
SE7EN: Transcendence

What would you do if you woke up and decided to look out at the dawning morning only to see yourself still lying in bed? What would you do if your 21st birthday was the last time you would ever age? What would you do if you were being chased by the NSA? How would you feel if you were hunted by a creature that could take any form it wished? That is Michael’s life. From the time he was fifteen he knew he was much different from everyone else. He had his own successful technology company and was at school at MIT. This is as far back as he can remember any true memory. He had always known things, whether it was about people or just events, and went with his feelings about whatever split in the road was set in front of him. Staring out the window of his bedroom, he turned around to find he was still in bed. Was it a dream? Before he could try to figure out what was going on, the government was trying to catch him. It seemed as though the government knew about his new abilities before he did. Running from the NSA and trying to figure out how to control his new powers, he runs into something very evil that wants nothing less than to kill him. His new enemy can take on any form he wants at any time. Choosing the lesser of two evils, he lets the government capture him and put him into a small room where they can watch him. Michael uses the time to learn everything there is to know about his new powers and how to control them. Using his power to split himself in two, he spends his time trying to find out one other mystery. How did the government know about him before he did? Learning to split his body, trying to find his purpose in life, searching for the woman he lost and trying not to get killed, Michael comes to find out one truth to his reality. The only thing he has to fear in this word is himself.

Grant_Koeneke · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Blue Eyes Are Better Than None

Not just any blue, but the crystal blue that is almost see through and has a hypnotizing effect. I've always been a sucker for a woman with a set of eyes like those. Saying I've been bewitched by them several times would be the best way to describe it, almost as if I was destined to find one pair in particular.

Across from the bar Riled was an alley. Normally, an Aston Martin would be noticeable anywhere it went. In a black Aston Martin in the shadows of an alley, it was almost invisible with the darkness engulfing it.

Watching the front door, I waited for the girl with the blue eyes to walk out. Through the moving foot traffic inside the bar I could catch glimpses of her sitting with the people I had left her with earlier that night. She was staring off over the shoulder of her friends whenever she wasn't being talked to and my imagination kept picturing her in deep intelligent thought.

Sliding in a CD of mixed classical music to keep me focused and soothed, I sat and watched in anticipation. Every movement of the people in the bar was in sync with the music as it kept me company sitting there alone.

People walked up to her and chatted briefly. Every once in awhile a guy would walk up trying to make a move and her boyfriend would intercede with a kiss on the cheek. The same kiss he gave her when I was watching her from across the room.

Then I realized it wasn't real. It was an act to keep men away from her. The kiss I saw was a 'I'm not just a friend' kiss because he didn't want it to be, but she wasn't interested in him. It was a show being put on in front of the crowd. I laughed to myself inside the car.

I needed to know what was going on. The boots were still in my head and eating away at my mind. A group of people out at a bar do not wear the same shoes, men or women, it was the same. They had mixed genders and all of them were wearing the boots.

"Maybe they're all in a militia together," I thought to myself in the solitude of my car. Then I laughed, again. That sounded pretty absurd even for someone as paranoid as I was.

Twisting and pulling the key, I turned off the power and got out of the car, shut the door and hit the alarm button. Running across the street to the entrance the bouncer was outside.

"Hey, Phil," I gave him the buddies greeting.

"Michael! You're back, huh?" he smiled at me.

"Yeah. I had a problem I needed to solve so I could sleep in peace," which wasn't a lie.

"Women have a way of doing that to us, don't they?" he chuckled.

"Yes they do!" He held the door for me as I gave him a pat on the shoulder heading in.

I walked in past and through the crowd of people and straight up to the bar. Jimmy, as always, was still working pouring drinks. Over the time I'd known him, it'd become obvious he loved to socialize with as many people as he could especially in his own bar.

"Michael! You came back!" I was hoping he wouldn't be too loud about it. Covertly putting my finger to my lips to quiet him, he nodded at me.

"I'll take a Hef, Jimmy," loudly over the top of the crowd noise which was still very large.

Looking back at the girl with the blue eyes, there were too many people around her and the boyfriend lurking with the pretend kiss for would be flirts was hovering over her. It took a couple of seconds to come up with the right idea, but it did eventually come.

"Jimmy?" he turned.

"Yeah, what's up?" his hands were still moving under the bar top.

"Buy everyone a shot for my birthday, on me, but they have to come to the bar to get it. Don't say my name, though." No guy would pass up free alcohol, but I had a suspicion that she would. I'd seen enough of the other girl with her to think she would go for the shot as well.

