
Second Dimension Heart

Reborn as Arima Gendou (male protagonist of Your Lie in April), the twin brother of Aroma Kosei. Starting a wonderful life of battling against second dimension girls. PS: The original title of this book is "Against the Second Dimension", but I found the name a bit unpleasant, so I changed it to "Second Dimension Heart". Animes: "Your Lie in April" "Teacher Ero Manga" "The Wife of the Online Game Can't Be a Girl?" "Random Protagonist Development Plan" "The Pet Girl of Sakura Dormitory" "Summer Wind" "English is not my first language; This book is not mine! It's just a translation of a Chinese fanfic."

2Anjos · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 Transfer Student

Chapter 1 Transfer Student

April 1, 2017, sunny day, Tokyo Metropolis, Murasakigawa Municipal Middle School, 3rd Year Class 2, the bell rang at 8:40 a.m.

The students of this junior high school entered the school around this time, changed their shoes, and headed to their respective classrooms.

They all wore neat and handsome uniforms and entered the school with different moods.

Arima Kosei is also one of these junior high school students. At the age of fourteen, since stepping into the school, he has been a third-year junior high school student.

This year, he and his classmates and friends are all facing the future. They either find an ordinary high school, spend an ordinary high school life, then go to an ordinary university, and then live an ordinary life; or do something else.

Arima Kosei was very confused, and this confusion has been lingering in his mind since his mother died three years ago.

Originally, he was also a so-called genius, with extraordinary piano talent, envied and jealous by some people, and called "human metronome." He thought he would continue to follow that trajectory and live as his mother hoped.

And in that year when he was eleven years old, just before participating in a competition that could take him to the European music circle, a tragedy struck.

His mother became seriously ill and passed away.

He used to think that his mother was not in good health, but it turned out that it was his mother's way of concealing her illness. She didn't want her child to know everything and worry about her.

But this kindness made Arima Kosei, who was suddenly hit by the event, collapse. He found that he couldn't hear the sound of the piano when he played it.

However, the tragedy didn't end there. His twin brother, Arima Gendou, couldn't bear the blow of their mother's death and lost his memory.

His father took his brother away from their hometown. His father said that his brother would feel unbearable headaches when he saw their home, so they went to another place for his brother's treatment and amnesia.

Arima Kosei sensibly let his father take his brother away without crying or making a fuss, which was distressing. His father also suggested taking him away, but Arima Kosei refused to leave because he couldn't bear to part with his friends and the traces of his mother here.

His mother left, his father left, his brother left, and Arima Kosei has been living alone in this so-called big city ever since. And his father puts a lot of money into his card every month to prevent him from suffering in this regard.

In his phone calls to his father when he was young, Arima Kosei also said that he could manage alone, so his father didn't have to worry.

But how could this series of blows dissipate so quickly? Since that day, Arima Kosei has never played the piano again.

It's been three years now, thanks to the help of friends, he has managed to get through the most difficult times, although his world is still dark.

"Kosei!!" A crisp and energetic voice sounded behind Arima Kosei, who turned around to see a short-haired girl rushing towards him.

Although she had delicate facial features and a tall figure, her behavior could be described as tomboyish!

"What are you thinking! It's time for class, hurry up and go change your shoes!" Tsubaki Sawabe, as usual, patted Arima Kosei's head and urged him to hurry up.

Arima Kosei wasn't annoyed either, he smoothed out his hair messed up by the other party, adjusted his glasses, and followed her to his own class.

After all, she was one of his best friends!

"Hey! Kosei! Good morning!" A hand on his shoulder, Arima Kosei didn't turn around, listening to the lively voice, he knew it was his other best friend, Watari Ryōta.

"Ryota, good morning!"

After exchanging greetings, the three of them walked to the classroom together. Watari Ryōta and Arima Kosei were in the same class, both in Class 2 of the third year, while Tsubaki Sawabe was in Class 1 of the third year.

When they saw the class distribution list, Tsubaki Sawabe complained for a while about why the two of them could be in the same class while she was in the next class.

Anyway, they were close, and they could see each other during breaks!

Arima Kosei and Watari Ryōta sat down in their respective seats amidst a bunch of greetings and also started eating breakfast.

It was now a little after 8:40, and there were still ten minutes before the homeroom meeting, the usual ten minutes of admonishment and notices, and the homeroom teacher would also explain what would happen today.

