
Scripted Realities: Unraveling the Template System

Two concepts exist within every thing, every being, and every instance, Order and Chaos. After eons of existence, the two concepts gained sentience. The two battled against each constantly. Between one such battle, the two broke the layers separating the multiverses, souls from different multiverses collided and combined into a singular one. The layer quickly restored itself as the combined soul floated into an unknown multiverse.

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

After Rain

In the middle of a bustling shopping district, a man followed by three grotesque-looking curse spirits casually walked around.

One, a humanoid cursed spirit, short and elderly with a hunchback, wielding a cane and a Mt. Fuji-shaped head. 

Special Grade Curse: Jogo 

Another is a large tan cursed spirit with a helmet-like head, black lines, and distinctive features, its left shoulder covered in white bandages. 

Special Grade Curse Spirit: Hanami 

The last is an octopus-like cursed spirit, red with a circular head, large eyes, tentacles, and a caterpillar-like body draped in white cloth.

Curse Womb: Dagon 

The curses trailed a tall, slim man with long black hair partially tied up, occasional bangs covering an eye, and large earlobes with circular earrings. 

Special Grade Curse User: Suguru Geto. 

"Was it really necessary to use something as precious as a finger to test if Sakuna was truly reborn?" Jogo questioned Geto. 

"Well, an incomplete dummy would be useless," Geto responded. "It was a harvest in its own way." 

"Hmp, I hope this is not an excuse," Jogo stated with a hint of skepticism.

"𝓘 ᯅ⋈ഒଘ⌯ ⋈⋆ ഒ𓍼 ǂഒꗃ⋈ᯅ," Hanami uttered incomprehensible noises, yet his words were understood by everyone. 

"You don't get to speak, bastard!" Jogo yelled, and the volcano on top of his head comically exploded a little. 

Veins popped on his head as he glared at Hanami. "I don't even know what you are saying, but naturally understanding you gives me creeps!"

After the brief exchange, the man and the three curses entered a small cafe, where a waitress warmly welcomed them.

"Welcome! A table for one?" The waitress questioned with a smile.

"Yes, just one," Geto responded, pulling up his finger as Jogo gave the waitress a sidelong glance.

The man and the three curses seated themselves in the cafe. Elsewhere, in Jujutsu High's morgue, four people surrounded Itadori Yuji's covered body. 

"We lost one of our own, didn't we?" Ryusei questioned as he sat beside another man.

The man was tall and muscular, in his late twenties, attractive with snow-white hair. His eyes were covered by a black blindfold.

Special Grade Sorcerer: Satoru Gojo 

Gojo remained silent, and Ryusei interpreted the lack of response as a confirmation.

"It was on purpose, wasn't it?" Gojo questioned, his gaze pointed at the man in the black suit.

"You say that, but..." The man sheepishly responded, fear and nervousness evident. His glasses seemed ready to fall off from fidgeting. 

"Dispatching first years to rescue five people with unclear instructions on whether they were alive or dead," Gojo stated, anger and annoyance evident in his speech. 

"And on top of that, against a Special Grade is unreal. If Yaga-sensei didn't contact Ryusei personally, we might have lost all three yesterday."

"I did the impossible and managed to give Yuji an indefinite postponement on his death penalty," Gojo said. 

"What's really messed up is that they stealthily disposed of him in my absence, with the help of a special grade. That's what this is, isn't it?"

"No, but when the dispatch was decided... no one expected it to become a special grade," the man responded, fixing his glasses, trembling in fear.

"Finding the perpetrator is also troublesome," Gojo stated, ignoring the man's words.

"Shall I go ahead and kill all those guys at the top!" Satoru yelled in anger and rage, his overwhelming presence making the man tremble even more.

"Now you're talking!" Ryusei stood from his seat, grabbing his katana with a wide grin. "I call dibs on the Zenin," he declared.

"They are the ones colluding with a special grade curse, reason enough!" Ryusei asserted with conviction.

-[Template Skill: Fighter's Will(SS+): Activated]- 

Ryusei's overwhelming aura filled the room, and the man strained to resist collapsing under its pressure.

Special Grade 1 Sorcerer: Shigure Ryusei 

Despite the passing years, Ryusei's intent to fight, whether against curses or sorcerers, remained steadfast and evident.

"It's rare to see both of you so fired up to do something together," a voice interrupted as their pressure slowly subsided.

A tall woman, sports long brown hair, occasionally tied in a ponytail. Soft brown eyes with dark lines hint at fatigue. A mole accents her right eye, and thick eyebrows frame her face.

