
Chapter Eleven

Euphoria, that was what Yang Lifei was feeling at the moment. Why? Because they were on their way to get married.

In her previous life she had gotten married she had gotten married to Jin Chen because of two reasons. One; she didn't want to disappoint her grandfather by going back on the arranged made by him to Jin Chen's family. Two; she had no one she was seeing and had no interest in any other person, if she had she couldn't have bothered getting married to him.

But the time they had stayed together in their previous life had made her fall in love with him. That was because right now she was actually happy that she was going to get married to him because of her feeling but not because it is an obligation.

Back then her brother had told her that she could back out of the wedding but she had refused saying that she couldn't. Jin Chen wouldn't allow her to back out and because she didn't want to be a disappointment.

Although their engagement day had been ruined because of the trick Xue Li had played, she still went through with the wedding. She didn't have a man she lived that she could fight for, so she didn't see the need to back out of the wedding.

But right now, she couldn't explain. Was it because she was given a second chance to be happy or was it because she had actually seen Jin Chen's true self without misunderstandings and arguments and how he was genuine about her?

She couldn't put her thoughts around it but she felt something was strange, what was it?

Yes! Household booklet. She hadn't told her parents about her marriage with Jin Chen and that means she didn't have the booklet, how were they going to get married?

"Uh Chen," she called out his name softly. He was just sitting beside her constantly looking at her face and not saying anything while holding her hands rubbing it and his hold would tighten occasionally because he still thought he was in a dream and that she could disappear anytime if he let go.

"Hmm," he was brought out of his trance when he heard her soft voice and gave all his attention to what she had to say next.

"I don't have my household booklet, how are we going to get married?" She asked out of curiosity and worry. She was worried because of the booklet and yet they were almost reaching the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"There's no need to worry. Everything is covered," of course he had arranged everything since she had said that they could get married. He had talked to her brother who also was surprised because of how fast his sister had agreed to get married but didn't inquire more and decided to help Jin Chen in getting the household booklet.

"Oh," that was her only reply. Since he had said that he had arranged everything she had no reason to doubt him. She had spent a lifetime doubting him and that was the first thing she was going to correct in this life.

Seeing that she didn't ask more, he was relaxed, she trusted his word that was only thing that mattered. Seeing that she was also not backing out even after they reached the Civil Affairs Bureau building , he could all the tensed muscles in his body relax, this was all real and she was really marrying him.

When Yang Lifei and Jin Chen walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Jin Chen was still stunned. Looking at the red booklet in his hands, he could feel his heart tremble, since he had met Yang Lifei back then, he had always dreamt of the day when she would be his wife legally. Now that it had happened, he still couldn't come into terms with it.

Yang Lifei stood beside him as she looked at the myriad of emotions flash in his face. She didn't want any of his emotions to escape from her vision. She had been stupid in her past life to miss so much of such a a person who cared about her.

She wasn't going to be stupid anymore! Those people, they're going to face her wrath I this life. She will teach them a lesson for what they did to her.

This pair of newlyweds were brought out of their own thoughts when they heard a series of coughs from their front. They had been so immersed in their own world that they didn't even realize that their family was in front of them.

"Mom, dad, brother, auntie, uncle, what are you all doing here?" Yang Lifei was surprised when she saw Jin Chen's and her family there. They had clearly agreed on getting married secretly.

"I don't want to marry you without your parents knowledge so I told them. I know you wanted us to have a secret marriage but I wanted to respect your parents and you together by informing them. Otherwise my mom would disown me if she realizes later," Jin Chen explained to her.

He has never been someone who explains himself but when it comes to Yang Lifei, he can do anything.

"Little Fei, don't blame this boy okay? Although he's a little stiff and cold, he has always been a responsible person," Madam Jin told Yang Lifei as she held on her hand and dragged her away from Jin Chen with a doting smile on her face.

Although Yang Lifei had shown a little to no interest in her son, she had never been rude to him or her family. She would always play along even when she knew that she was getting herself in a loveless marriage. She had always felt that it was unfair to Yang Lifei because she was getting married to someone she didn't like. Now seeing them being close and her son not feeling awkward while interacting with his newly married wife and long term crush, she was happy.

She had always wanted a daughter and now that she had a daughter in law, she couldn't ask for more.

"Auntie...," Yang Lifei wanted to say something but was interrupted by Madam Jin.

"What auntie? I'm now your second mother. Haven't you already collected your marriage certificates, quickly change how you adress me," Madam Jin urged her slowly.

"Alright, mom. It was I who urged Chen that we could get married secretly without informing you guys. Don't you blame me?" She asked.

All of the people there were surprised at her question but they found her really adorable.