

The glare of blue water reflected on my tiny rows of crooked teeth and the ocean was in the middle, cutting our bodies in half. Yes, the Ocean.

The sea.

Hallelujah to the sea, to it's shoreline, to its unbreakable water, to its beautiful misbehaving waves.

And oh, the sun above and its dripping yellow rays with the sky's flock of lonely birds.

A vastness of endorphin-inducing splashes.

A wide scope for the imagination that convinced me and my little cousin Shin,that we, were both mermaids.

"Let's go further " She said as we both took a long inhale before dipping our heads underwater.

Only to come back on the surface less buoyant than before. Our feet too far from the floor. Our noses too close to the water.

My body was panicking.

Like the ocean conspired with the weeds beneath our little feet to pull us from our mother's womb.

Like how our tiny screams underwater would be its greatest delight.

I was panicking, my stomach was rolling and then all at once it became a home of unsynchronized tunes, an arena for blood fight, a deafening pitch of my heartbreak sobs and a collision of all the stars in my zodiac sign.

Nevertheless, I kept my nose afloat but Shin tried to make me her floateé and now she's officially the more panicking bitch.

"I don't want to die" she yelled in a full volume of fear. That I thought, itvwould be loud enough to rob people's time and turn th

But our cries were silenced so I whispered flowers in her ears and by flowers I meant, we were very terrified but we swam away, and thought of the lady who sends her friends plate numbers,before jumping off the vehicle and run for her dear life.

When I said I whispered flowers in her ears I meant, we were so scared of drowning that we imagined were in a sea of unreported **** cases and a bag of a 12-year-old girl's dead body was the only thing that kept us floating.

When I said I whispered flowers in her ears I meant, we felt so hurt but we kept our arm strokes in a hopeful rhythm anyway , despite all the boys who keeps deharmornizing it and calling us unworthy, selfish and choosy ugly cunts just because we didn't give them a taste of our pink flesh and a glimpse of our purple mountains.

But the waves are on our side and our legs are dancing in coordination, breaking free from the shackles of our enemies , cheating on our death, escaping from the depths of despair, in fear of becoming another unloved , abandoned and unwanted corpses in pink caskets.

When I said I whispered flowers in her ears I meant every petals of it, even the fallen ones.

And now our tiptoes has touched the sand and we bended the trees with our breath. Breathe, and there is nothing you'll ever be than a teen girls on a shoreline pretending to be a sea creature of beauty.

I took a sharp inhale through my nose and it sent my lungs a pinch of a beautiful salty sea.