
09: LIE

Andien is still taken aback by her lover's actions. Her eyes followed Dirga's movements, but her mouth hadn't yet closed completely, surprised by the small kiss Dirga frequently gave her when they were together.

'Wow, that was done on purpose!'

Arga cleared her throat, her voice interrupted Andien's daydream.

Andien returned her gaze to Arga's black irises, where anger remained visible, and his jaw was stiff as if he was holding back various curses. Meanwhile, Andien struggled to maintain an innocent expression.

The waiter arrived just as Arga was about to say something else. Andien pretended to focus on the Honey Glazed Grilled Chicken and Caramel Latte she ordered as soon as the dishes were placed in front of her.

Meanwhile, seeing the behavior of the man he didn't know earlier to Andien had really messed up Arga's eating mood. Especially given Andien's lack of interest in discussing what had occurred. Chili Beef with Rice and Iced Cold Brew, which is usually his favorite, looks unappetizing.

"Why don't you eat, Ga?" Andien inquired.

Sarcastically, Arga snorted.

"Do you think I'll be able to eat after the live broadcast?"

Andien tried to remain calm. She doesn't want to deal with Arga's annoyance. She realizes Arga must be in shock because she is also in shock! But she couldn't blame Dirga either. Which man would allow his lover to meet another man? It's still a good thing Dirga didn't shout their relationship status.

"First, eat. No matter how angry we are, we must not vent our frustrations out on food. Besides, we won't be able to think clearly if our stomachs are burning from hunger, "Andien stated.

Arga took a sip of his Iced Cold Brew to try to relax. In his mind, he realized there was no special relationship between him and Andien, at least not yet. Unfortunately, his heart and mind were still out of sync, and his heart was still burning with jealousy. Arga took a bite of the food in front of him, which he found unappealing.

Andien occasionally glanced over at Dirga and Ian's table. Ian appeared to be fixated on the sheets of paper in front of him, while Dirga appeared to be explaining the contents of the sheets.

"Who is he?" Arga inquired curtly. He gave up and put away the dish he had ordered.

"As you can see. My boyfriend."

"Shit! Keinara Andieni! Are you kidding me? "Arga is enraged.

Dirga, who had also heard the man's rising voice, spontaneously stood up. Ian took Dirga's wrist in his hands, looked at Andien for a moment, and then said "Take it easy, man! Andien maintains her cool when dealing with that person. If he messes with her, I'll make sure he spends the night in jail!"

Andien had finished her meal. Don't blame her for overeating when her emotions are aroused. She turned her gaze to the man she loved, and saw him standing in rage - Andien then moved her lips silently 'I'm ok!' while gesticulating by bringing her thumb and forefinger together to form the letter O, then nodded slowly and smiled. Dirga relaxed and sat back in his chair.

"We're not going to talk about my relationship with him, Ga," Andien said flatly as she returned to Arga.

"But your demeanor and response are sufficient to explain what you're about to tell me!" Arga responded angrily.

Andien inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, closed her eyes, and massaged her temples. Don't ask how Dirga feels right now; if Ian hadn't held his wrist, Dirga might have challenged Arga to a fight because of his lover's pale face in front of the man.

"Arga... Can you not corner me with your words like that? Give me a chance to explain the problem, and besides, I told you right from the start, there is no 'us' anymore." Andien resumed the conversation as gently as she could.

"All right, give me your reason; I know you can't possibly use him as a shield to reject me."

"Because I'm a woman who will only make you uncomfortable with my often cornering attitude."

Arga didn't understand Andien's words, and his forehead furrowed to the point where his brows knitted together, indicating how hard he was thinking.

"Oh, in case you forgot, that's why you dumped me." With a smile, Andien explained.

But that smile was like an arrow through Arga's heart. Even Arga had forgotten the reason he had broken up with Andien at the time. Yes, a far-fetched reason.

"Life is funny, isn't it? It hurts me to remember everything, while you who hurt me can't even remember what you said! Even then, you didn't give me a chance to speak. Oh, and you broke up with me over the phone! I should have listened to Dirga's advice earlier; there's no need to meet you; just call and everything is done between us!" Andien remarked wryly.

Arga remains silent, attempting to reopen his memories. Fail. The only thing he remembers is breaking up with the beautiful woman in front of him on the phone. He was such a coward back then.

Arga inhaled deeply, held the air in his lungs, and exhaled slowly. He had no idea Andien would bring up their past, which he had forgotten about. He had never considered that the phrase "women are historians" was not a figment.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I couldn't handle a long-distance relationship at the time."

