
Second Chance: My Journey to My Love

She was a girl from a branch family, lived with her divorced father, not entangled with any rich man, not in a relationship then get betrayed, went to a good university, worked for a good company. Her life are very ordinary right. But is it really just that? When she was given a chance to turn back time, little did she knew her decision affected many lives around her. Follow Chen Ziyi's story go back to the past living her second chance, walking on a different path that will bring her to meet friends that she missed, rivals that she should have met, and love ones that she can have. Follow the story on how Chen Ziyi overcome her roller-coaster emotion losing a father figure that she longed for in her life and how she will bring herself living with different choices. Follow the story to the end to know why and how was Chen Ziyi was chosen to have that opportunity. ### WARNING WARNING WARNING This novel is rated 18+ (No one and under allowed). It may contain few mature scene, coarse language, explicit sexual content, and occasional graphic violence. Although mine is relatively new novel, I am not encouraging 17 and below to read this. Reader discreation is strong advised. Please remember that this is merely a work of fiction. Kindly add my novel to your reading list, My book cover is edited by using Canva apps. Thank you

Princess_Ivey · Urban
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63 Chs

Erotic Memory (II)

After she got the message from her daughter telling that Han Meirong and Lin Chao-xing would be coming to their house, Chen Rumin's lip could not help but to curl up.

There was a happiness sprouting in her heart. This would be the first time for her daughter to let a friend come to their home. To her, it means good news.

It was a good news to her that her daughter had begin to open her heart to welcome other person to enter her life.

As a mother, she could not help but to worry when her daughter rarely specifically mentioned about her classmates or any problems that she might encounter at school. She herself did encounter few issues when she was a student, be it related to studies or girls' thing. So she thought it was a normal thing if her daughter went through those kind of things as it was inevitable for teenager that age to go that phase.

It was not that she wish for her daughter to go through that phase of life or suffers for a little bit. She was aware of the sweet and bitterness that would come along with those things, but if that kind of life phase would help her daughter to grow, she wouldn't mind to let one of hands loose. Instead, she would make sure her daughter aware she had her support.

When her daughter rarely initiating a conversation on her school life, at one point, Chen Rumin had a doubt whether her daughter actually memorize the name and the face of her classmates and her teachers. With her daughter cold and 'I dont care' personality, the possibility of her daughter to not remember certain face is not low.

When Chen Rumin could hear giggles and laughter from her daughter's bedroom upon she reach her home, the happiness sprouted again in her heart. She could never imagine there would be a day when there was another presence accompany her cold daughter in that room.

The room that her daughter spend most of her time with. Alone. The room that witness her daughter live for ten years without a father.

She could hear the screaming from her daughter's room while she was cutting the ingredient she needed to cook. Yet, she was not worried.

It was because she knew the girls might be just playing around and she would never come to them just to have a check up on them. If she rushed to them just because of that, the girls would be alerted and felt like there was a teacher monitoring them, restricting their movement from having a freedom to enjoy their time together.

Chen Rumin did not want that. Such response from her might cause awkward moment between her daughter and her friends, thus it was no good for her to interfere.

Furthermore, knowing the two girls' personality and their family background, she believe they would do nothing bad to her daughter. Even if they have a quarrel, it would be a thing that could only be solved between them.

There was no need for her to be third person. Her involvement instead might only worsening the situation. In addition, even if they had a quarrel, Chen Rumin believe in how the girls well-educated by their family, the two girls would give her face as they were currently in her house.

When Han Meirong came to her to take a glass of water and a spoon of rice, and told her it was for her daughter who suddenly had a hiccup, Chen Rumin did not think anything much and casually gave her what she needed.

She was wondering of the reason of why her daughter suddenly had a hiccup but she was not taxing to go to the room along with Han Meirong.

She was stirring a soup upon she heard 'nosebleed' came out from Han Meirong's lip. She immediately turned her head face Han Meirong who seemed halted her movement in front of her daughter's room.

Chen Rumin became a little scared. It was for both her daughter and Lin Chao-xing. Her daughter rarely get sick and she also would prefer if it was not Lin Chao-xing the one who had nosebleed.

She quickly wrapped few ice in a cloth before quickly rush to her daughter's room. What greeted her sight was her daughter who stuffed a tissue to her nostrils.

She could also see there was trace of blood that had dripped to her daughter's clothes.

"Mom... I'm fine- Hic!"


There was a girl sitting upright on a bed and before her eyes, and there were three similar people stood facing her. The older one were crossing arm over her body facing the girl who sat on the bed, while the other two were standing quite a distance from them.

