
Second Chance Soldier

Sergeant Alex Thompson dies heroically on the battlefield, only to awaken in a world of warriors and magic, reincarnated into the frail body of a young boy. Struggling with his newfound weakness, Alex discovers a mysterious system that guides him on a path to strength and mastery of arcane arts. As he navigates this perilous new world, Alex forms alliances and confronts formidable foes, driven by memories of his past life. With each battle, he uncovers secrets about his reincarnation and the war that claimed his former life. Determined to protect his new friends and redeem his past, Alex embraces his role as a Second Chance Soldier, striving to forge a future where courage and justice prevail. In the crucible of war and magic, he learns that true strength lies in the choices he makes today.

Zenki_Chan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 9 - Soldier Already?

The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the road as Alex and Lito continued their journey towards the kingdom. Alex's body ached from the recent battle, but the sight of Eldoria's towering walls in the distance gave him a renewed sense of purpose. He was almost there.

"Not much further now," Lito said, glancing at Alex with a reassuring smile. "You've done well, lad. We'll be within the kingdom's walls before nightfall."

Alex nodded, his mind still buzzing from the fight. They had taken only the heads of the beasts, strapping them to the cart as proof of his prowess. Despite the system's constant mocking, he felt a small sense of pride.

As they neared the gates, they decided to rest and clean up. The nearby inn, nestled just outside the kingdom, provided a brief respite from the journey. The warm food and cool water refreshed their spirits.

"Thank you for everything, Lito," Alex said, stretching out in his chair. "I don't know what I would have done without your help."

Lito waved a hand dismissively. "You're a good lad, Alex. You deserve a chance."

After an hour's rest, they set off again. The kingdom gates loomed larger, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. As they approached, a group of armored figures emerged from the treeline, their cloaks billowing in the breeze. They were guards, patrolling the outer perimeter of Eldoria. The guards halted as they spotted the cart, their hands instinctively moving to their weapons.

"Halt!" one of the guards called out, his voice authoritative but not hostile. "State your business!"

Lito raised a hand in greeting. "Good evening, officers! We're just humble travelers heading to the kingdom. This young man here saved my life from these beasts." He pointed to the severed heads.

The guards exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. One of them, a tall man with a stern face and a captain's insignia on his armor, stepped forward. "Is that so? We've had reports of increased beast activity in the area. Tell us what happened."

Alex and Lito led the guards to where the carcasses of the beasts lay. The guards' eyes widened in shock as they took in the size and ferocity of the slain creatures. The captain knelt beside one of the heads, inspecting the wounds with a critical eye.

"Who did this?" he asked, looking up at Alex.

"I did," Alex replied, trying to hide the exhaustion in his voice.

The captain stood, his expression a mix of respect and disbelief. "You killed these beasts by yourself?"

"Yes, sir," Alex confirmed, his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword.

The guards murmured among themselves, clearly impressed but not overly concerned. The captain turned back to Alex, his gaze less severe now. "You've done a great service to this land. Beasts like these have been troubling the outskirts for weeks. We'll escort you both to the kingdom. You can report this to the appropriate authorities."

Alex and Lito climbed back onto the cart, with the guards forming a protective escort around them. The captain rode beside them, his eyes occasionally flicking towards Alex, clearly still assessing the young man.

As they approached the gates of Eldoria, the walls of the kingdom loomed larger, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The guards at the gates straightened as they saw the captain and his patrol approaching.

"Open the gates!" the captain commanded. "We have travelers who need entry."

The massive wooden gates creaked open, revealing the bustling streets of Eldoria. Alex's eyes widened in awe at the sight. The city was a vibrant tapestry of life, with vendors calling out their wares, children playing in the streets, and citizens going about their daily business. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the clinking of metal from the blacksmiths' forges.

The captain led them through the streets, the crowd parting to let them pass. People whispered and pointed, curious about the newcomers escorted by the guards. Alex felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had finally reached the kingdom, but he knew this was just the beginning.

They arrived at a large building near the center of the city, its stone walls adorned with banners bearing the royal crest. The captain dismounted and gestured for Alex and Lito to follow.

"Wait here," he said before disappearing inside.

Alex and Lito exchanged glances, both feeling the weight of the moment. After a few minutes, the captain returned with a man dressed in fine robes, clearly a high-ranking official.

