
Sebastian Shaw power in MHA

The picture is not mine mc will be like in the picture warning!!! This is my first writing and I am a beginner writer, and English is not my first language, and I am using google translate. One day our MC wakes up and is shocked because he is in a strange but familiar room, follow his story when he is in a world that he always thinks of as fiction.

MuIrFa · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

chapter 3

* a few months later*

"Kiba can you go to the supermarket and buy ingredients for dinner after you're done" I heard my mother's voice from downstairs while I was doing my homework, "yes mom" I replied

*a few minutes later*

"Okay, here's the list of ingredients that you have to buy and here's the money, the rest is for you," my mother said when she gave me the list of ingredients I had to buy "okay ma'am, I'll go first," I said when I left the house "be careful on the road," my mother said

-2 servings of udon noodles

-1/2 napa cabbage

-1/2 bunch shungiku

-1 Negi

-1 package enoki mushroom

-8 shiitake mushroom

-1 package of yaki tofu

-1/3 carrot

-1 package of shirataki noodles

-1 lb thinly sliced beef

~looks like mommy is going to make suki for dinner i can't wait for it mommy makes suki better than the ones out there~

I thought as I looked at the ingredients listed there

*a few moments later*

"Thank you for buying from us please come back." the cashier said

-2 servings of udon noodles -check

-1/2 napa cabbage -check

-1/2 bunch shungiku -check

-1 Negi -check

-1 package enoki mushroom -check

-8 shiitake mushroom -check

-1 package of yaki tofu -check

-1/3 carrot -check

-1 package of shirataki noodles -check

-1 lb thinly sliced beef -check

~ okay, it looks like it's all hmm, what should i buy? ~ I think when I saw the remaining 1,600 yen.

~ well, i thought I'll buy some ice cream~

so I went to find an ice-cream seller before going home, and while I was looking, something happened


When I heard the screams I looked in the direction of the screams and saw a rampaging villain, the villain seemed to have a quirk that allowed anything he touched to explode.

When I heard the scream I looked in the direction of the scream and saw a rampaging villain, the villain seems to have a quirk that allows any object he touches to glow with a purple light then explode and he has a massive build of about 10'5", which makes heroes all around It's hard to fight him because every time a hero gets close he will touch the hero causing a lot of injuries.

~although the heroes were hit by the blast at close range they didn't die or even get too badly injured, at most they only suffered second-degree burns and a few broken bones but when that villain who I will call 'Bomb' hits the road or throws something it will cause a big explosion.~ I thought as I watched the villain from a distance

~wait... ah I see, it seems the longer he touches something the bigger the explosion will be~

suddenly there was an attack aimed at a group of people who were taking cover not far from me, their heroes were too far away so they couldn't make it in time and those people couldn't react to the attack, although some were able to escape there were some children and the elderly who can't do anything

when I saw that I dropped the groceries and ran towards them and took the attack


at the same time as the explosion hit me they screamed, several people and heroes who saw me take the attack were worried for my safety, then suddenly everyone saw the explosion was absorbed by something and then they saw me absorb the explosion and didn't suffer any injuries even my clothes weren't damaged by the explosion

finished absorbing the explosion I sighed because I made it in time otherwise those people would have died from the explosion, then I turned my gaze to Bom in annoyance I said

"Next time if you want to throw an attack then aim it right you bastard" before he can retaliate I diverted the explosive energy earlier to my right foot then stomped my foot on the ground while directing the attack at the criminal

*BOOM BOOM BOOM* *aaaarrggghhh*

The criminal who got hit by me screamed in pain and fell unconscious with very severe burns and several broken bones and looks like some parts of his body were torn apart, at least he is still alive or I will be in very big trouble. , although I can say that it is self-defence, I'm not sure it will be that easy.


"Are you alright? Is anyone hurt?" I asked to make sure no one got hit by the explosion "N-no we're fine, thanks for helping us"

said one of the people I saved

"hey son, thanks for helping them, otherwise... i can't imagine what will happen to them" said a hero "no problem sir, after all, i was near them at that time" i replied

"You will become a hero one day," he said after hearing my answer

"but next time try not to attack with that much force or you could hurt civilians unless it's necessary understand?" he replied with a slight rebuke "I'll keep that in mind" I replied as the hero nodded

After that, I picked up the groceries I had dropped earlier and quietly left before any reporters, police, or anyone else tried to question me. "hey kid!! wait!" i hear someone shout as i start running and increase my speed so no one can follow me.

sorry, the chapter is short.

I have an exam so I don't have time to write

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MuIrFacreators' thoughts