
Second Chance In An Apocalypse

In a mystical realm between life and death, Vincent, a young man on the brink of his demise, is granted a rare second chance at life. However, this opportunity comes with a unique condition – he must participate in the enigmatic Reincarnation Games to obtain his "starter pack" for the new life ahead.Thrown into a world where souls compete for a fresh beginning, Alex must navigate challenges that test not only his physical prowess but also his inner strength. As he forms alliances and confronts adversaries, the tournament unveils hidden aspects of his own past lives, each impacting his present and future

Kojobrako · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 16: Luck determines my Race

Now the skills I choose are Energy Manipulation and Energizer." Vincent said as he waited for the skill to be processed.

1 minute...

2 minutes..

5 minutes…

After waiting for 5 minutes and feeling like an idiot, he remembered he had to do everything manually by clicking on the skills he wanted.

With an embarrassed face, he clicked on energizer first afraid that the skill might be stolen.

[ Does the user wish to use one of his two chances on the Energizer skill? ]

[ Accept/Decline. ]

Vincent clicked on accept. Vincent proceeded to check the unique skill section to affirm his theory. After checking and not finding the energizer skill, he confirmed that for unique skills there was only one chance to have that skill. He then proceeded to use his last chance on the energy manipulation skill.

[ Does the user wish to use his last chance on the Energy Manipulation skill? ]

[ Accept/ Decline ]

After clicking on accept the hologram disappeared from his view. So he turned to Defoe and asked him a question that was eating him from within.

"Old man, so do I get to choose my race or what? Since well everyone got to choose theirs so I was wondering if I get to choose mine," Vincent asked Defoe while inwardly praying to get the chance to choose his race.

But since he knew Defoe could read his mind the only thing going through his mind was the r18 Indonesian sites he used to visit after his sword practice. Since he wanted to sharpen both swords.

"You're an adaptable brat and I'll give you that. But do you think such things can distract me or something? I know what you want so I'll give you a chance. Let your luck decide the race you'll get. Don't worry I won't interfere." Defoe told Vincent while amused by the strategy he wanted to use to counter him.

Though he was amused he also planned on visiting those sites to see what was so special about them.

'Haiz.. My luck will decide my fate. Well fuck me, I know my luck isn't too bad but isn't too good. Since I don't want to jinx it I won't pray for any creature I hope I don't get.' Vincent thought to himself while a roulette appeared before him.

The roulette had a thin pin which would decide the race he would get. The roulette was brown with ash inscriptions of a snake coiling around the staff of a man. The man would be the definition of a beast god. The bigger version of the man was standing beside the roulette.

He had the eyes of a dragon. Snake replaced his hair. With whiskers for a moustache and a snout as a mouth. In place of the nose was an elephant trunk. His face had no hair, only scales. His teeth resembled a shark's own, with the forked tongue of a snake. His physique is muscular with a bunny tail on his bottom whilst standing on two feet.

"Fuck." Vincent couldn't help but let out a curse since the number of creatures was too much. Some of the races he saw were goblin, dragon, mosquito, spider, wyvern, caterpillar and others. After his curse, he finally noticed the bipedal monstrosity beside the roulette and was unable to contain his curiosity.

"And what is this…. supposed to be doing here", he asked.

" Obviously, he'll be spinning the roulette since you won't be able to do it," Defoe answered as if not expecting Vincent to ask such a stupid question.

"Or who did you expect to spin it.. Me?" Defoe followed up with another question of his own.

"Well…. Yes. Even if you didn't, I expected you to go. *snap* And the roulette would spin by itself," Vincent answered faithfully since it looked like he was treating a higher being like a porter.

Expecting him to do everything for him.

" Well. Duh. I won't be doing any of that."

" By any chance can this be also an available race to choose from?"Vincent asked with a curious look, eyeing the monster up and down.

"I wouldn't add that to my choice if I were you," Defoe answered. He followed up on his answer before Vincent could ask. "This race is basically like a cheat. I would say has a spot in the top 50,000 races in this universe. It's like an ultimate race and because of that anytime, one such as this is born. It will be hunted till it's wiped out. Being wiped out is the easiest way out. And take me seriously when I say you wouldn't want to be hunted by those kinds of people. " He kept quiet after saying that and no matter how much Vincent pestered him. He wouldn't talk.

Seeing as he couldn't get any information out of Defoe. He decided to turn his attention to the roulette while digesting the information Defoe imparted.

The dragon race occupied a larger portion of the roulette, occupying about 30% total. The dragon portion was black in colour. Though it was just the name of the race it projected a magisterial air with no other race in sight leaving both sides of space a little bit empty. As if the other races were giving their respect to a king by not getting too close.

The most surprising was the creature that occupied the second most space.

It was a housefly occupying 15% of it. With various races mashed together on the roulette.

'Does this mean that there is more than one universe since he said this universe rather than saying the universe. And for it to be in the top 50,000 it might be a hell of a race. Then what about the top 10, no even the top 10,000. If I were to choose this would the risk be worth the reward. I might be onto something here but I must not strain my brain on something out of my control. Fine, I won't take this race no matter how rosy it looks.' Vincent breathed out after deciding to heed Defoe's advice.

Defoe who saw this scene smiled and his handsome features were elevated further.

'Impressive, for you not to be tempted. Though I said it was an ultimate race this means it can't be further improved and it's not worth taking such a risk.

To not show that, he quickly berated Vincent.

"Brat, how long will you wait till you decide to spin the roulette. Even if I increased time, you're still wasting my time."

"Heavenly emperor, goddess of luck, boy toy of luck, golden king, Lin Fan, Mo Fan, Chen Fan. Every surnamed Fan, bearer of luck, give me crumbs of your luck so I can get the dragon race." After saying that he spat on his hands and clapped them. Bowing 3 times to complete the ritual. He said," I'm ready."

"That was totally unnecessary since those people can't even sense this place."

"Spin the roulette please," Vincent said ignoring Defoe completely as his luck and misfortune sense started tingling