

A Book keen on shaping your minds in the right direction for wealth acquisition.

Ic_Vick · Realistic
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1 Chs

Chapter one- Word of the day

A Desire for wealth and power has become the most optimum desire of every man or rather living creature. Wealth is a mystical journey that a man is steadily ready to embark on even when he knows how difficult and tedious it can get.

Wealth is a possession of the three factors of life (Habitat, Food and income) yet these are difficult to achieve not because they are actually difficult but because of the ignorant and lack of knowledge of man, man often seem to forget that these journey in search for wealth begins with happiness, acceptance and admiration for ones self, yea this is the beginning, I know you're shocked. Wealth often brings displeasure and burden, this burden are not the usual burden you are thinking right now, these burden are the disturbing thought that you face; "how do I stay on top forever", and you might lose yourself trying to find a forever wealth here on earth and might even forget that happiness is one key to everlasting wealth, worry less about your future for your future is the present and how you handle your present determines your future. You shouldn't waste and spend your present thinking of a way to innovate your future to an expensive one, rather you should put action today, plan for today and not tomorrow. The worry of tomorrow brings sorrow and might even cause a sense of depression in you, therefore affect your lifestyle and search for happiness. Ever wondered why they say tomorrow is pregnant? Yea, it's pregnant because no one knows what it'll conceive. You might get stunned and rather discourage in life when the future you planned is not what you're seeing in reality. That's why a wise man will advise his child to SET goals. Of course you can't just wake up one morning to set your goals without you moving your body for action. You tend to score a goal when you're strategic enough and make the right decision, so is life my dear.

Acceptance and admiration for yourself is not really wealth but a sense of wealth, accepting yourself for who you are is a key to long life and long life can also be categorized as wealth as some may say. You ever did this..?; when you see a boy/girl dressed too hot and walking in a majestic way with pride and confident, you be like "oh, he's feeling himself" or "he looks proud" my dear that ain't pride but the sense of self admiration and acceptance, if peradventure you're able to be close to that person by fate or by determination you might realize that he/she doesn't even have up to a penny in his/her wallet, upon your eye-opening you'll just see your self treating him with high respect unlike the others of your friends. Yea, that's how he set his standards so you'll be bent to follow it as it look to you.

You don't really know the intensity and power of Self admiration and acceptance do you? I just wished you knew. You're regarded wealthy and satisfied with life when you respect and admire your self, so why feeling poor when you've achieved one expense of Wealthiness. When your mind is wealthy it's only take a matter of time and hard work before it starts to manifest in your life.

You must be aware that money is not wealth... money is a man made substance that you automatically have when you're wealthy. The chase for this money lead you fallen in a pit, my advise for you will be "never chase money, chase good life"

This could be arguable but if you look through this context carefully you will understand where I'm heading to, you might ask, why should I chase good life and not money.