
Second Chance: Summon System

A man from modern day earth gets killed by Truck-sama and his soul transmigrates to another world. His soul merges with the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. A summoning system appears to help him survive this dangerous new world. Summons can be anything from tvshows, movies, books, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc. feel free to give me summon ideas in the discord https://discord.gg/JhVeZn5 If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

C78 (Insert chapter name here)

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 2 chapters ahead at chapter 80. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapters for patrons today.


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Hand over those power stones and you shall receive a stoner question. Is cereal soup? Why or why not? Enjoy the chapter!)

While the Bestia Royal family was taking up the dining hall, my parents and I went to the kitchens where I was interrogated. While I was being questioned about this morning's event, I started showing the palace cooks how to make some of earth's delicacies. My chefs already know how to make most things, but I haven't had a chance to teach the palace chefs. As my parents nagged me for answers, I was cooking up some homemade potato chips. The chefs stood on either side of me paying close attention to my every move. After all, it's not every day a member of the royal family teaches you how to cook something. In fact, that has probably never happened to them, so this is definitely something new to them.

After answering all of my parent's questions and eating some chips, a servant came to inform us that the Bestia royal family would like to speak to me.

When we arrived at the dining hall, the beast king was sitting at the table with his daughters on either side of him. Princess Aella isn't wearing men's clothes anymore. The servants must have brought her an outfit. Her makeup still isn't done and she looks a little disheveled, but she is still undeniably beautiful. She looks exactly like the imposter looked. After all, he did use her blood to turn into her.

"Hello, everyone. I hope you've had a happy reunion." I say with a warm smile gracing my lips.

"Yes, we have." The beast king says as he smiles at both of his daughters.

As we speak, I can see a small blush on princess Aellas cheeks. Her father must have explained the marriage contract to her whilst we here away. She keeps looking away from me and taking small peaks in my direction.

"I would like to thank you, for saving my daughter and stopping whatever plot the Eos empire had planned for my kingdom." The king stands from his seat and bows to me deeply.

"You're welcome. I can't have my prospective wife being trapped in a dungeon, now can I?" I say with a teasing smile and Aella looks away from home yet again. Cute.

"Haha, yes. You have my full support in the marriage between our houses, Syrin. Before this morning, I was nervous about my daughter's future, but now I know that whichever one marries you will be in good care." The king laughs and slaps the table a few times.

"We'll see what happens after we get to know each other a bit better." I say with an awkward smile.

"Haha, I'm sure that you've already won both of my daughter's hearts." The king laughs again.

After he said I've won their hearts, both daughters look away from me with blushes on their faces. This just got a lot more complicated.

"*sigh* We'll come to a decision when the time comes. Would you look at the time? The tournament will be starting soon, and I need to get ready. Enjoy the rest of your morning. I'll see you all at the coliseum." I say and leave the room as quickly as possible.

As I stepped into the hallway, I could hear my parents and the beast king laughing it up behind me.

The coliseum was packed as usual, but the crowd seemed far more energized than any other day I've seen them. I completely understand their excitement, as today is the semi-finals of the 90s section of the tournament.

"Lady's and Gentlemen, good morning!" I exclaim as I appear in the center of the arena in a whirlwind of flame. The crowd cheers as they usually do for me. "Today is the semifinals of the 90s section. The matches haven't been chosen yet, so we'll use a simple game to choose who will face off against who."

Three pieces of straw appear in my hand. Two are the same length and the last is slightly smaller than the others. The crowd looks at me like I'm insane. I guess no one thought that the matches would be decided by drawing straws.

"Whoever draws the short straw gets a free pass to the finals. The two that draw the longer straws will be fighting today for their spot in the finals." The crowd broke out of their stupor and cheered loudly.

Even my dumb way of decided the matches can't dissuade the crowd's excitement to see these elders face off against one another.

"Would all contenders please make their way to the center of the arena?" I called out and Souei, Granny, and Delilah walked into the arena.

The crowd goes crazy, as these people are the strongest in the kingdom. They saw the fights the other day, and I'm sure their blood is boiling for today's matches as well. When the three of them appear in front of me, I hold out my clenched hand with the straws ready to be picked.

"Lady's first. Delilah, you may choose first." I say and granny looks at me with an annoyed expression.

"Why does this harlot get to choose first?" She asks as she stares at Delilah with a look of contempt gracing her wrinkled face.

"Because I said so." I say vaguely and hold my hand out to Delilah.

An evil smirk creeps its way onto Delilah's face, as she looks at my grandmother with a look of superiority.

"Even your grandson knows that I'm superior to you." Delilah says as she goes to take her straw.

Grandmother does not look happy right now, but this tournament was originally made to keep Delilah from turning on our family again. They made a deal that this little rivalry would be squashed when the stronger one between them is officially chosen. I chose Delilah to choose first so she doesn't get any ideas that we cheated her or anything like that. She pulls a single piece of straw from my grasp and everyone sees that she drew one of the longer pieces.

"Granny you're next." I call out and she moves forward and drew her straw as she glared at me. "Another long straw. It seems you get to sit out today's festivity's, Souei." I say and Souei enters my shadow. "The straws have been drawn! Today's match will be Amelia Fortis vs. Delilah Rothman! Please wait patiently and the match will begin shortly."


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