

Is my life a joke to you all? You ask me to become the Alpha I become the Alpha, now you ask me to take responsibility for something for which I was wronged. What do you take me for?


Olcan was about to leave for some work, when he saw Aphin and Vilkas approaching towards his residence, “Are you heading somewhere Olkie? We were coming to meet you.” Whatever it might be, the matter must be of grave importance, because both Vilkas and Aphin were busy with their works, and when they weren’t working they would be with their mates. Olcan would sometimes have to make real efforts to make them stay back and drink with him.

“It must be something really urgent, because it’s rare for you both to visit my residence together.” Olcan muttered, but what drew his attention was that Aphin had a serious face, Olcan didn’t remember when was the last time he had seen him without his playful smile on his lips.