"Will do, Michael!" a huge smile crossed his face.

"One for you and the staff as well," I winked at him.

"Thanks, man!" he loved to be acknowledged.

Jimmy reached behind the bar and took hold of the cord coming from the middle of a bell halfway up the wall. He rang the bell with hard tugs so the sound would carry over the noise. That grabbed everyone's attention while I walked around the side of the room to clear the path for the crowd. The time to make my move would be short.

"Listen up," Jimmy yelled out. "Today is the birthday of a very special friend of mine. As is tradition at Riled," smooth lie, "a free shot to everyone. Come and get it!" It was a stampede to the bar as everyone packed next to everyone else trying to get to their free drink.

As I thought, everyone left the back wall except the girl with the blue eyes. As soon as the hovering wanna be left for the bar I moved in.

"Hello." She looked very surprised to see me, but not happy. She actually looked very confused.

"How did….When did…..," tongue tied would have been putting it nicely, but I wouldn't hold it against her.

My face looked perplexed. She giggled and nervously looked around her, "I should have known."

"You should have known what exactly?" it was strange she would say that, she didn't know me, at least personally, at all.

"You shouldn't be here," she looked around some more. "If they catch you over here…."

"They'll beat me up in the alley?" I finished it for her as I laughed with the childish thought.

She laughed, "No, of course not, but we're not supposed to talk."

"That might be the strangest thing I've ever had a woman say to me before." We both laughed and I could see her cheeks turning red. She looked around nervously, again, and I started looking with her sarcastically.

She put her hand on mine and looked me in the eye, "I'm not supposed to do this, but do you want to get out of here?" I was shocked and I'm sure it showed. The conversation had already been strange and never really went anywhere. The thought of her wanting to be alone with me seemed very far off, if ever.

Caught in the moment, "Sure."

"Come on," she grabbed my hand and pulled me around the crowd to the front door. Every couple of steps she looked back at the masses.

"Ah, you got her," the bouncer said as we left the building. There was no time to talk so I winked and waved my hand.

"Where's your car," she was extremely anxious. I pointed across the street to the alley. She tugged my arm as we ran across the street. Close to the alley the car could be seen through the shadows.

"Of course it was this one. Matt," she said kind of quietly, but it was enough for me to hear.

I stopped dead in front of the car. "Excuse me? Do you know Matt?" Strange started to morph into bizarre. It was making me nervous and more paranoid. Whatever company she was working for had a lot of information on me.

"No. I mean, yes. I mean, kind of," she sounded confused, which was good because I had become so confused I forgot why I had come back to the bar in the first place. "Just get in the damn car!"

I hit the unlock button and the car beeped. She jumped in the passenger side as I jumped into the driver's seat. Putting the key in the ignition, she grabbed my hand and kept it from turning the key as she gasped looking out the windshield. She ducked down and I followed her lead sinking into the black leather seat.

Over the dashboard I could see the group she was with coming out of the bar. Each one was looking up and down the street. I could hear them yelling something and then the hovering wanna be pointed one way and the group split. One half went in one direction and the hoverer went the other way.

She released her tension and nervousness and finally let her breath out. Looking over at her, the almost black hair had the bangs semi in her face. Her olive skin had a single drop of sweat run down one of her cheeks and fall onto the seat. Her eyes, though, were so translucent blue I could see the white behind them. I stared until I was lost inside her tranquil eyes and thinking about staying there forever.

Wiping away the line left from the drop of sweat on her cheek with my thumb, I felt my right hand start to twitch ever so slightly as I held her face. Haze clouded over her face. I knew what was coming and I let it happen as I closed my eyes and could see in the deepest reaches of my mind her face in the sun and the name that went with it. Images of her name danced around in my mind as if they were singing to me.

Our faces were so close together I could feel the heat coming off of her lips, "Delilah," I whispered ever so gently as I opened my eyes to see a tear roll out of hers. It trickled down her face as she leaned in grabbing my face and pulling it to hers. My heart raced and thumped in two different beats in my chest as our lips met. Silky smooth with such softness pressed up against my own lips. We both exhaled and opened our mouths so slowly it felt as if life was created in the amount of time it took. Our tongues intertwined in a dancing bliss as I closed my mouth on her lips to taste the sweetest taste I had ever known. Electricity danced from our lips and shot through our mouths.

We both pulled away opening our eyes and seeing each other as if it had been the very first time either one of us had ever been seen before.

"Michael," she said to me. It didn't even strike me as odd that she knew my name and I had never told her. "Take me to," she had a strange pause, "your place."