Sorcerer: Ieiri Shoko. 

"It's rare to see you this emotional," Shoko said, observing Gojo. "You were really fond of him, huh?"

"Well, I am a nice guy who is always fond of his students," Gojo responded with a nonchalant tone.

Ryusei didn't say anything but cast a glance at Gojo, as if silently expressing, "Really?"

"Don't pick on Ijichi too much; it's hard to stand between us and the higher-ups," Shoko cautioned.

His eyes sparkled. 'Go on, please elaborate on my behalf,' Ijichi thought, glancing at Shoko as if she had descended from the heavens.

"Huh! I don't give a damn about this guy's hardships," Ryusei and Gojo responded in tandem, with Ryusei wearing an almost thug-like expression.

"And this is Sakuna's host, right?" Shoko questioned as she removed the blanket covering Itadori.

"And this is Sakuna's host, right?" Shoko questioned as she removed the blanket covering Itadori.

"I can dissect him however I like, right?" Shoko questioned.

"Make use of him," Gojo responded in a serious tone.

"Who do you think you are talking to? I will," Shoko stated confidently.

"Seeing someone like this is making me more pissed by the second. I'm going out to get something to drink. You all want anything?" Ryusei questioned as he opened the door, preparing to leave.

"Nah," "No thank you," "I will pass," the other three responded as Ryusei left the room.

"Despite not knowing him, he sure is affected by his death, huh?" Shoko stated, glancing at Ryusei leaving through the door.

"Ryusei is not like others; he is someone who lives for others but also wishes not to show it," Gojo responded with a sigh.

"He is someone who is carrying the burden of many, but that's the path he has chosen. Not as a kid but as a sorcerer."

As the two talked about Ryusei, the boy in question walked out of the morgue and started to stroll, feeling the fresh air.

A screen in front of his eyes displayed his stats, and he looked at them with a solemn face. 


-[Name: Shigure Ryusei]- 

-[Age: 16 years 3 months]- 

-[Race: Human]- 

-[Strength: S+]- 

-[Speed: SS]- 

-[Endurance: SS+]- 

-[Curse Reserves: BB]- 

-[Innate Techniques: Cursed Inheritance(SS+), Gastly Laugh(A+), Arms of Amaterasu(SS), Photosis(S), Disrupt(A), Curse Spirit Manipulation(A+) Vortex(A), Rebound(B), Herd Call(B), First Draw(CC)]- 

-[Curse Techniques: Stack(SSS+), Maximum Output(U), Domain Expansion(AA), New Shadow Style(AA+), Barrier(S), Detect(SS), Curse Cloak(SSS+)]- 

-[Curse Control: SS+]- 

-[Buff: None]- 

-[Debuff: None]- 

-[Passive Skills: Reading(S), Boxing(SSS+), Iron Fortress(SSS+), Sword Master(SSS+), Weapon Genius(SS), Last Chance(U)]- 

-[Active Skills: Gongseob Ji-Counter(SSS+), First Strike(U), Giant's Soul(U)]- 

-[Template: Gongseob Ji, Goo kim]- 

-[Template Skills: Fighter's Will(SS+), Familiar Aura(U), Sword Genius(U)]-

-[Quests: 1]- 

-[Main Quest: Decided to bring order over the world]-

-[Rewards: Unique Template, Epic Template Slot, ??. Failure: Death]- 

-[Timelimit: 16 Years 5 months]- 

-[Time Left: 5 months]- 

'Only 5 months are left; I've devoted most of my time to becoming stronger. The moment for decisive actions is drawing near.'

'For the quest, my answer is clear,' Ryusei contemplated, the weight of impending decisions hanging in the air as he pondered the path ahead.


"In other words, your boss... wants to turn the tables on today's humans, is that it?" Geto concluded as he sat in front of Jogo.

"It's a little different," Jogo stated, tapping the table. "Humans are built from lies! There's always an underside to emotions and actions shown on the surface."

"But negative emotions like hatred and murderous intent never lie! That's why we curses, born from them, are pure and genuine...REAL HUMANS!" Jogo declared as lava dripped from his head.


"Right now the one being extinguished are you guys" Geto stated. 

"That's why I am asking you. How can we defeat the sorcerers?" Jogo inquired. 

"Before the war breaks out, you must satisfy two conditions," Geto responded. "Make Satoru Gojo unable to take part and win over the two-faced sorcerer Sakuna and Itadori."

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