
Second Chance: Summon System

A man from modern day earth gets killed by Truck-sama and his soul transmigrates to another world. His soul merges with the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. A summoning system appears to help him survive this dangerous new world. Summons can be anything from tvshows, movies, books, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc. feel free to give me summon ideas in the discord https://discord.gg/JhVeZn5 If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

C85 Tournament Finale (2)

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 1 chapter ahead at chapter 86. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapters for patrons today.


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Thanks for your power stones as always. Here is another riddle. You walk up to a mountain that has two paths. One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever. Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask them only one question. Except! One lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. So, What do you ask? Enjoy the chapter!)

When Delilah came to the conclusion that her opponent is stronger than her, she went into denial almost immediately. How could this person be stronger than her? After all, she's a higher rank than him. With this newfound conclusion, Delilah starts her assault once again. As the water armor flows around her enhancing all of her movements, she throws another of attacks at Souei. Punches, kicks, etc. she was like a rabid animal attacking its prey. Except this prey is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Souei kept dodging every attack with the ease of someone fighting a child.

Seeing that her close-range attacks aren't working, Delilah dashes backward putting as much space between her and Souei as she could. Souei just stands there and allows her to move away.

"You're fast. I'll give you that, but let's see how long you can dodge for!" Delilah exclaims as hundreds of thousands of weapons made of water appear behind and above her.

Swords, axes, spears, etc. weapons of every kind floated all around. Every single one of them aimed directly at Souei waiting for Delilah's command to move forward and attack. Souei merely stares at the weapons with a look of boredom. This causes Delilah to get angrier and angrier. Souei's attitude has caused her to think that her opponent isn't taking this seriously. Of course, he isn't. Why would he take a fight against someone so weak seriously in the first place?

"Since you aren't taking this seriously, don't blame me if you die!" Delilah yells angrily as the weapons around her launcher themselves at Souei faster than human eyes could follow.

As the weapons fly forward, Souei doesn't even flinch as the shadows around him begin to move. They sway and begging to be pulled to Souei's direction. The shadows begin to form a whip that could itself around Souei. When the water weapons get within range of Souei, the whip coiled around him strikes out and deflects them one by one. The whip moves even faster than Delilah's weapons as it works overtime to protect Souei. Throughout this whole exchange, Souei hasn't moved an inch or changed his bored expression.

After a minute or so, Every single weapon that Delilah conjured has been deflected and turned into puddles on the ground. Delilah could do nothing but stand there with her mouth wide open in shock. Meanwhile, Souei still hasn't moved a single inch from where he stood and is still sporting that same old bored expression.

"Master said to not end the match too soon. The crowd came to see a show, after all. I'll give you one more chance to throw whatever attack you can think of at me. After that, I will end the match." Souei says casually.

"You really are stronger than me aren't you? I don't know where the prince found you, but that must have been the luckiest moment of his life." Delilah says as she looks between my balcony and Souei. "Close range doesn't work. Long-range doesn't work. I'm just going to throw everything I have left at you and hope something lands."

As she says this, the water on the ground begins to stir and form into the same wolf that she used against granny. The wolf absorbs her the same as before. From her new position inside the wolf's head, Delilah conjures hundreds of thousands of water weapons that now float around the wolf. She isn't done yet as the water around the wolf forms into a sort of wolf shaped armor. I guess she's trying to enhance the wolf's movements the same way she did her own.

It was truly an amazing sight to see. A giant wolf covered in water armor with hundreds of thousands of weapons surrounding it. Delilah has definitely outdone herself this time. I mean it when I say that because she looks like she's about to pass out. Due to using so much of her magic reserves, she is bordering on the state of consciousness. Delilahs seems to be powering through and keeping herself awake by making the water around her cold. With the cold water keeping her awake, she will hopefully stay awake until the end of this last attack.

"Truly impressive for a human. You are without a doubt the strongest human that I have faced thus far." Souei says with a modicum of respect in his voice.

Delilah can't answer due to her being submerged in water, but I could tell that she heard what Souei said. The assault started with the weapons and just like before Souei started deflecting them with ease. As the weapons turreted themselves at Souei, the armored wolf dashed forward with the swiftness of a beast a quarter of its size. When the wolf appeared in front of Souei, it swiped its huge front paw at him with amazing speed. Souei finally had to start dodging, but when he dodged to the right a flurry of weapons were already there and waiting. The whip around his body easily smacked them away though.

This didn't deter the wolf one bit as it pressed on with its attack and pounced at Souei yet again. This time it opened its huge jaws and snapped forward trying to bit Souei. Before the wolf's tests could touch his body, Souei kicks off the ground and into the air. He lands directly on the wolf's snout balancing himself perfectly. From his position on the wolf, Souei stared directly at Delilah as if waiting for her to make the next move. Delilah panics a bit and sends a flurry of weapons hurling at Souei's back. A small smile twitches at Souei's lips as he simply lets himself fall off the wolf's snout.

The weapons that were once aimed at Souei's back are now aimed at the wolf's face. Before Delilah could process this, the weapons stabbed into the wolf's head. Some came very close to hitting Delilah herself. How embarrassing would it be if she was hit by her own attack? I'm sure that It's already embarrassing that the attack hit her wolf construct. The crowd laughs and cheers at Souei's little stunt. This continued for a while until Delilah ran out of weapons and was only left with her wolf.

"Well, this has been enjoyable, but I will have to end it here." Souei says as he suddenly disappeared.

Souei then appears floating in front of the wolf's head. He pulls back his hand and slaps the wolf on its nose. The water wolf construct shakes for a moment as the crowd watches on in anticipation. For a moment everyone thought that Souei's attack failed, but suddenly the water wolf falls apart and turns to normal water. The water cascades to the ground along with Delilah. Without any more magic or strength left in her body, Delilah hits the ground pretty hard and doesn't get back up.

Seeing that she isn't getting back up, Nova teleports me into the arena. I check to see if she's awake and see that she's knocked out cold. I signal to the medics to come to the arena and address the crowd.

"Lady's and gentlemen, the strongest has been decided! The winner of the first Fortis Kingdom National Tournament is Souei!"


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