
SEABOUND Steller Captain

What would you do if one day you woke up having forgot all your memories? Well then you dont have to as we can welcome Leo and his adventures on the waters of Akili. With a mysterious past and a very carefree personality how will our poor Leo survive on the dangerous place that is the ocean? Maybe there might even be more than just water included in this spicy adventure to the point you may even lose your breath. Get it? Im so funny Rated Pg-13 I guess. I suck at this

8Shelly8 · Sci-fi
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Making the book make sense

I changed up the way of the system to allow the story to progress.

the novel will be based off tech and they can increase the ships technology level to make it stronger.

the orbs are the cores of the ships and they determine how strong of technology they can support.

the orbs can be changed out through a process.

I think this will make it a lot easier to go off of from now.

equalizers are humans

they are connected to the core

they can control the advanced technology better than anyone can

and can instantly understand new knowledge and technology added to the ship so no need to adjust for them.