
CEO's Sweet Temptation 1.5

While Wang Yi was waiting for his kitten to come out, he had contacted Li Wei to close Sweet Dreams for the day and lock the doors. Since there was already no one here, it was an easy job for Li Wei. Wang Yi didn't want anyone to look at his wonderful kitten. She was only for him to look at.


After ten minutes, Ming Yue came out. Once again, for the nth time, Wang Yi was utterly enchanted by her.

The dress had perfectly hugged her small body and showcased her curves. The dress colors complimented Ming Yue's eyes beautifully and emphasized her snow white skin, making her seem so much more delicate. The image in front of him could bring out the tenderness in any man, but, in Wang Yi's mind, the only one showing tenderness to her can only be him.

Wang Yi: "Yue' er?"

Ming Yue: "Humm?"

Wang Yi: "May I take a picture of you to use as advertisement?"

Ming Yue thought for a while, but she decided why not. Wang Yi had been slapped in place of her, and he was gifting her an expensive dress for free, the least she could do was take a picture.

Ming Yue: "Sure."

Wang Yi immediately grabbed his phone.

As a jack of all trades, Ming Yue could model wonderfully. She posed in an angle that brought out her beauty even more.

Wang Yi was amazed. Hmmmm… it seemed like his kitten had many more secrets hidden.

He quickly took a picture. He sent it to Li Wei. In his mind, he was so not going to use this photo as advertisement, although it would indeed attract a lot of sales In his opinion, hiding his kitten was more important than money. He was a billionaire for a reason. It wasn't like he was lacking money. All he wanted to do was enlarge the picture into poster size and hang it on the ceiling, so that he would look at it every morning when he woke up.


Without him knowing, Ming Yue had already changed back into her original blue dress.

"The dress is so beautiful." Even though Ming Yue was the one who declined Wang Yi's offer, she was reluctant to part with such a beautiful dress.

Wang Yi could hear the longing in her voice and see it in her eyes.

He chuckled. "Since you can't accept it for free, why don't you do me another little favor?"

"Sure!" Ming Yue brightened at the thought of getting to bring such a nice dress home.

"Hmmm… how about you give me a kiss on my cheek?" Although he thought it wasn't possible, he wasn't going to let her go without at least trying to eat some of her tofu.

Unexpectedly, a soft and fragrant kiss was planted on his lips. He was shocked. Before he could savor the feeling and respond to it, the small lips on his lips moved away quickly. He stared at Ming Yue, who was blushing greatly.

"Since you promised, you cannot take it back." Ming Yue had considered the benefits before she kissed his lips. It was an expensive dress versus a kiss on cheek. She, herself, felt that a kiss on the cheek was too cheap, and she didn't want to risk him taking back the dress, so she kissed the lips instead. "You took my first kiss so this is fair."

Without waiting for Wang Yi's reply, she quickly dashed away with the dress. She didn't want him to change his mind.

Wang Yi saw it differently. He thought she had ran away because she was embarrassed to confess her love for him, so he took advantage of the chance.

Wang Yi: Hehehe! His kitten was so sly. Wait… FIRST KISS!  HE WAS HER FIRST KISS!

He was so extremely happy that he decided to hasten his plan to propose and marry his kitten. He called the company and gave the workers the rest of the day off. He was in a hurry to go print his kitten's picture and paste it on his ceiling AND frame it and put it on his office desk.

What Wang Yi didn't know was that his actions scared the employees sh*tless when they received the news.



Li Wei, on the other hand, had been receiving and answering calls from employees from his friend circle. Many of them were questioning the boss's sanity today.

Li Wei: What do you guys know? It is love. Love is in the air. Hehehehe. He had to report this news to Mother and Father Fang.

Finally Friday!!! So happy!!!!

Hope you enjoy today's release!!!!

Reborn_creators' thoughts