
Sealed Hope

Attacked by a Pebble, Amar's entire life changes. Being forced to unseal a princess. Would his life be better or worst?

thechubbyone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Stealing Essences

Amar decided to test out his new strength so he drew his short sword and practiced to basic moves that Uncle Hill had thought him, completely fascinated with the feel of great strength Amar worked himself up into a sweat. He only stopped when is stomach started rumbling, complaining about the lack of nourishment.

So Amar stopped his sword practice and looked for a away to leave when he realised that he didn't even know how he ended up here in the first place. After running all around looking for an obvious exit and coming up short, Amar decided to return to the stone door, maybe old grandpa left a hint.

As he approached the door, he still felt the bloodline suppression but not as much as before. He placed his hand on the door and pushed with all his might but it didn't budge, he reread grandpa's letter but didn't find the way out. Exasperated he sat down, his stomach grumbled again, he looked up at the vast darkness and tried to use his spiritual energy to try and probe the dark, but to his amazement his saw the outside world, he tried to pushed to trednil out of the minature world but nothing happened so he gritted his teeth and willed himself to leave and with a flash he did.

He found himself standing in the same clearing that he killed the ork, but this time he wasn't alone with the ork's corpse. It was way after dark and this grey wolf was busy ripping the ork's guts out, greedily devouring it's innards when with a thump some skinny human appeared out of thin air and intruded on the wolf's dinner.

Just as Amar was celebrating his escape, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, instinctively he dived and rolled forward then he sprung up and turned around to see a 'Grey Wolf' closing it's jaws in the air where his head had just been. Cold sweat rolled down his back as he quickly drew his sword and removed the wolf's head from it's body with one clean stroke.

Making a mental note to always enter the minature world in a safe place Amar looked at the wolf corpse and decided that it was dinner. Remembering the old grandpa's words. He started to circulated"Dragon's Greed"what he saw surprised him, Amar could see specks of light coming from the wolf's body with three different colors red, goldish-green and white.

As "Dragon'sGreed"circulated the different specks of light were drawn to Amar and he inhaled them using the breathing technique he kept on circulating the art until all the lights specks were gone but he didn't feel much different. Amar figured that maybe the 'Grey Wolf' being only level three, that it's Essences weren't enough to cause a major change. Amar skinned thethe wolf's pelt and prepared the carcass then roasted it whole over a bed of glowing embers.

He had to drag away the ork's corpse and dump it with the wolf's innards just to get rid of the stink. With his stomach full and a very vague idea of what his future road ahead would be Amar climbed a tall elm tree and tucked in for the night, tomorrow will come with its own challenges.


"Woosh," an arrow flew through the air and pierced through the head of a 'Long-arm Monkey', as the monkey fell from the branches a black shadow streaked pass and caught the body before the troop was alerted to the absence of one of their members. Being level nine it would be courting death dealing with an entire troop. Anyone under Tier 2 would surely die miserably.

Amar quickly made his escape carrying the hundred kg carcass, he was absorbing the monkey's Essences as he ran and was also planning on how to cook it. It had been three days since he found the minature world, continuously absorbing Essences from countless animals he had advanced to level eight. He made use of the time dilation to practice and hone his skill in the minature world thus mastering the basics that he had been thought. The Winged Serpent tattoo also made progress with its outlines become almost distinct and scales were starting to show, however Amar still couldn't move the stone door. It would take one more day for Amar to leave Wilvar and return home to his aunt. He was pretty excited to see her as he only cared for those two people in this world, his aunt and cousin.

While Amar was stewing the monkey, two burly men came strutting over, they were wearing the same uniform with a Black Wolf arm band. They came up to him, the taller of the two spoke," Hey kid, give us the food and scram or I'll beat ya till yer mother can't recognize you."

Amar looked up at the duo, staring at the two bufoons, wondering if absorbing their Essences would help his cultivation. Not getting a response from Amar the tall one shouted at the shorty,"Oi Brady go get the meat this idiot is struck dumb by our imposing manner". Emboldened, Brady steped forward and reached for the pot. Seeing this Amar finally made his move, "shwing" a sword screeched through the air leaving a blood trail. Brady's head slid from his trunk as his body fell over. Amar rushed over to the tall one and stabbed the sword into his mouth as he had opened it to scream.

Looking around Amar started to circulate "Dragon's Greed"and he was amazed at the number of light coming from the bodies of the two men, however, other than. the white and red life specs Brady's third life speck was yellow while the tall one was blue. Amar shrugged deciding to leave the trivial stuff for later he absorbed all the light specks but something unexpected happened, as he absorbed the blue and yellow specks instead of integrating with his inner energy they were taken to the 'Origin Pond' in his mind palace where the white specks go. Amar knew he was able to dual cultivate inner energy and mage force but this is his first time coming in contact with Elemental spiritual force, which is converted to mage force in the 'Origin Pond'. Elated Amar tried to summon the mage force however he felt a resistance that he couldn't understand so he decided to leave it and focus on what he learned today. He could obtain mage force through "Dragon's Greed"too and the amount of inner strength, mage force and spiritual force obtained from humans was greater than animals and the amount of blood energy was greater than humans, licking his lips in anticipation Amar was ready to kill whoever and whatever because only after killing them can he get stronger and now he knew where to start.

Hello Everyone. This is my first time writing a piece that's longer than an essay. It is very rough and I'd appreciate it if my errors and short comings can be highlighted. I've got a lot planned so I hope to learn as I continue. Thanks.

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