"Mom, you scared Meirong and Chao-xing. Say something please," Chen Ziyi said while holding the ice on her nose bridge.

"I don't think you should worry about them. It's you that I want to ask. Why would you have suddenly hiccup and have a nosebleed? It's not like you're the one wrestle on the bed. Meirong told me, you already ran away first."

When Han Meirong came to the kitchen previously, they had a small chat of what was the screaming that she heard previously.

"Be at ease, Meirong, Chao-xing," Chen Rumin told Han Meirong and Lin Chao-xing.

"Take off your clothes. It's dirty already. Replace with a new one."

Chen Rumin randomly took a t-shirt and gave to her daughter. Chen Ziyi then sheepishly unfasten the button of the shirt she's wearing and gave the t-shirt to her mother before she put on the new t-shirt.

"Ziyi. I remember that you had faint that day. Did you have a check up with doctor? maybe it have relation or connection with that?" Han Meirong asked, she took a seat on the bed.

"Fainted?! When?" Lin Chao-xing asked. She did not know about it.

The matter of she fainted was only known to the ones who was still at the school on the day the incident happened, and Lin Chao-xing was not included as she already went to her home at that time.

Han Meirong glanced at Chen Ziyi, silently ask for a permission before briefly explained the situation she encountered that day. She did not mentioned in detail about how Chen Ziyi acting out of her character that moment and how she became one the the first witnesses of Chen Ziyi's 'changes'.

"Yeah, Chen Ziyi. Did you have a check up with doctor already?" It was Lin Chao-xing turn to ask Chen Ziyi.

"Did the doctor gave you any medicine? Have you finish them?"

"Yes. Usually if you were given antibiotic, you must finish them. One more thing, did the doctor tell.. you any symptom that might related to nosebleed? Or maybe the medicine that they gave you is not suitable for you and it might have a reverse effect on you? maybe-"


"Eh?" Lin Chao-xing and Han Meirong wore confusion face when Chen Ziyi suddenly say 'No'.

Han Meirong then turned her head to Chen Rumin who seemed had her own thoughts.

"We met the doctor once. But the doctor said nothing wrong. Ziyi also did not show any other symptoms other than severe headache and- weird behavior." As Chen Rumin retold her side, she felt a bit weird when her mouth mentioned about the 'weird behavior'.

There was sudden strange air in the room. Other than Chen Ziyi, everyone in the room strangely tacitly understand what was Chen Rumin was implying to with 'weird behavior'. She was talking about the change that they experience when they were spending more time with Chen Ziyi.

Contradict to Han Meirong, to Lin Chao-xing who was never that close with Chen Ziyi, although had been classmates together for three years, she just assumed that it was normal for her if she never know another side of Chen Ziyi.

It could be due to their 'lively' schedule in Chenhe or Chen Ziyi's family issues that restricting her opportunity to get to know Chen Ziyi better. Even if Chen Ziyi did really change, Lin Chao-xing would not able to exactly point out what changed and she did not mind at all what caused that change. What important was the present Chen Ziyi, not the past.

However, when Chen Rumin herself mentioned about the weird part, she somehow strangely could understand what was Chen Rumin talking about.

"So no specific medicine that would give any reverse impact. Hmm, should I bring her to doctor again?" Chen Rumin asked.


"No?" Han Meirong asked, tilted her head.

"No need. It's just a nosebleed. It's because of hot-"

"It's winter, Ziyi," Lin Chao-xing cut her off.


Ha-ha, Chen Ziyi.

"Change of weather." Chen Ziyi gave them a short reply.

"Ohh~ "

Chen Ziyi could only ignore the eyes that seemingly stared at her with their questioning look. She couldn't bite her lip which would be obviously show that she hide something from them, so she nervously tightened her lip into a thin smile.

The truth is when she was watching the sight of Han Meirong and Lin Chao-xing 'battle' on the bed, there were a lot of scenes that she could remember where the bed battles happened between siblings, friends or lovers. But since she was trying to replace Lin Chao-xing with a man figure, she directly remembered a movie scene of a love couple having their 'sweet moments' on the bed.

The scene that flashed into her memories was a teasingly sweet kind of fight between love couples. It was not that kind of erotic scene.

Unfortunately, another memory flashed and it was a kind of erotic thing. Just a few second after that erotic memory came, she hiccup, and that came to this present moment.

Ha! As if she could tell the truth to them. What would her mother and her friends think of her if she told them what played in her mind.

She had a hiccup and nosebleed for having a dirty thought?

She was still only fifteen years old this year. For someone who is a minor like her to have such dirty thoughts, she did not dare to imagine what kind of perception they had on her later.

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