
Second Chance In An Apocalypse

In a mystical realm between life and death, Vincent, a young man on the brink of his demise, is granted a rare second chance at life. However, this opportunity comes with a unique condition – he must participate in the enigmatic Reincarnation Games to obtain his "starter pack" for the new life ahead.Thrown into a world where souls compete for a fresh beginning, Alex must navigate challenges that test not only his physical prowess but also his inner strength. As he forms alliances and confronts adversaries, the tournament unveils hidden aspects of his own past lives, each impacting his present and future

Kojobrako · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 10:Next question

"Ok, next question… If I don't tone it down a bit the competition will be between just three people. What I'm asking is basically a freebie. The top 3 in this round are exempted from answering.

Which star is closest to earth?" the supervisor said as if doing us a favour.

"Oh! Oh!"

With enthusiasm like no other Viva answered the question before anyone." It's the moon," she said.

"Hell Nah."

"No, she didn't."

"Tell me she did not say that."

Everyone tried to stifle their chuckles but a certain someone did not try to hide anything.

For the culprit herself, she looked at the other contestants clueless about why they reacted like that.

"That's the wrong answer," the supervisor said. The supervisor's statement added to her confusion.

"Pfft. Haha! Haha! The moon she said", Vincent said while wiping away the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Just what we needed. Oh, that was fun. It seems you don't understand why the others are holding back their laughter. Since you didn't take your astronomy lessons seriously. Let me be the one to educate you. The moon is not a star for just one reason. For something to be called a star, its celestial body must be capable of igniting itself because of its mass. Though it shines like many other stars, the moon does not ignite itself. Rather, light comes from the sun so it cannot be considered a star. In English, it's like a radio that uses a battery and one that cannot be used without plugging it. One's power is from an external source which is the battery and the other comes from an internal source," I said while looking at Viva who had a look of realisation and embarrassment. Realisation because of my explanation and embarrassment because of all her enthusiasm and for her to get it wrong.

Though the others were trying to hold back their laughter, some of them didn't know the answer and because they just had an object of ridicule they joined even though they didn't understand how she was wrong. It was akin to someone answering a question wrongly with everyone laughing and others joining because everyone else was laughing.

"Does that answer your question?" wanting to seem to leave an impression of a gentleman I asked.

"Yes, I do. Thank you for clearing up my confusion," adding a slight smile after saying that.

"Wow, that is a nice smile you have there. You should smile more," I told her in all honesty.

After saying that Vincent felt a gaze full of hatred on his back. And without needing to turn back to identify the person since he knew who that person was. The only one intent on having Viva for some reason.

"Chill dude, I was just being honest. Why would you look at me as if I cuckolded you, "I said loud enough without bothering to face him.

" Yo better keep your who knows whatever he is in check before I do," I told Viva, annoyed since he hadn't stopped gazing at me even after saying that. And trust me I would have dealt with him.

"Why don't you put him in " check" then," Viva said while winking at me coyly which looked nice for some reason.

But I don't have the luxury of admiring that. This girl wants to escalate the situation.

"Fine I'll do it myself, "I said whilst turning to jog towards red hair. Oh my, I sound like a certain purple-coloured, bald-headed mad titan.

" Supervisor Sir, are you sure you want this situation to further escalate," I asked him. Though it seemed like I was chickening out, I am what one would say a pacifist since I tend to lose control on two occasions when I fight and when I'm annoyed or mad which leads us to this.

"The answer is the Sun. That is the closest star to earth," Hakim answered after a few minutes of careful attention.

'Talk about timing. Or should I say as expected of a hero candidate? But Fatty has been very silent this round. I even thought he left but it looks like he's still in the running.

"That's the correct answer. Now, this is the last question, then the top 5 choose their perks," Defoe told the rest of the candidates.

Looks like he's not willing to lose his position in the top 5 at all. Well, who could blame him,' with several thoughts running through Vincent's head while waiting for Defoe to ask the last question.

" If a poison is past its expiration date will it be more poisonous or less poisonous? This is the last question, then you start your new life," Defoe said while looking at the contestants like a father seeing his children grow up.

'What a tricky question. If a poison is past its expiration date. I don't think I know the answer to this question. Let's wait for the others and see if anyone has an idea on how to answer it.

Now that I look at it some of these guys have been passengers in this round. But who am I to judge?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

3 minutes passed but still, no one had stepped forward to attempt to answer it.

And so time resumed its mundane process of flowing with no one still having the answer.

"Well, this is melodramatic. Since no one is getting the answer should I end things as it stands. Hmm! 1 minute if I don't have an answer by then this event ends." After saying his piece Defoe waited for a minute.

But someone else had other thoughts in mind.

Sir to answer your question. Depending on the poison sometimes it becomes extremely poisonous while other times it becomes less poisonous depending on the poison used. If let's say it's a poison whose viciousness increases over time then it becomes extremely poisonous even if it has expired. Other poisons tend to become less poisonous when it expires because the potency of that poison is sent to be effective till a particular time and when that time passes it loses its potency," Prince said without much expectation.

" Good. What a terrific way to improvise. For this question, I wasn't really expecting an answer. I was testing you on how to think on your feet when there seem to be no solution. So boys and girls this brings us to an end of the operation earn your perks. I'll now begin to announce the rankings and the rewards. Defoe said while projecting the final rankings.

[ Final Rankings ]

[ 1. Prince : 400 points ]

[ 2. Hakim : 320 points ]

[ 3. Vincent :315 points ]

[ 4. Cedric : 315 points ]

[ 5. Viva : 300 points ]

These are the final rankings. Before I announce the rewards….