
Second Chance Soldier

Sergeant Alex Thompson dies heroically on the battlefield, only to awaken in a world of warriors and magic, reincarnated into the frail body of a young boy. Struggling with his newfound weakness, Alex discovers a mysterious system that guides him on a path to strength and mastery of arcane arts. As he navigates this perilous new world, Alex forms alliances and confronts formidable foes, driven by memories of his past life. With each battle, he uncovers secrets about his reincarnation and the war that claimed his former life. Determined to protect his new friends and redeem his past, Alex embraces his role as a Second Chance Soldier, striving to forge a future where courage and justice prevail. In the crucible of war and magic, he learns that true strength lies in the choices he makes today.

Zenki_Chan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 11 - Doubt

"System, haven't I been enlisted in the army already? Why did I not get the notification yet?" Alex asked, irritation clear in his voice.

"You think that was all it takes to be a soldier? If you were back in your previous world, that would be just like graduating from college. You need to endure their training and be recognized as a solid unit in a team before I consider you completing the mission," the system replied, its tone smug.

"But weren't the conditions just to be enlisted in the army?"

"Who said so?"


"I changed it. You just didn't ask, so I haven't told you yet."

Alex could feel his nerves bulging in his head. He could endure intense training, but the system's shamelessness was on a whole different level. It was an entire training course on its own.

After the sergeant enlisted him in the army, he mentioned that Alex would be training with the new recruits for a month. He would be training with a total of a hundred recruits, making him the hundred and first.

In fact, the limit was 100 people a month, but because Alex had done the kingdom a favor by killing the beasts, he was given the benefit of joining immediately instead of waiting for a few months like others who wanted to be part of the Eldorian Army.

Tomorrow would be the start of the training, and it was already nighttime. Alex went to Lito's place and stayed there for the night. He woke up early to be at the training ground on time.

The training grounds were a sprawling expanse of dirt and grass, with various obstacle courses and training dummies scattered about. As Alex approached, he could see the other recruits already gathering, chatting amongst themselves. He took a deep breath and stepped into the fray, feeling the weight of their gazes on him.

"Hey, look who it is, the special snowflake," one of the recruits sneered, a tall, muscular boy with a scar across his cheek. "Heard they made an exception for you. Must be nice to have friends in high places."

Alex ignored the comment, focusing on finding his place in the formation. He knew that proving himself here would be an uphill battle. The other recruits eyed him warily, some with open hostility.

"Alright, recruits, listen up!" Wallace's voice cut through the chatter and groans of the exhausted trainees. "This afternoon, we're moving on to sparring. You'll be paired off and will practice hand-to-hand combat. Remember, this isn't just about brute strength—it's about technique, strategy, and endurance."

The recruits lined up, awaiting their partners. As Wallace began calling out names and pairing them off—Kael with Lyra, Thorne with Elara—Alex stood to the side, feeling a knot of apprehension in his stomach. He knew he was the odd one out, the extra recruit who had been allowed to join the group. He glanced around, seeing his peers engaging in intense bouts of sparring, their movements quick and precise.

"Looks like you're partner-less, Alex," Wallace said, a hint of challenge in his tone.

Alex nodded, "Yes, Sergeant."

Wallace regarded him for a moment before a glint of something sparked in his eyes. "Very well, Alex. You'll spar with me."

The surrounding recruits paused in their matches, curiosity evident on their faces. It was unusual for the sergeant to personally spar with a recruit, let alone someone who had just joined. But since Alex was the odd one out, they didn't find strange. They gradually formed a circle around the sergeant and Alex, their attention now divided between their own training and the unexpected spectacle before them.

Sergeant Wallace stepped into the center of the makeshift arena, assuming a stance that spoke of years of experience and rigorous training. Alex mirrored him, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on him. He knew he couldn't match Wallace's strength, but he hoped his agility and the skills honed from experience would prove valuable.

Alex clenched his fists, ready to prove himself not just to the sergeant and the other recruits, but to the system as well. He needed to be strong enough to relax and enjoy his new life in this world. This was his chance to show that he belonged here.

The spar began, and immediately, Alex found himself on the defensive. Wallace's strikes were precise and powerful, each blow calculated to test Alex's reflexes and defenses. Alex dodged and parried as best he could, relying on his agility to evade the sergeant's attacks.

"Come on, Alex!" Wallace encouraged, his voice firm but supportive. "Don't hold back!"

Alex gritted his teeth and countered with a swift kick aimed at Wallace's midsection. The sergeant blocked it effortlessly, his movements fluid and controlled. He followed up with a series of quick jabs, forcing Alex to retreat.