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life," she kissed my lips with the softness and elegance of hers, again.

We pulled apart and it felt like prying two magnets apart from one another. I looked into the deep blue abyss of her eyes she had snared me into and wondered how I had ever not been with her.

Stealing a line from a movie, I said ever so slowly, "As you wish," and kissed her pressing only enough to taste her lips as they were against mine. As we parted again, I could see the steams of tears running down both cheeks as if the blue in her eyes were a pool and the lines were waterfalls. It didn't even strike me to ask what was wrong. I thought that they were tears of joy because I even felt that way at that moment.

Turning the key I started the engine to the Aston Martin which roared to life. Pulling out onto the street with rubber breaking on the pavement I sped off toward the Playhouse. Looking at the speedometer I was driving about 160 the entire way, weaving in and out of traffic. It felt like I was driving five the whole time like all the world was moving at the speed of light except for the two of us.

Delilah put her hand on mine on the stick shift leaning down to kiss my knuckles every couple of minutes. If passion could be seen as a cloud, that night in my car you wouldn't see a half inch from your face.

A thought came to me as we sped toward what was sure to be the best night of my life. How in the world did she know my name?

"How did you know my name?" I looked over into her eyes.

She didn't stammer or stutter at all. "You told me." She looked ahead out the window making sure not to look in my eyes.

"No, I'm pretty sure I didn't," I searched my brain to think of when I would have told her that, never at the bar or in the car.

She looked me in the eyes and like a cat climbed over the stick shift and into my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. I could see the road through my peripheral vision around her. She stared dead into my eyes, so deep I was sure I could see all the way to her soul.

"Look in my eyes, Michael," she paused to make sure I was looking. "Do you think I would ever lie to you?"

Without any hesitation I whispered, "No, not ever."

"Then, would you rather dwell on this tonight or take me home and make love to me until dawn?" My eyes popped open with how direct she was about it. My heart was racing so fast I could feel it in my eyes.

"As you wish," I breathed back on her as her lips touched mine in utter bliss as I forgot I was driving. She pulled away and curled her face into my neck resting her head on my shoulder.

Jamming my foot down onto the gas I tore down the streets all the way to the parking garage of the Playhouse. I stopped the car just to the right of where the door was located.

Getting out of the car, I had her cradled in my arm as she looked up at me. I dropped her feet down as we were next to the pad in the wall. Placing my hand on the pad, the door opened. She grabbed me and kissed me with such passion I could feel it in every breath as she breathed in and out of her nose on my face.

Pulling her into the hallway, he grabbed my right hand and pushed it against the wall closing the door behind us as we kissed and bounced from wall to wall all the way to the other end. She pushed my hand against the wall to open the door. Once inside I put my hand on the scanner to shut it.

She pulled away from me as she started to walk across the dimly lit and completely silent floor to the line in the wall. Bending over, she pulled a knife out of her boot and cut both sets of laces kicking them off her feet. She tore away the socks and threw them.

Putting her finger up she motioned for me to come to her as she walked backward to the wall. With her back on the wall I started kissing her neck and ran my tongue all the way up to her mouth to kiss her again. Both of our breathing was getting heavier as she put my hand on the wall and the lift went up. She pushed us off at the catwalk and pulled me down the wall placing my hand on the wall where the scanner was to open my bedroom door.

Putting both her hands on the bottom of her shirt she pulled it off. Her olive colored skin on her firm tight body made me stop to admire how beautiful she was as her hands unbuttoned her pants revealing her white panties underneath. Reaching out and grabbing me by the shirt she pulled me into the bedroom and closed the door behind us with her foot. Slowly she pulled my shirt off. I could feel her hand grasp onto my belt and undo it while she backed up to the bed.

I kicked off my shows and ripped off my socks as she unbuttoned my pants and pull me over on top of her tiny body. Slowly with thriving passion her lips kissed mine as we rolled in each other's arms on the bed. Hopping off the end of the bed, she pulled off my pants and then stripped hers off.

The woman standing in front of me was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before. The words would never be able to do justice to her. Reaching behind her back she undid her bra and slid it off and then taking off her panties revealing her entire self to me. Passion and magic twisted itself through the air as she climbed onto the bed and removed my boxers.

She lay on top of me and pressed her lips against mine. Naked against each other on the bed I could feel her heart beat against me. A strange double beat in two different rhythms pounding on my chest and not in it. Her seduction of me was almost complete as she rolled and pulled me on top of her.

"Make love to me, Michael."