
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 14

Kojiro watched as Agnes sat up. While the potion didn't cure everything it was enough for her to get moving for a bit. Seol was there as well, guess he also had a spot for Agnes. "Be careful of snipers."

Kojiro nodded as he prepared himself for the rescue mission.


The tree he slept in was strangely quite comfortable and strangely soft? Seol tapped him awake as they got ready. Ian activated the spell as Kojiro felt a yanking as darkness took hold over him.

"Is everyone alright?"

Someone whispered from close by. The voice belonged to Ian. Kojiro nodded as he observed the surroundings.

The first thing he saw was a wall. More specifically, an ancient ash-grey wall coated in a thick layer of dust. He hurriedly scanned his vicinity. Heavens seemed to have blessed them because he couldn't see a single Parasite.

"Looks like this place hasn't been discovered yet."

Mary Rhine whispered in a low voice. She was the Level 4 Priest accompanying the team; she also happened to be a member of the organisation that the Level 6 Imperial Knight Erica Lawrence was the leader of. She owed her leader a big debt once upon a time, so she volunteered to become a part of the rescue team the moment she heard of the news.

"Very good. Looks like we don't have to worry about staying hidden or escaping from here. Let's get started right away."

Ian urged the team. The sand had begun trickling down in the hourglass as soon as the magic circle was activated. They couldn't afford to waste one minute or even one second now.

Kojiro followed behind to make sure everything was fine, he would could cover ground faster and be harder to detect by the parasites thanks to his newly attained [Presence Concealment] (Intermediate) but he was mainly here to make sure everything went off without a hitch. Kazuki listened through the door as Kojiro asked "How many?" He needed to know "Too many" Seol brought out the radium but Kojiro tilted his blade to stop him.

"We'll possible need it later on. I'll take care of it. Open the door and hide."

Everyone edged as low and close to the walls as possible as the door opened enough just to let Kojiro through. His very presence disappeared, it was a byproduct of training the Tsubame Gaeshi. By letting go and making his existence as transparent as his intent, he had obtained something a cheap imitation of invisibility.

Everyone heard blood splatter within seconds as all the orcs within the room were dead. Kojiro quickly moved back as he whispered "I'm going to hasten up a bit, you guys deal with it, it's not a pleasant sight either."

Kojiro quickly flickered as he rushed through every room and opened every door to find and rescue the main targets. He soon however opened a damp and dark door lightened with only a few oil lamps. A woman's voice screamed "You might as well just kill me already!" The room looked like a torture chamber as Kojiro chuckled and that only caused the woman to be even more mad.

"You think this is funny? I'll kill myself if you don't do that."

She thrashed until she recognised the smooth voice. "I never knew the princess had such a personality. What is up with the women I meet? You have a priestess who swears every few seconds and now a princess without any class."

Teresa looked at him with hope in her eyes. "Kojiro! Wait why aren't you doing anything?" Kojiro mused "I thought you wanted to die?" Teresa tried to bite him "It was for the orc not for you dumbass." Kojiro smirked having won this round as the Monohoshizao cut through the chains with ease.

Kojiro produced a cloth as Teresa fell down he quickly wrapped it with grace as he slung her onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. All of a sudden the princess gained new vigour as she thrashed and hit him. "You would carry a princess like this?" Kojiro stared at her "I'll carry you like a princess when you start acting like one. Instead why are you so brutish?" Another hit from her cause Kojiro to sigh as he switched to a princess carry.

"Is this fine for you your majesty?" A light mocking tone came as she punched him in the chest before pouting. He quickly ran at a speed rushing from door to door as he soon met up with orcs. Since the princess required a princess carry then she would have to be thrown in favour of killing the orcs.

Teresa found herself chucked high in the air as she screamed "I'll beat you later Kojiro!" Kojiro smirked "You can try princess."

"Hiken- Tsubame Mure!"

In an instant all the orcs had been cut down as he placed the Monohoshizao into its scabbard before continuing on his murder streak. Teresa watched as someone stronger than Seol and yet treated her as nothing but an annoying woman like one would find in any area. It was a different experience to say the least. His swordsmanship was elegant and made no wasted movements.

She wasn't going to admit it but she was charmed by this idiot who only thought about his swordsmanship. Yet he went out of his way to come be a part of the rescue mission he didn't need to.

Kojiro of course was completely oblivious as he simply thought that women are strange creatures. An orc roared in the distance as several other orcs soon gathered. "FIND THE CAPTIVE!"

Instantly many orcs gathered as they surrounded him. Kojiro could only use Tsubame Mure under the condition that he could see every target in order to get a clean instant death. Yet it was dark and he did not know how many would be left. It would definitely take up the last bit of time that he needed.

He reluctantly spoke into the communicator crystal. "You guys go on ahead. I've secured miss pink hair." I'll get there eventually, it's a pain but I guarantee I'll get back to Haramark, I have only one favour. Make sure that the temple's courtyard is clean."

Kojiro placed the princess down as he unsheathed the Monohoshizao. "Princess I need you to stay in one place lest I cut your head as well." There had got to be at least one hundred orcs.

The voices responded "Hear you loud and clear. We'll personally make sure your temple is clean." It was Seol and Chohong's voice. Kojiro smiled "At least I have assurance. Now to deal with the annoyances."

Kojiro sighed as he took a stance. The princess watched as a wave of mana blew off of him as he took his stance.

[!] [Fade Out]

[All mental and physical ailments will be removed.]

[Enemies will be weakened with each strike]

[Enemies will now be weaker to critical hits.]

[Critical hit chance increased]

[!] [Sense of Subtle Elegance]

[Hit guaranteed within range, Critical hit damage and chance increased]

[Damage inflicted increased]

[!] [Mind's Eye]

[Future Prediction activated]

[Sixth Sense enabled]

[Critical Chances doubled]

[Evasion chances greatly increased]

A/N: Hit me with those power stones. We need grind to the top.