
Second Chance: Summon System

A man from modern day earth gets killed by Truck-sama and his soul transmigrates to another world. His soul merges with the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. A summoning system appears to help him survive this dangerous new world. Summons can be anything from tvshows, movies, books, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc. feel free to give me summon ideas in the discord https://discord.gg/JhVeZn5 If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

C80 [Clickbait Chapter name]

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 1 chapter ahead at chapter 81. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapters for patrons today.


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Grace me with thine power stones! Oh, and here is another question. What's the most imaginative insult you can come up with? Enjoy the chapter!)

The dragon's neck glows blindingly bright and bursts in a fiery explosion. The explosion blinds everyone in the audience for a moment, and the barrier protecting the audience starts cracking all over. The giant transparent dome around the arena looks has spider web cracks throughout every inch of its surface. When my vision cleared, I was seeing spots from the bright flash and my ears were ringing. The audience seemed to be in the same position as me. After opening their eyes, everyone was squinting their eyes and holding their ears.

Turning my attention to the arena again, both of the elemental constructs have disappeared completely. Although each of them has left their mark on the arena. The brick floor near Amelia is singed and crispy, and the floor near Delilah is flooded with water.

Speaking of our contestants, both of them are standing about twenty feet from one another. Although, both Amelia and Delilah are not unscathed. That explosion was strong enough to crack the barriers that I was told would hold against rank 90s. Both sides are covered in bruises and cuts. Blood is leaking from their noses, ears, and mouths. Let's just say that that explosion was really strong.

"Tell the mages to pump more magic into the shield. Make sure the backup mages are ready in case the current ones run out of magic. We can't have the shields fail and innocent civilians getting hurt or killed." I call out to a servant that rushes away to deliver my message.

"Fast thinking, son. I was about to order the same thing. You beat me to it. That's a quality of a good king." My father says with a proud smile.

"Hehe, of course, my son will be the perfect king." My mother says happily.

Back in the arena, both sides seem to be taking a moment to get used to their injuries. When that moment ends, each side once again summons their element. The inside of the arena shield is filled with weapons made of fire and water. The two sides of the arena are split into two sides. Water and fire. The weapons range from any sharp weapon you could think of. I think I've seen a few giant hammers in there as well.

The weapons float forward as if they were being held by invisible ghosts. The elemental weapons dash towards each contestant and try to attack their opponent. Each side tries to block the other as the weapons start intercepting one another. Flame evaporated water and water puts out fire throughout the arena. When one side runs out of firepower, they simply conjure more.

The first to land a hit is my grandmother. My guess is because fire doesn't weigh anything, granny could move it faster than Delilah. Delilah is slashed on the chest by a sword, but the wound does t seem to be too deep. She must have stepped back slightly as the attack happened. Blood leaks from her chest as Delilah cry's out in pain. Noticing her injury, Delilah conjures water to cover her wound. The water doesn't accept any other substance mixing with it and makes an airtight seal around her skin. This stops the bleeding completely and keeps her in the game.

Seeing that Delilah isn't going to win this speed game, she switches it up and covers herself in water. The water wraps around her body like a thin suit of armor. Delilah then dashed forward at a speed a mage should never have. This burst of speed takes Amelia by surprise as Delilah appears in front of her. Granny is then sent flying across the arena by a kick to the ribs. She skids across the ground like a rock skipping across the surface of the lake. When Amelia finally stops, she doesn't move and lay sprawled out on the floor.

"Do you like my new form?" Delilah asks with an evil smile on her face. "I knew I would need something new to beat you, so I came up with this nifty move. It came to me when I wondered if I could mimic the powers of a fighter. I didn't fully master it until last month, and god am I glad that I did. Just that single attack I landed on you has made all of my hard work worthwhile." She says as she saunters over to Amelia prone position.

"*cough* Yeah, it was really good." Amelia says as she shakily starts standing. "How does it work?"

"Oh, you're still awake." Delilah says with dissatisfaction evident in her voice. "I thought I won already."

"Is it something like this?" Amelia says as fire twirls around her body.

The fire forms into a set of armor similar to Delilahs. She takes a step with her new armor and it fizzles out.

"Haha, did you think that you could just copy me? This took me over a year to perfect." Delilah says as she once again dashed at Amelia.

With water flowing around her body, Delilah slams her fist into Amelia's face and send her crashing to the ground. The ground slightly cracks as granny hits the ground hard.

"You may be skilled but you aren't that skilled." Delilah taunts as Amelia once again stands with wobbly legs.

Amelia has broken ribs from the initial attack and now she has a broken nose from the last punch to the face she took. Not to mention whatever internal injury they both received from that accidental explosion.

"If that isn't it, then it must be like this." Amelia says as once again fire dances around her body.

The flames take the shape of a set of armor the same as before.

"Just stop trying. You're not going to be able to copy it that easily." Delilah says offhandedly.

As soon as Delilah finished her sentence, Amelia disappeared in a flash of pure speed. She moved at a speed faster than the human eye could follow and appeared in front of her opponent. The next second, Delilah is sent across the arena and hits the shield with a resounding crack. Speaking of cracks, they started forming again around the area her body hit.

"Huh, so that's how it works." Granny said as she examines her new fire armor.


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