
Second chance at life:I'm going rags to riches

Yuki an ordinary office worker who had nothing but hardship and suffering in her. One day she get reincarnated into another not the one of the novels she's gets reincarnated into a totally different world will she able change her live or will she suffer just like she did in her previous life

Nyxia00 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was an average day of my ordinary life. A mother who's here but won't acknowledge me. Father who's not in the picture anymore. A useless brother who still depends on his younger sister. Everyday i got to work only to be pushed around my seniors, harassed by my boss.

"You!! Where the hell is your mind. How many times do i need to tell you to your work properly."he roared with angered.

"I'm sorry, senior it wasn't my intention." I kept bowing my head in front of him so much that it became a daily occurrence.

"Get up, you're being unsightly. Next time if i saw you slacking off it won't be good for." He ordered.

"Yes, senior next i won't show you my unsightly behavior." I responded.

"Yuki, Are you okay. Senior Keith is harassing you again. You don't need to pay attention to him. He also harassed us too." They expressed their concern.

"I'm okay. I'm used to it now." I added.


"Miss Yuki, Come to the manager office." The voice called from the speakers.

"Yuki, what did you that manager is calling you." They asked in a low voice.

"I don't know what i did." My voice was now filled with nothing but concern. It was an everyday occurrence in the office now. I got up from my desk and walked towards the cabin with a heavy heart.

I knocked on the door with a sigh. "Manager, may i come in."

"Come in." He replied.

"You!" with anger prominent on his face. " Do have any idea with you did. I told you to look after the client and what you did was refused and slapped him. Do you know how important that client is to us and you can't do a single thing properly." He shouted.

"But, Manager he was touching me inappropriately and told he would pay an hefty sum if i spend the night with him." I put forth.

"So what he was asking you to spend the night with him. You could have just agreed with him. You better make things with the client or it won't be good for you." He roared.

I wanted to quit right and tell him he could go to hell for all i care but then again if i quit this hell another will be waiting for me. I can't escape from this nightmare.

"I understand. I will go tomorrow and make things right." I replied.

"Now leave."

"Yes, Manager."

Instead of going back to my desk i went to the toilet to fix my makeup only for me to find my so called friends trash talking about me.

"You know how senior Keith pick on Yuki."

"Yeah. It's so transparent no one blind enough not to notice it."

"Well apparently Yuki here rejected senior Keith when senior asked her out in the company dinner."

"Ohh my! So that's why senior always harass her."

"If senior Keith asked me out. I would have agreed to go out with him. It's not like Yuki has many options given the situation she's in."

"Poor her."

They all laughed at pain at my struggle and all i could do was silently cry behind the closed doors. How pathetic i am that i can't even confront them. The rest of the day went by without me paying any mind to my surroundings only focusing at my work.

"Goodby Ashley. See you tomorrow." I said.

"See you tomorrow, Yuki" she added.

With that i left the office. I walked mindlessly towards the bus stop with my air pods in my ears. I looked up from time to time to check if my bus has arrived yet. I noticed a grandma trying to cross the road without thinking i approached her.

"Grandma, let me help you with this." I expressed.

"What a kind a soul you are. Young one." She exclaimed.

"It's nothing much besides you remind me of my late grandmother." I shared.

"We're here, grandma."

"Thank you, young one. I can see you have a great destiny your journey will be filled thorns but your destination is beautiful."

With that there was an explosion. Everything happened so quickly. " So this is how i die. I still haven't dated anyone or married the one i love. I wanted to be happy." with tears streaming down my face i lost consciousness or so i thought.

A bright light appeared along with screams and an unfamiliar place. I thought i was dead but now i'm here in a place where exactly. All these unfamiliar running away from something is this the so called reincarnation into an other world that so popular online i heard. Did i reincarnation somewhere but I don't even read novels.

"Get all the young girls you can find we can sell them at the slave market for a high and the kill the remaining i don't want any witness." That unknown man ordered.

"I didn't grasped the situation untill i was captured by the rogue bandits."

"All these young unripe girls waiting to be fucked by someone. How i wish i could fuck you all but if i did your Value will dropped. Rip there clothes i want to see them." He ordered his subordinates

"Nooo, please we beg you. Please have mercy." All the girls begged in unison with tears in their eyes.

"Boss,this girl here is quite a beauty." The one who was holding me shouted.

"Bring her to me." He commanded.

"Aren't you quite a beauty. I haven't seen anyone quite like you before with platinum hair you would sell for quite a high price." He laughed and went about how he would all of us.

"Drag them away tie their hands." He ordered his subordinates and they complied right away with his orders.

"That girl with the platinum hair send her to the auction house the rest send them to the slave association. They won't sell for a high a price." The boss of the bandit suggested.

For me i thought it wouldn't be a much of difference how different my second life would be when it started out like shit right from the start if i going reincarnated at least let me be someone rich not someone who got fucked up right from the start.

"How can you mess up something twice." The mysterious figure shouted.

"I don't know how it got messed up again maybe it was a glitch in the system." The other figure replied.

"How about about we give her help her through the player status window like we do with others." The figure suggested.

"We can't intervene in the ways of the world." The third figure added.

"What should we do now. We gave her the spell of one time rewind since we called her here." The first figure exclaimed.

"We can't intervene more than we did we did enough when we gave her the spell now it's up to her to write her destiny." The third figure stated.

"Hurry up move faster you bitches we don't have all day."

To be continued.