"Hah! Even now, you refuse to admit why you dumped me in such a manner."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Oh, you forgot to mention that you married your mistress?"

'It's as if a bomb went off in Arga's head.'

Arga bowed his head languidly, afraid to speak. 'How did she find out?' he wondered.

"Do you want to know where I got that information?" Andien spoke as if speaking the contents of Arga's mind.

"You ever told Arini - our high school friend, too, if you forget - that we broke up, even though we haven't broken up at all. Except for the fact that you've been avoiding me since our graduation without telling me what's wrong."

Andien tried to control her breathing before continuing her sentence.

"I tried to contact you after hearing that from Arini, but you really don't care about me." I eventually called your best friend, Bara. I said I'd go to Bandung to look for you. I requested your address from him. Perhaps he feels sorry for me, or perhaps he wants to protect you from my later whining, so he tells me everything he knows so I don't have to look for you in Bandung. You already have another girl, he said. So I've concluded that you're cheating on me!

"Unfortunately, you immediately called me the next night." You didn't give me a chance to speak before breaking up with me for a ridiculous reason."

Both fell silent. They just stare at the drink that is still served in front of each. Andien was busy with her annoyance. Arga is busy cursing his behavior in the past.

"If what you say is true, you can't live a long-distance relationship, you should have broken me up first, Ga. Then you could start dating another girl. Besides, you've been avoiding me since we graduated, not since you were in Bandung, which means you've never thought of me since we graduated from high school, I'm nothing to you. You don't realize what impact you have left on me, right?

"I don't think I'll ever be able to love properly after the unpleasant accusations you level at me." I'm afraid of someone who loves me and avoids him. And when I'm annoyed with my boyfriend, I'm not afraid to be rude to him. I even dared to curse him openly.

"I feel inferiority, I don't deserve to be loved, and it's all because of what you say!" Do you want to know why I chose my late husband? Simple, because he was unconcerned about my inferiority. He made me believe that I'm not a suck girl as you accuse me of, the way he loved me restored my confidence!"

Unknowingly, tears are streaming from Andien's eyes.

'Bad move, Arga! 'Bad move!' Arga reflected himself.

"So, that's why you're refusing to consider my good intentions to marry you?" Arga finally forced himself to speak, even though it felt like a piece of glass was stuck in his throat.

"I'm sorry, Kei..." Arga murmured.

He understands how difficult it is to soften Andien's heart in order to forgive him.

"I forgive you." Isn't it true that I've still accepted you as a friend after all this time? But I won't be able to live with you, Arga. A lifetime will seem excessively long. It would be detrimental to both of us."


"I can't imagine there being trouble in our midst one day and you just keeping me away."

"Kei, we're 35 years old, and it happened right after we graduated high school," Arga murmured.

"I'm not accusing you of being like that anymore. The issue is with me. Your attitude had previously traumatized me. And seeing you ask me to marry you only reminded me of that old incident. Do I have to be scared like this for the rest of my life if I marry you?"


Arga couldn't keep the tears from welling up in his two eyes. His chest was constricted. Shortness of breath as a result of Andien's rejection and guilt.

"Just one more thing. I'm trying really hard not to go back to my ex again. You are no exception. Do you understand why? Because of the ex's status, that means we have failed to resolve issues in our relationship. As I previously stated, if the relationship is brought back, that failure will haunt me, and I will not allow it to interfere with my happiness." Andien resumed her speech.

Arga had had enough. He was well aware that he was mistaken. Cheating, lying, and even destroying the trust of a girl who once genuinely loved him.

"I understand," Arga said weakly. He couldn't even finish his sentence because his throat was choking.

"I'm so sorry, Kei!" was all he could manage to say.

"Then I can leave you now, right?" said Andien, taking a deep breath. Andien inquired, she doesn't want to stay any longer with her ex.

Arga raised his head which had been languidly bowed.

"But, Kei, do you forgive me?" Can't we still be friends?

"Of course!" Andien responded briefly.

She took her wallet from her bag, intending to pay for the food she had ordered.

"Don't be concerned, Kei. I'll just pay for everything. Kei, please don't be like this. You really tickle my ego by pulling out your wallet in that manner." Arga objected.

"I'm sorry," Andien said softly.

"You're the one who keeps apologizing now!" Arga chuckled. They shared a laugh.

"I'll go first, Kei. Once again, I hope you will forgive me. And please convey my greetings to your boyfriend, who has been staring at me like a starving lion!"