"

Xiao Hei immediately paused. "Hehehehe, I think there was something that this. Hehehehe, I kind of… forgot to mention it."

Ming Yue really wanted to change systems. Her system is so unreliable.

#Xiao Hei is useless! Expensive cat up for adoption.#

Xiao Hei, at the moment, did not realize that his host was wondering how much she could earn if she sold him. If he did, he would have been bawling and clinging to his host.

Xiao Hei: "Host, I opened the menu. All you need to do is input the two names to see their favorability levels. 0-30 is wants to kill. 31-40 is dislike. 41-70 is cares about. 71-80 is wants to protect. 81-90 is love. 91-100 is love deeply and wants to marry or is already married. You can also see their impression towards the other."

Ming Yue, without wasting time, directly put in Wang Yi and Chu Hua's name.

Favorability Meter

Wang Yi -> Chu Hua

Points: -100

Impression: A freaking annoying person who disrupts time his lovey dovey time with his wife.

Ming Yue: Huh? He has a wife?

Favorability Meter

Chu Hua -> Wang Yi

Points: 89

Impression: So handsome! Let sister eat you up!

Ming Yue wanted to barf when she read Chu Hua's impression of Wang Yi. Not to mention, Xiao Hei who also read it was already in the bathroom, puking into the toilet. Ming Yue realized another problem. -100? Didn't Xiao Hei say the scale goes from 0-100? How come there is a -100? Oh well, who cares?

Since it was only 3 PM, she decided to look at Wang Yi's favorability level towards her. She inputted the names Wang Yi and Ming Yue.

Favorability Meter

Wang Yi -> Ming Yue

Points: 10000000000000000000000

Impression: WIFEY IS SO DAMN CUTE! She's mine! MINE!

Ming Yue was in shock. HUH? When did she become his wifey? How come she didn't know about this?

Xiao Hei, who just finished puking, came out and saw the favorability level, his mouth opened so wide that his cat chin almost touched the floor.


Ming Yue was also clueless.

"I might have kissed him for a dress." She mumbled softly, but still loud enough for Xiao Hei to hear.

Xiao Hei: "6666666. You only wanted a dress, but got a guy along with it? Wow!"

#Host is soooooo OP!#

Ming Yue just tossed it to the bottom of her head. Who cares? Not her.

She was planning on how to solve the other mission of protecting Huang family.

Ming Yue: Guess I will pay a visit today.

Once again, I changed my schedule to Mondays and Thursdays. Sorry to the readers looking forward to reading the updates. I just have too much school work to complete.

There will be a mass release when I finally get the Macbook my parents owed me from three years ago. They had promised to buy it for me in 2017, then 2018, and now 2019. They say it is guaranteed this year when the new school year starts.

Estimate Months: August-November

There will also be more frequent releases afterwards!!!!

Reborn_creators' thoughts