After that, there would be three classes, each fifty minutes long, with two ten-minute breaks in between. Then, at 12:50, it would be time for lunch and nap.

Today was the first day of school, so there shouldn't be anything too difficult! Arima Kosei thought like an ordinary student while eating breakfast.

His grades weren't very good, but they weren't bad either, ranking somewhere in the middle of the class. For him, studying was still a challenging thing.

At 8:50, the homeroom teacher walked in very punctually, "Good morning, everyone, a new semester, and here we are again!"

The class distribution was based on exam scores in the second year, so he also knew this homeroom teacher from the second year.

The homeroom teacher talked a lot on the platform, mostly urging the students to study hard and strive for their ideal high school.

Of course, there were also admonitions for those in love, reminding them to study hard. Otherwise, if your girlfriend goes to a good high school and you can only go to school elsewhere, isn't that a pitiful thing?

Such words indeed motivated many who were already 'settled down', and they all vowed to go to the same high school as their partners.

However, such words were of no use to Arima Kosei. Although he had a handsome appearance, his somewhat dark personality developed over the years and a pair of black-framed glasses lowered his image by several levels. So, he didn't have a girlfriend, only a female friend, his childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe.

Unlike him, both of his friends were very popular. Tsubaki Sawabe was the main player of the baseball team, and although she was a bit of a tomboy, she was still admired by many.

As for the other friend, Watari Ryōta was even more remarkable. He was the star player of the soccer team, very popular throughout the school. Handsome, with a good personality, good grades, and good at sports, these were all the criteria by whichstudents judged others during their school days. How could Watari Ryōta, who excelled in all aspects, not be popular?

Although both friends were so outstanding, Aroma Kosei didn't feel jealous. He knew his shortcomings but couldn't change them, so he just accepted them.

Apart from these two childhood friends, he didn't have many friends left. He didn't care about the others; as long as his two best friends were by his side, it was enough.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the homeroom teacher cleared his throat, saying, "Students, most of you in the class already know each other, after all, it's the same school! But today, we have a new student in our class, who transferred from another place."

"Come in quickly and introduce yourself!" The homeroom teacher waved towards the door, and almost all the students turned to look at the entrance. Although it was Kyoto, Murasakigawa district was relatively remote, so there were few transfers.

Under everyone's eager gaze, a handsome and adorable boy in uniform walked in.

His steps were light, but not casual, giving people a feeling that "he's in a good mood," and his black short hair swayed slightly with his steps.

Walking to the platform, facing everyone's eyes, he said without any timidity, "Hello, everyone, I'm Arima Gendou, 14 years old. I'll be spending the next year together with you all. Please take care of me!"

After speaking, he bowed gently, his eyes staring straight at the second-to-last row on the right, causing Arima Kosei's mouth to gape in surprise.

Because of the eye contact between the two, others also noticed this unusual scene.

"This new student is so handsome! And it seems like he has a good personality too. He must be a high-quality handsome guy!"

"But why does he look so much like Arima Kosei? Huh!! One's named Arima Gendou, and the other is Arima Kosei. Could it be that they're related??"

Seemingly hearing everyone's doubts, Arima Gendou smiled slightly on the platform and said generously, "Well, you're not wrong! I am indeed Arima Kosei's twin brother."

Saying so, he lifted the bag in his hand, came to the seat mentioned to the homeroom teacher earlier, the protagonist's special seat in the last row by the window.

Putting down his bag, he walked up to Arima Kosei, who was still somewhat dumbfounded, took off his glasses, and pulled his head over to press it against his own, saying, "Look! Aren't we identical!"

"Really! So Arima Kosei is this handsome!""Yeah! Yeah! But his twin brother is even more handsome!" "Hmm, his temperament is even better! Although they're twins, Aroma Kosei's temperament is a bit inferior."

"Okay okay! Stop messing around! Sit down, class is about to start, and if you have anything, wait until after class!" Seeing the chaos, the homeroom teacher on the platform quickly stopped them.

At this moment, Arima Kosei also reacted, pushing Arima Gendou's arm away, letting him sit back in his seat, and he also sat in his own seat.

"Aren't you supposed to come back in a while?" Arima Kosei turned his head slightly, trying to suppress his excitement. From his expression, it was clear that he was very excited.

"I just wanted to surprise my dear brother!"

"Uh, I think it's more of a shock!" Arima Kosei was speechless; he could foresee that his peaceful life was about to be disrupted.

The protagonist is Arima Gendou...

*The end.*