Despite the intensity of their exchange, Alex noticed something in Wallace's demeanor—a hint of satisfaction, as if he was genuinely pleased with Alex's performance. Alex decided to takes this spar seriously, he knew that there is no way he can hurt the seargent even with full strength. Might as well take this practice seriously.

As the spar progressed, Alex adjusted his strategy. He focused on exploiting gaps in Wallace's defenses, using feints and quick footwork to keep the sergeant off balance. Wallace, in turn, maintained relentless pressure, pushing Alex to his limits.

"Too slow, Alex!" the system mocked. "No vacations for you."

Alex ignored the system's taunts, channeling his frustration into his training. He knew the system's words were meant to push him, to keep him on edge. And in a way, it was working. Every criticism, every mocking comment fueled his determination to prove himself.

The recruits watched in awe as the battle unfolded. Wallace's mastery was evident, but Alex's resilience and adaptability were equally impressive. He managed to land a few solid strikes, each one earning murmurs of approval from the onlookers.

Time seemed to stretch as the spar continued, each minute feeling like an eternity of exertion and concentration. Alex's muscles burned, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but he refused to give in. He knew this was more than just a test of physical prowess—it was a test of willpower and determination.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Wallace executed a swift maneuver that left Alex momentarily off balance. With precision borne of years of training, Wallace capitalized on the opening, delivering a decisive blow that sent Alex staggering backwards.

The recruits held their breath as Alex fought to regain his composure. He steadied himself, meeting Wallace's gaze with a mixture of respect and defiance. Despite the outcome, he had given his all, and that was what mattered most.

Wallace nodded approvingly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well fought, Alex. You've got potential."

With that, he turned to address the rest of the recruits who had been watching rather than sparring themselves. His voice carried across the training grounds, firm and commanding.

"Enough spectating, recruits! Get back to your pairs and continue your sparring drills. The only way to improve is through practice, not observation."

The circle around Alex and Wallace slowly dispersed as the other recruits returned to their training. Some exchanged impressed glances with Alex, acknowledging his effort and resilience.

As Alex caught his breath, he reflected on the spar with Wallace. He knew he had been outmatched in strength and experience, but he had held his own. His training in the forest and the discipline instilled from his past life as a soldier had served him well.

With a tired sigh, Alex returned to the training, ready to continue his journey in the Eldorian Army—one spar, one drill, and one step at a time.

The sun hung lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds. Alex's body ached, but he was determined to push through. The spar with Sergeant Wallace had been intense, but it had also reignited a fire within him. As he rejoined the other recruits, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched more closely now.

"Hey, Alex," a voice called out. It was Lira, one of the more skilled recruits. She approached him with a curious look. "That was impressive, sparring with the sergeant like that. Not many can hold their own against him."

Alex gave a modest shrug, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, just did my best."

"Your best was pretty damn good," Bronn chimed in, joining the conversation. "We've been training for weeks, and I don't think any of us could have lasted as long as you did."

He was still the newest recruit, and he had a lot to prove. "I appreciate it, but I still have a lot to learn."

"Don't we all," Lyra said with a smile. "But you've shown you've got what it takes. Just keep at it."

As the afternoon wore on, the recruits continued their sparring drills, pushing their limits and testing their endurance. Alex partnered with Bronn this time, and the two quickly found a rhythm. Kael was strong and precise, but Alex's agility and quick thinking helped him keep pace.

"Nice move," Bronn said, narrowly dodging one of Alex's strikes. "Where'd you learn that?"

"Just a mix of things," Alex replied, focusing on his next attack. He couldn't reveal too much about his past or the system that had brought him here. "Picked up a few tricks along the way."

The system's voice suddenly chimed in, its tone dripping with sarcasm. "Don't get too comfortable, Alex. You're still the pipsqueak you always are"

Alex ignored the system's taunts, channeling his frustration into his training. Every criticism, every mocking comment fueled his determination to be strong so that he can beat up who ever invented this dickhead of a system.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the training grounds, Sergeant Wallace called the recruits together for a final debrief. "Good work today, recruits. You've shown me your strengths, but also your weaknesses. Remember, it's not just about winning in combat—it's about learning and improving."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the group before settling on Alex. "And some of you have shown exceptional promise. Keep pushing your limits. Dismissed."

The recruits dispersed, their conversations a mix of exhaustion and determination. Alex lingered for a moment, reflecting on the day's events. He had been underestimated, but he had also proven that he belonged here.