
Second Chance In An Apocalypse

In a mystical realm between life and death, Vincent, a young man on the brink of his demise, is granted a rare second chance at life. However, this opportunity comes with a unique condition – he must participate in the enigmatic Reincarnation Games to obtain his "starter pack" for the new life ahead.Thrown into a world where souls compete for a fresh beginning, Alex must navigate challenges that test not only his physical prowess but also his inner strength. As he forms alliances and confronts adversaries, the tournament unveils hidden aspects of his own past lives, each impacting his present and future

Kojobrako · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 22: Gult tripping, Really???

Squatting in front of the twins who would play a pivotal role in his journey. The start of a journey filled with knocks,ups and down began under a quiet tree with no distinct features that set it apart.

Deciding to be the one to break the tension Vincent spoke first.

"Who are you and what brings you these of the forest pipsqueak?"

"M..Mr. Tiger….Sir I am Jane and the one asleep is my brother Jonah. Our village is downhill and we were asked to scout for some berries across the rivers. But then disaster struck leading to the trees being overgrown and making us lose our way," Jane spoke in a startled voice.

"Hmm, what are your plans then?"Vincent queried.

Jane who heard the question took her time to think. Since this disaster happened, would there be a guarantee that the village is safe. If it is safe what about her guardian, the village Chief. If he's not alive she know what will happen to them.

But she knows she cannot based all these ifs on assumptions. .

Since this kitty hasn't eaten her yet then it must be a nice kitty, these thoughts were predominant as she braced herself while asking in a meek voice," Can you escort us to."

"No," before she could continue Vincent cut her short before continuing,"Listen her pipsqueak, me not eating you is already mercy enough. Don't test your luck."

Saying his peace and not seemingly finding anything of interest,he decided to continue his journey back to the tribe.

Seeing their unorthodox means of help in this unfamiliar place,Jane struggled to rush at Vincent but she could not move the weight that was on her.

"Mister Kitty please don't leave us behind. Will you feel OK to leave two helpless kids in this strange forest to their fates,"Jane said with tears in her eyes as she grasped at straws.

'What a smart girl but sadly I am not human. So I won't feel any form of guilt,' Vincent thought to himself as he laughed mockingly not know whether he should be glad about his race or sad. But this statement still made Vincent stop in his tracks.

Jane who saw Vincent stop seemingly found a new lease at life, hoping that her words made Vincent change his mind.

But in the next moment Jane who saw Vincent a few feet away suddenly saw his shadow blur before his body reappeared right in front of her. Seemingly as though he had teleported but this was just Vincent moving at a mind blowing speed. Before he punched out.

Then all she saw was a Vincent enlarging in front with wind blowing her hair in disarray. Then she felt it her hair standing upright with the threat of death closer than ever.

'Oh no. I'm gonna die. I'm…gonna die,'these thoughts revolved around her brain then she saw the fist that was an inch in front of her face tilted upwards just when it would crush her head to a pulp.

Though the trajectory had shifted did not mean that the power had been diminished.


The sound of the air of the Fist colliding with the tree was heard. Which startled the nearby birds resting on other trees. The crown of the was cracked as several leaves fell to the ground.

Jane who almost left her twin brother alone released hold on the bladder she had tightened as she wet herself. Well, who could blame her. A girl who looked to be twelve years old was almost killed.

But she wasn't in the clear zone yet.

*Crack!! Crack!!*

The sound of cracked knuckles was heard as Vincent continued speaking. "Listen here Jane. I could not care if your whole family died, Hell we aren't even of the same race.

Did you ever think when i said me not eating you was mercy enough was a joke. Never play that guilt trip card on me. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!" Vincent said through gritted teeth surprised at where this spontaneous anger was from

'Do I have anger issues or something?'Vincent thought to himself as he gazed at Jane absentmindedly.

Jane who Vincent intently looking at her believed that he was contemplating on whether to kill her or not. Deciding that the best course of action was to beg for her life, Jane was about to do just that as Jonas stirred awake.

"Nng!! Sis where are we? Did that talking monster leave yet," Jonah spoke the first thoughts that came to mind.

But seeing Jane frantically shake her head at him,Jonah knew he had just about fucked up. Turning his head like a Cork being screwed in. He came face to face with the creature that was the cause of his earlier nap.

Vincent, towering over the two siblings, gave Jonah a disdainful look before turning his attention back to Jane.

"Your brother here needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut," Vincent remarked, his voice still edged with irritation. "Now, listen carefully, both of you. I won't be your babysitter, and I sure as hell won't be your guide through this forest. But if you want to survive, you'll need to follow some rules."

Vincent then proceeded to outline a set of rules for their journey, emphasizing the importance of staying quiet, not attracting attention of zombies, and following his lead without question. Despite his gruff demeanour, there was an underlying sense of pragmatism in his instructions.

"Break these rules, and you're on your own. I won't be responsible for what happens," Vincent concluded, his eyes narrowing as he glared at them.

With that, Vincent gestured for them to follow and resumed his journey through the mysterious forest, leaving Jane and Jonah to exchange uneasy glances before reluctantly falling into step behind the enigmatic TigerKin. Little did they know, their journey was about to take them deeper into the unknown, where challenges and revelations awaited.

'I hope I won't regret this,'Vincent thought to himself.