"This is Sir Roland, one of the king's advisors," the captain introduced. "He will take your report."

Sir Roland looked Alex up and down, his eyes sharp and discerning. "So, you're the young man who defeated the beasts troubling our borders. An impressive feat indeed. Please, tell me what happened."

Alex recounted the battle, sparing no detail. Sir Roland listened intently, occasionally glancing at the captain, who nodded in agreement with Alex's account.

When Alex finished, Sir Roland looked thoughtful. "You have done a great service to Eldoria, Alex. Such bravery and skill are commendable. However, with the current state of affairs, I recommend you seek out the guild. They hire capable fighters and mercenaries to help protect the kingdom and its interests. It would be a good place for someone of your talents."

Alex frowned slightly, a notification from the system flashing in his mind.

Quest: Join the Royal Army. Objective: Enlist as a soldier in the kingdom's army. Reward: Increased skill proficiency, access to advanced training, and quest progression.

"The guild? I was hoping to enlist in the army," Alex said, his voice firm. "I believe my skills would be better utilized there."

The captain and Sir Roland exchanged a glance. The captain then spoke, "The guild is a good starting point for many warriors. However, if you're determined to join the army, there is a way. You can participate in the soldier's test. If you pass, you'll be enlisted."

Alex's eyes lit up with determination. "I'll take the test."

Sir Roland nodded. "Very well. The test is held at the barracks. Captain, see to it that Alex is given a chance to prove himself."

The captain saluted. "Yes, sir."

As they prepared to leave, Lito placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I need to go to my shack just outside the kingdom. If you ever need a place to stay, you're welcome there."

Alex smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Lito. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Lito nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Take care of yourself, lad. And good luck with the test. I know you'll do well."

With that, Lito bid farewell and headed towards his small shack outside the kingdom, leaving Alex to face his next challenge. As the captain led Alex towards the barracks, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and nervousness. This was his chance to prove himself, to take a step closer to uncovering the mysteries of this world and the system.

As they walked, the captain explained the details of the test. "The soldier's test is rigorous. It will test your combat skills, endurance, and strategic thinking. Only those who pass are deemed worthy to join the army. It won't be easy, but given what you've already accomplished, I believe you have a good chance."

Alex nodded, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. "I'm ready. I'll do whatever it takes."

The captain smiled slightly. "That's the spirit. Follow me."

They arrived at the barracks, a large, imposing building with soldiers training in the courtyard. The captain led Alex inside, where they were greeted by a burly man with a scar across his face. He looked Alex up and down with a critical eye.

"This the one who wants to take the test?" the man asked.

The captain nodded. "Yes, Sergeant. He's already proven himself capable."

The sergeant grunted. "We'll see about that. Follow me, lad. Let's see what you're made of."

Alex followed the sergeant, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it. His chance to prove himself and take a step closer to his goal. As he prepared for the test, he couldn't help but think of Thal's words and the journey that had brought him here. He was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

The test began with a series of physical challenges designed to test Alex's strength and endurance. The first task was a grueling run through the obstacle course. Alex sprinted, leaped over hurdles, climbed walls, and crawled under barbed wire. His muscles burned, and his breath came in ragged gasps, but he pushed on, determined not to falter.

Next came the weightlifting challenge. Alex was required to lift and carry heavy sacks of sand across a distance. Each step felt like a battle against gravity, but he gritted his teeth and persevered, his determination driving him forward. He knew he had to prove his worth.

The sergeant watched closely, noting Alex's every move. "You've got good form, lad. Keep it up."

After the physical challenges, Alex was given a brief respite before the combat test. He drank some water and caught his breath, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming battle. He knew this would be the true test of his skills.

When the time came, Alex was pitted against three seasoned soldiers, each more skilled than the last.

The first opponent was a burly man with a shaved head and a scar running down his cheek. He swung his sword with practiced ease, testing Alex's defenses. Alex took a deep breath, centering himself. The courtyard was silent, the other soldiers watching intently.

The burly man lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air. Alex parried the blow, feeling the force of the attack reverberate through his arm. The burly man didn't pause; he followed up with a swift series of strikes, each aimed to test Alex's reflexes and endurance.

