

shiko_Kariuki · Urban
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3 Chs


Ella was left at home with the nanny. She didn't know how to face Janet so she opted to go back to her room. She really needed to rest. With her throbbing headache, puffy and red eyes and her body aching allover as though she had ran marathons all night, she couldn't even walk straight. Ella almost fell while going up the stairs. Janet couldn't be bothered with her, she pretended not to see her by starting to wash the dishes. Ella looked at her from the corner of her eye and knew she was just pretending. Janet never bothered with any of them and only knew how to keep appearances. The only way she knew best was by her mouth. Her acting was always so good that nobody doubts her. Plus considering her age, they gave into her when something ain't right.

She dragged her self into to her room using the guard rails. Ella entered her room and it was like she remembered. The theme colors were moon white and emerald green. The wall ot the head of the beadwas green while the rest of the room was white. The curtains were African print which she believed brought out the liveliness of the room. Some of the furniture was different shades of green while few of them were white,like the bedside drawers.

Ella couldn't keep her eyes open while she struggled not to sleep. She didn't want to sleep and realize that all this was just a fantasy and she was already dead on a cold hospital bed. Though she couldn't fall asleep, her mind couldn't help but recall the past. Blaming her for her stupidity and naivety.

She trusted Alexander Johnson so much that she didn't realize how much her friendship affected her and her family relationship. Alex, liked her brother Matt. Matt had a girlfriend, Lucy.

Alex had always been told she was very beautiful and clever that she ended up looking down at others. Matt rejection broke her little bubble. When she was admitted to the same university as Matt, she tried to woe him. Ella didn't like Lucy. She often created chances for Alex and Matt.

One day, Alex came onto Matt and Matt couldn't take it anymore, so he shouted at her and said that he never liked her and was only tolerating her for Ella's sake all these years. Alex broke down and started screaming tearing down her clothes. Matt wanted to get out but Ella had locked the door from outside.

Alex started claiming that Matt wanted to rape her and he was harassing her. When people came to her rescue, the ambiguity in the room left little room for imagination.

When ella came back, she was met with this scenario. The hurt and helplessness in Matt's eyes, felt like a cold blade piercing her heart. He tried to explain what happened but no one bothered to listen to him. The police were the one that saved him by a whisker.

Matt had finished his degree in computer science and now he was waiting for his thesis to go through to get his masters in data science. He was already employed by K industries, one of the major companies in tech. He was ip for a promotion and now it's ruined.

While Ella was in a daze, she seemed to see an evil smile form at Alex face. She couldn't believe it. She recalled that all her misunderstandings with Lucy came from Alex. Dhe had been taken for a fool all this time. She rushed to her questioning her why she did this only for her to see a real green tea. She pretended to be docile as though ella was billing her. Some people recognized Ella as Matt's sister and thought she wanted to harm Alex.

The crowd shouted at her to leave. For heaven sake that was her dorm room and she had only left for ten minutes to get some drinks and snacks to eat. Matt had come to check the progress with his thesis and decided to check up on her.

She felt as if her world had collapsed. Some students started a demonstration to boycott her and Matt from this schoo.

Ella tried to reach Alex, but Alex had blocked her. Whenever she went to meet her she would humiliate her and make her do various disgraceful things. She endured it all for Matt sake. She hoped Alex could come clean or atleast drop the charges.

Ella was in the bathroom when she heard Alex talking to Matilda on the phone claiming that if she can't have him no one can. Matilda was not only her cousin but also her best friend. Ella heard Matilda claim that she got all the signatures needed to get all the liquidated assets. All that was left Matilda's mother would take care of it. Matilda added that her father had all the board of directors in his fingertips.

They talked about going to the mall for some shopping before cutting the call. Alex left the washroom while Ella was left in the cubicle. Her frenzied face gave away her emotions, as she filled in the dots. She couldn't believe how stupid and foolish she was.

She tried to call her mother and warn her but she wasn't picking up.

She called her elder sister, Jade, to tell her all about it. Jade said, " We have just found out and we are currently working on it."

"The board of directors wanted to vote mom out of the CEO position claiming that she ain't qualified. Furthermore, due to the failure of our biggest project in Country T, they have something to support their motion. The company was running at a loss currently.....

Ella's heart felt as if it was being gnawed by millions of ants,she ended up sleeping unconsciously tears staining her eyes. The bad memories didn't let her go but followed her to her dreamland.