
Second Chance: Summon System

A man from modern day earth gets killed by Truck-sama and his soul transmigrates to another world. His soul merges with the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. A summoning system appears to help him survive this dangerous new world. Summons can be anything from tvshows, movies, books, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc. feel free to give me summon ideas in the discord https://discord.gg/JhVeZn5 If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 1 chapter ahead at chapter 90. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapters for patrons today.


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I thank you for the power stones and reward you with a riddle. Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.

Present in sun, but not in rain,

Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.

What is it? Enjoy the chapter!)

After years of waiting, my order of assassins was finally up and running. Souei has been taking in orphans from all over the Fortis kingdom. We required too many orphans, so I had a training camp built in a hidden area of the forest near Sena. The people that built the camp had the knowledge of it erased from their minds by Souei. I can't have my secret assassin orders training camps location leaked to any enemies. Clones are stationed at the camp training and indoctrinating the children into perfect killing machines.

Of course, the children aren't treated badly. They are fed regularly and treated fairly well, as I didn't want to be compared to Danzo from Naruto. They have 4 hours of school a day followed by 3 hours of training, and the children have no school on the weekends. I wasn't sure if I should include schooling in the camp, but I thought that every child should go to school. Due to the secrecy behind the order and the camp itself, Souei is their teacher, lunch lady, janitor, principal, trainer, etc. He handles everything with clones.

Speaking of clones, because Rem is my personal maid and the principal of Sena college, She can't be in both places at once so I bought her the cloning ability. She needed it and it was a smart purchase, I think.

Back to the Camp, Michelina and Oliver have already graduated camp and have become the right and left hand of Souei. In fact, they were the first two people to graduate. Oliver's control of his darkness attribute is amazing. Souei says that Oliver has the best control of any human he has seen since being summoned here. As for Michelina, she is Oliver's complete opposite. Her control over her space attribute is horrible. She's kind of like Naruto. She has amazing power but taking control of it is a lot harder for her. If she had a normal attribute, I do not doubt that she would have perfect control of it. Attributes like space are harder to get under control. Which is the reason I wasn't disappointed with having fire attribute. If I got something crazy like time or space, I would be having a lot of trouble with it like Michelina.


Oh, I almost forgot to mention my date with Rem. The day after the tournament ended, Rem and I went out on our first date. At first, she was going to wear her maid outfit on the date, but I told her to change into normal clothes. We weren't going on a date as master and servant. We were going as a man and a woman, so I sent her back to her room to change. After a few moments of waiting, she comes back wearing clothes that don't fit her.

"Who's clothes are you wearing?" I ask as I inspected her outfit.

"One of the maids lent me their clothes." She says as she looks down at her clothes.

"Do you not have any normal clothes?" I ask with a hint of disbelief in my voice.

"Well, I never needed normal clothes until now, so I didn't bother getting any." She says with a small frown on her face.

"Alright, now I know our first destination." I say as we walk to the carriage.

"Where?" She asked as we hop in our ride.

"To go clothing shopping of course." I announce and we drive out of the gates.

First, we went shopping for clothes since she needed some. We went from store to store and picked out clothes that looked good on us. I'm not a huge fan of the type of clothing people wear here. Which is why I didn't buy that much. I did get some nice black suede boots that Rem picked out for me though. Rem would show off each outfit she picked out for me to comment on. I was as honest as I could be with her, but she seemed to take the opposite of whatever advice I gave. For example, I would say blue looked good, but in the end, she would choose red. Do I have bad fashion sense or does she?

When we were finished shopping, I had Souei teleport the clothes home. She bought enough clothes to fill her closet and then some. I only bought a few things for myself. After our shopping trip, it was lunchtime so we went to a restaurant this time. I didn't feel like cooking, so it seemed like the right choice. I wanted to go somewhere nice, so we went to a club/restaurant that I know a lot of Nobles like. When we arrived, the guards secured the area and we went straight in.

"Welcome, Your Highness. It's an honor to have you attend Club Clava." A beautiful hostess greets me as we enter.

"Yes, I've heard a lot of good things about this place. Hopefully, it lives up to the rumors." I say casually as I examine the place. The first floor was packed with customers dining and chatting.

"I'm sure we will exceed your expectations, Your Highness. Would you and your date please follow me to the VIP section?" She says and leads us up a flight of stairs and into a less crowded floor.

The room was filled with high-level people from the kingdom. Nobles, merchants, and a bunch of wealthy customers. After being seated and browsing the menu, we both ordered and received our food. The food was mediocre at best, but to the standards of this world, it's 5-star quality. I can't wait until my recipes spread and people can learn what good food tastes like. Maybe I'll open my own restaurant, or buy this one and just teach the chefs how to cook. Oh, that's a good idea!

"Excuse me, miss?" I asked our waitress as she passed our table.

"Yes, Your Highness?" She responded.

"Can you tell the owner that I would like a word with him?"

"Right away, Your Highness." She says and practically runs away with a frightened expression.

'Does she think I want to complain? Well, if this was a restaurant back on earth, I would definitely complain.'


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