Alex danced back, his mind focused entirely on the rhythm of the fight. He watched the man's movements, looking for patterns, weaknesses. The burly man swung again, a powerful overhead strike. Alex sidestepped, the blade whistling past his ear, and countered with a quick thrust towards the man's ribs. The burly man blocked it just in time, grinning.

"Not bad, lad," he said, stepping back to reassess. "But you'll need more than that to beat me."

Alex didn't respond verbally; he let his actions speak. He lunged forward, feinting a high strike before pivoting low, aiming for the man's legs. The burly man barely managed to block, stumbling slightly. Seeing his chance, Alex pressed the attack, his sword a blur of motion. The burly man struggled to keep up, his defense faltering.

With a final, powerful strike, Alex disarmed the burly man, sending his sword clattering to the ground. The courtyard erupted in cheers and applause. The burly man, now weaponless, raised his hands in defeat, a respectful nod towards Alex.

"Impressive," he said, breathing heavily. "You've got skill, lad."

The sergeant stepped forward, nodding approvingly. "Good. Next!"

The second opponent was a lean woman with a rapier, her eyes sharp and calculating. She moved with grace and precision, her strikes quick and deadly. Alex immediately noticed the difference in style; she relied on speed and agility rather than brute strength.

She attacked first, her rapier darting forward like a snake. Alex barely had time to react, deflecting the blow with a quick flick of his wrist. She moved again, faster this time, her rapier a blur. Alex parried each strike, but he could feel her testing his defenses, probing for weaknesses.

"You're quick," she said, her voice calm and measured. "But let's see how you handle this."

She launched into a flurry of attacks, her rapier dancing around Alex's defenses. He struggled to keep up, his sword feeling heavy in his hand. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he parried blow after blow, his arms beginning to ache from the effort.

"Come on, Alex," the system's voice echoed in his mind. "Is that the best you've got? Even Lito could do better."

Gritting his teeth, Alex focused on his opponent. He couldn't afford to let the system's mocking distract him. He watched her movements, looking for an opening. Finally, he saw it – a slight hesitation in her strikes, a momentary lapse in her guard.

Alex seized the opportunity, he did a feint and struck at her arm holding the rapier. His sword struck true, disarming her with a swift, precise movement. Her rapier flew from her hand, landing a few feet away.

The courtyard erupted in cheers again. The woman nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Well done," she said, retrieving her rapier. "You passed my test."

The sergeant stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with approval. "Excellent. Now for the final test."

The last opponent was a tall, imposing man with a longsword. His muscles rippled beneath his armor, and his eyes bore into Alex with a steely intensity. He stepped forward, his movements deliberate and controlled.

Alex took a deep breath, preparing himself for the toughest challenge yet. The tall man wasted no time, launching a powerful strike that forced Alex to bring his sword up in a desperate block. The impact sent a shockwave through his arms, but he held firm, refusing to give ground.

"Good," the tall man grunted. "Let's see how long you can last."

He attacked again, each strike precise and powerful. Alex parried and dodged, his mind racing to keep up with the man's relentless assault. He could feel his muscles burning, his breath coming in ragged gasps. But he couldn't give up now. He had come too far.

The tall man swung his sword in a wide arc, aiming to catch Alex off guard. Alex ducked, rolling to the side and coming up on his feet. He countered with a quick thrust, but the man blocked it effortlessly, his longsword moving with practiced ease.

"You're good, but not good enough," the tall man said, his voice low and menacing. He pressed the attack, his strikes coming faster and harder. Alex struggled to keep up, his arms feeling like lead. He knew he had to end this soon, or he would be overwhelmed.

Desperation gave him a burst of energy. He feinted to the left, then spun to the right, bringing his sword down in a powerful strike. The tall man blocked it, but the force of the blow knocked him off balance. Seizing the moment, Alex lunged forward, his sword aimed at the man's chest.

The tall man tried to parry, but he was too slow. Alex's sword found its mark, stopping just short of the man's heart. The courtyard fell silent, the tension palpable. The tall man looked down at the blade, then back up at Alex, a grudging respect in his eyes.

"Well fought," he said, stepping back and lowering his sword. "You have proven yourself."

The courtyard erupted in applause, the soldiers cheering and clapping. The sergeant stepped forward, a broad smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Alex," he said, clapping him on the shoulder. "You've passed the test. Welcome to the army."