
Screw the force, I have money! [Star wars SI]

Being thrown into SW universe in time before the Blockade of Naboo, our MC finds many ways how to derail the timeline and break all breaks and directing everything into the unknown. Follow the story of our hero, of how he kriffed up the galaxy. "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/screw-the-force-i-have-money-star-wars-si.649535/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [QuickDeath007] Author!!!

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The Naboo Plasma War : Episode IV

Lieutenant Sykes bit off a curse as ground fire from an AAT clipped the wing of his N-X Cruiser. Trade Federation forces were closing in on the slow-moving Houseboats, he had focused so much on the gunboats that he had failed to notice the tanks taking positions along the ridgeline, overlooking the river.

I'm not going to take them out in time... he realized. I can't save them all...

Without warning, several Vulture droids strafed the Trade Federation AATs, annihilating them under a hail of laser fire. Then, they broke formation, throwing themselves at their own comrades and ripping apart their fellow droid starfighters. Looking down, he could see the light of laser fire as droids began turning on each other.

"Captain Kael, are you seeing this?" He asked over his comms.

"Standby, I'm receiving a transmission..."

Tense seconds passed, the confusion among the Naboo security officers almost palpable. The only comfort was that nobody seemed to be firing on the civilians.

"All units, this is Captain Kael, I am transmitting IFF signatures. Looks like someone decided to grow a conscience, apparently gunning down unarmed civilians wasn't in the job description. All indicated Trade Federation forces are defecting. I realize this is a little too convenient, but civilian lives take priority. We can worry about getting stabbed in the back after they're safe."

In the chaos of what could only be called a Civil War in Sykes's mind, the fleeing Naboo escaped unnoticed.


Sykes took a moment to rub his aching shoulders. While the N-X cruisers were designed with pilot comfort in mind, he would be surprised if the designers had ever imagined a pilot would be flying one for eight hours without rest. To compound matters, his day wasn't done, he'd merely landed and took charge of an armed speeder. The houseboats had finally docked, refugees piling into a speeder convoy to get out of the narrow confines of the canals and rivers.

"Sykes, we're getting an SOS from some Trandoshan mercenaries. They're claiming that they're holed up in a small town and are trying to protect the civilians from attacking droids. Take a team and investigate. Be prepared for a trap."

He'd gotten an hour of sleep while one of the others drove, but he awoke to the sound of distant blaster fire. Sykes switched spots with the driver and headed towards the ongoing battle. Droids were advancing on a two-story villa, trading shots with the defenders.

"Sir," his spotter began, peering through a set of binoculars "Making out men in police uniforms... some armed civilians... and... well hell, there really are Trandoshans in there. Orders?"

Sykes didn't hesitate, pushing the throttle to full. "Go in, save lives, get out."

Someone behind him laughed. "Good plan sir."

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