
Sea Demons Paradise

Marigold Spotter, Mary to her friends, was by most accounts an average girl. Save for the fact she was a maid in service to the royal family of one of the largest kingdoms on the continent. Unlike what most stories and rumors regarding nobles and the like said, her employers were in fact very kind and generous. Though, being one of the few commoner born servants amongst a group primarily made up of daughters and sons from lesser nobility meant she often had to preform the lions share of the work. More common then naught she was so tired she simply went to bed without eating anyting for dinner, sleeping like a log until the bell ran signalling it was time to wake up. This cycle continued on and on until one day, it didnt. Instead mary awoke to find herself a floating rock upon a carved pillar of sandstone. She, by quite litterally random chance, had been choosen by the gods to become part of the new generation of dungeon cores that would soon emerge into the world.

HeavnlyImmortal · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Monster Mash

Mary was glad that she no longer had to sleep or worry about fatigue since otherwise it likely would have taken several days to read through the list of minion types rather than just a day and a half. It didn't help that several of the names seemed like gibberish strung together. As she looked through the list Neira had explained how minions worked. Apparently she would select three types from the list and they would be merged to create a species of minion to inhabit her dungeon. Fom there she would be able to use her affinities to alter her minions to create variants, elites and eventually her bosses. After much consideration and a lot of back and forth with Neira about what she wanted from her minions and how they'd fit in her dungeon she'd made her decisions.


Select 3 minion types: 











Minion types selected: Servant, Abyssal, Deepkin 




Minion created: Elder Servant 

Race : Elder Servant

Affinites: Abyssal, Mind 

Mana cost: 50 

Phys: High

Mnd: low

Psy: Mid

Abilities: Like a Dream, Elder Presence, Competence

Like a Dream: Elder Servants naturally assume a form that causes them to possess the appearance most attractive to whoever summons them. The illusion will constantly be maintained unless dispelled or the Elder Servant attacks. 

Elder Presence: While one of the lowest forms of the Eldritch ones, fit only to be servants they are still beings beyond mortal comprehension. Elder Servants will naturally emit an aura that will attack a foe's mind. Prolonged exposure can cause hallucinations, nightmares, confusion, mental illness, and other effects. 

Competence: Created by the Eldritch ones to be handle any task deemed too menial for them to do. Elder Servants a skilled in many disciplines from cooking and laundry, to combat and assassination. 


According to Neira minions had a much simpler attribute layout compared to beings like humans as they couldn't grow beyond their original prowess unless they became variants, elites, or a boss. Phys or Physical represented the quality of a minions body. Their strength, stamina, speed, etc, it essential totalled it all together and averaged it. Mnd or Mind represented the quality of a minions mental abilities, while not quite being equal to a measure of their intelligence it governs things like memory, wisdom, processing speed. Psy or Psyche covered more miscellaneous attributes such as Will, Charisma, Aura.

Neira also told her the any minions aside from bosses wouldn't cost anima to create as they were close to dolls or golems than real living creatures. However bosses and a few specific types or Elites were unique individuals and rather than recreating them Mary would revive them should they be defeated and hence would require anima to ignite that special spark in their soul upon creation. All in all for her first attempt at creating a minion Mary got pretty lucky with her result. Pleased with her results Mary immediately summoned 4 of them as that was all she could afford mana-wise at the moment. Immediately 2 handsome men and 2 beautiful women appeared in front of her as shadows seemed to drain from the walls and corners before coalescing into human shapes. Perhaps it was due to the fact she was a dungeon but the moment she looked at them she had a sense that something was wrong as if they were too  perfect in appearance.

The men had wavy swept-back black hair, stern yet passionate amber eyes and rugged chiseled jaws that had a warm smile on their lips. They stood approximately 185 cm tall with straight posture, and muscled yet lean bodies like a soldier and a similarly tanned complexion. The attire they wore consisted of Black dress pants, socks and shoes with a thin white dress shirt, black vest and red tie to compliment. Completing the look were a pair of fine white gloves that appeared to be made of silk and a golden pocket-watch chain connected to their breast-pocket.

The women had straight shoulder length black hair that shone in the dim lighting with playful green eyes, with a pleasingly pale complexion and a mischievous smirk upon their dainty lips. Standing roughly 168 cm they were taller then most women but not tall enough so as to be intimidating to men with full figures that seemed to draw the eyes in. They wore a mostly standard maid uniform aside from the fact it only went to their knees and had much wider sleeves then normal which seemed to hint at something hidden inside, and also reminded Mary of some dresses she remembered her mother importing for some clients once. The uniform also exposed a hint of tender, pale, cleavage. Just enough to draw in and distract the eyes of most with a taste for the fairer sex.

One of the few hints to the servants true nature was that their shadows didn't quite seem to match their movements, also looking as if they began dancing in the corner of ones eyes. Mary rotated around both sets with an appraising eye until she was finally satisfied, one more surprised at the level of detail fo what, objectively, were supposed to be basic minions. It made her start looking forward to being able to create other kinds of minions and especially bosses. Though, she wouldn't be able to do that until she created a boss room something that will take quite a bit considering one of the few down sides to her minions was the high mana cast relative to her rank.

In the mean time she moved both the male versions to stan on either side of the main entrance, one arm bent at the waist, hand hovering just over their watch chain. While the other hung down at the side as the lightly bowed their heads. As for the females she placed one behind the reception counter and the other over by the wall where Mary planned to place the stairs leading to the first floor. The way Mary envisioned her dungeon was, the first floor would be standard things like reception, lounge, eating areas, etc. Meanwhile the higher floors would be rooms and other amenities such as a sauna, a study, games room and so on. Beating each floor and the amenity on it would drop a token that one could either use to enjoy the resort as an actual guest for a day, exchange for rewards or to challenge one of her future bosses in one of the various ground floor rooms. As she expanded her dungeon more and more she would also create tokens to open areas such as a beach or a sporting arena. Before she could do any of that however she first had to wait for her mana to finish regenerating.