
Chapter 05 Last Message

"Wow, that means the information I got is correct, right?" asked my friend very surprised after learning that I had broken up.

            "Yes, it's true." said Andra with a smile.

            "So, who are you dating now?"


            "Yes, as a friend you have to give support. So that the relationship reaches the level of marriage,"

            "Widih ....pede really, even though I haven't met him yet. So, next time you should ask me. It's more appropriate to look for information first,"

            "Yes, sorry. I know you're already dating heh .... I mean you've already broken up, I won't mention his name."

            "Well, that's great! You better keep it a secret. The only ones who know are me and you,"

            "Okay," said my friend trying to believe me.

At first, I didn't want to tell anyone. Including my friends! Too bad my friends were too nosy. So I couldn't lie. Even though I only saw him from a distance. I wasn't brave enough to get to know him, let alone lie to my ex. In order to get away from him, I was forced to talk about things that weren't true.

            That I had cheated on her. When in reality, I hadn't. Whatever, if my friend believes me or not?

"Andra, if you really like her. I wish I could get close to her sooner. Why am I saying this? Well, because all guys like her. You deserve to be happy anyway,"

            "Okay, I agree with what you're saying. But, I need time. I can't make a rash decision this quickly,"

            "That's up to you, when do you want to make the decision? Because the decision is in your mind. I can only remind you," said my friend from a different school.

At that time, my friend and I were having a reunion. Because we hadn't seen each other for so long. Especially after graduating from school. Making it difficult for us to meet. There are always obstacles either from me or my friend. Just today we have free time to meet.

            If my friend avoids me, it means there's a problem, even in my mind. Not necessarily my friend has a problem. Then, take it out on your own friends. Usually, I like to tell them what the problem is.

            It's just that today it's really nice to be able to talk to me, and give advice to me. To get acquainted with a girl who doesn't know what her name is? I hope this plan works. Without the help of my friend!

"Ndra, do you seriously want my help?"

            "No need! It'll be too much trouble for you."

            "No, if you're not brave enough. Let me know! I'll help you later."

            "Yes, if you can't get close to him. Then I'll tell you," 

            "Okay," my friend said and stood up and left me.

I accidentally saw a woman who looked very similar. At first, I didn't take it seriously. Is it true or not? The problem was that she was with Boy. Imagine if I was jealous of her. There would be a fight between me and Boy. Just don't let it show with them.

            It's lazy to debate, especially since Boy already knows I have a crush on this woman. Where would I put my face? Would he give an unreasonable reason? That's what my ex has often done. For now, I don't need to panic and try to stay calm.

            My worries about the woman got a response from the cafe owner, "Is the problem solved? Hey, Andra! I suspect someone is jealous," said the owner of the Cafe while smiling at me.

"Huh? I'm jealous? Of whom?" 

            "Don't pretend to forget, I know you're jealous of that woman." 

            "Heh ....?" 

            "Why are you silent? Just tell me later I'll tell you."

            "No, no, no."

            "Why, while you're here."

            "Don't," said Andra, afraid of being caught by them.

It's very tense to know that you like her. Therefore, I decided not to tell her the truth. Especially since my friend is such a bucket. I'll definitely tell other people! Starting from her friends to her parents. It's possible to remember the affection of one of his friends, now no longer on Earth.

There are many assumptions due to being too fussy with their partner. Until finally, he realized that his partner had cheated on him. Moreover, death brings a message to his best friend, namely my friend, "Assalamua'alaikum, how are you? Hopefully aja, in good condition. Because I can't bear to see my lover walking with another girl,"

"Oh yes, I have a message for my beloved friend. Because she always gives me advice. It's just that the condition of my heart has fallen to her," 

            "So that the message I convey can only be through blank paper, and can't talk together with you. Especially now that you're close to Andra, a guy full of mystery. But, about his heart you must not know. If, Andra already likes my best friend. It's just that this guy, can best hold back his feelings. So that his friends don't know about his heart,"

            "That's why I'm writing this message to you. If you need to shoot first, so you don't have to wait for reassurance from Andra. Please .... accept love from a guy who is really sincere with you. Don't have a partner like me! Who already fully trusts. Heh .... instead cheated on me from behind, the heartache in my mind is difficult to forget the incident."

            "I want to say thank you to you, and hope that you and Andra will stay friends until old age. Thank you everyone!"

That was the last message to his best friend, my friend. And strangely, why did it have my name in it? Who do I know about liking each other? Surely I would choose that woman.

            Even though I know there are many who like her, and there is healthy competition. Without violence.

            I hate it the most if there is competition to melt a woman. Moreover, I am an ignorant person when I am close to a woman. Of course the winner is my friend named Boy. Oh yes, one more thing, Boy had liked a girl named Dinaldha. Why not just be with Dinaldha? So that there is no competition. 

            Maybe it's not time yet. That's why, until now, I haven't been able to say it directly. This has nothing to do with my past! 

            In the end, the woman will be disappointed with the decision that has been taken. Including having to match the criteria, if not how?

"Ndra, you're daydreaming. Come on, let's go meet the love of your life!"

            "No, you guys go there. I want to see from a distance." 

            "Why, Ndra?" my friend asked, still confused.

            "Well, because I don't want to interfere with other people's relationships." 

            "Not necessarily, she already has a boyfriend. That's why you have to think positively. Don't just be negative, it will make you think." Said my friend giving me advice and then, smiling."

            "Okay, what if the girl doesn't have a partner yet? After all, that guy is really close." 

            "....," my friend said in silence.