
Sea of Knowledge

Kai Mizuhara. An entity who has lived upto two centuries and is immortal has been finding the meaning of a concept named Life. During his eternal journey, he has met a lot of people and even came across some higher entities. All he wants in his life is to find the meaning behind it and, reform the world into a better place. Will his lifelong goal be achieved in this life? will he finally find his answers in his adventures? Let's find out.

BallsAreGreat · Fantasy
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... Tequila at dawn, there's nothing better in life other than that. God I love sweet and earthy taste it brings in my mouth, reminds me of my first time being a victim and having her juices all over my fa-


Humans are very interesting creatures. They always seek happiness and peace. Many believe money can bring them happiness, some believe salvation will bring them peace and others believe bonds with each other will bring both peace and happiness.

One thing you will always find common amongst human, or any creature of that matter is... They will act on their own belief. If one believes that doing thus will bring him peace, happiness, etc. The person will do it without any issues as it aligns with his beliefs.

Everyone acts on their own beliefs but are their beliefs always correct? It heavily depends on the circumstances when they developed such beliefs. Their growth and development, the people they are around, the way they perceive things always shape one's beliefs.

Similarly, two people may have different and contrasting beliefs where they are stood against each other. They will defend their beliefs on what they have been taught, perceived up until now. They may not know the other side of the coin but will still continue to stand with their beliefs.

This creates conflicts.

Individuals with strong beliefs always find it difficult to understand and perceive the belief of anyone else. They act on their own, always assuming that they are the one who is right and others are wrong.

But then again, who decides what's wrong and what's right? A God? But can a God be always correct? God is again just a creature. Just someone above the rest, but he must also bear his own beliefs to even conclude what's wrong and what's right. Some people also may find God's beliefs ridiculous.

In other words, human nature and beliefs seek conflicts. Unless every creature bears same beliefs, true 'peace' will never be achieved.

At least that is what I believe.

'Why' do I think this way? A really simple and logical answer. Beliefs and conflicts give birth to negative emotions like hate, greed, revenge, anger, sorrow. It also gives birth to emotions like love, kindness, hope, joy and one who has achieved his goal may even find his own peace.

Everything is subjective regarding human beliefs and emotions.

A really good example to this is what does peace mean to you? Getting enough money to settle down and have a family, spend time with your loved ones, or maybe achieving something you have worked your whole life for? Some even find death as peace. Peace differs from people to people.

Now when you dwelve a lot upon such things you will always come at a point where you will ask yourself one single question. What is it that you call life? What is the purpose of it? Does it really matter? We are going to die one day, so why trouble us with such trivial matters?

That is exactly what I've been meaning to find for the past 200 years.

I am a human cursed with immortality. Currently enjoying myself with some drinks in a small pub in my town. I've had many identities over the last two centuries and at present, I am just a teenage boy from a fairly rich family.

Kai Mizuhara.

Wait hold on, I've lived up to two centuries and still have the appearance of a teenager? Haha. Maybe I should've been more elaborative with my words.

I am a human cursed with immortality who knows magic. Magic has been around for quite some centuries now, and my skills date back to the 2nd Great War. Where magic was at its peak.

Though magic has evolved over time, all the tricks and attacks or skills from elemental magic nowadays are just imitations or improved form of the magic during that era.


I just miss my old days. When I was not cursed by immortality and all my friends were still beside me, laughing and enjoying with each other. Nowadays, I just can't bring myself to form such bonds because I know I would just have to see those people die one day.

I hope I can one day find someone like me or maybe just find a way to die in peace. Anyway, I should probably head out. The sun has risen already and I am still here contemplating over the past. 'My Family' should also be worried, I've been out for the entire night.


Today is a big day for Kai Mizuhara. A new beginning is a better term to describe 'today'. What better way to just start the dawn of the day, a new day with a new beginning.

I already can feel that this life of mine is going to be one heck of a ride.