
Screw the force, I have money! [Star wars SI]

Being thrown into SW universe in time before the Blockade of Naboo, our MC finds many ways how to derail the timeline and break all breaks and directing everything into the unknown. Follow the story of our hero, of how he kriffed up the galaxy. "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/screw-the-force-i-have-money-star-wars-si.649535/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [QuickDeath007] Author!!!

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When I had first started remembering my past life, I had been seven years old. Or 29, from a certain point of view. Being seven years old, and thus fairly stupid, this had first resulted in amusement from my parents, followed by my uncle getting yelled at because they thought I had somehow gotten into his 'stash.' Once more of my memory returned, I wised up and shut up. The events leading up to me getting transplanted to a galaxy far, far away were fuzzy at best, I had no idea how my previous life had ended. Or even if it had ended, for that matter.

My parents put me through school, had me raised in the world of intragalactic commerce. I snuck a few courses in engineering and got tutored in the basics of using a blaster. I wasn't overly familiar with the timeline for Star Wars in my previous life, but the Republic was still a thing, and discrete holonet searches revealed that no Droid army had ever invaded Naboo, and the Ruusan reformation was a long time ago.

I wish I could say I had been born... reborn? Yes, reborn during the golden age of the Republic, and died of old age before Palpatine was born and everything was ruined forever, but I wasn't that lucky. Nor did I have the Force. Also, my memories had given me a gift in the form of psychosomatic leg pain and a limp. Nice cane though.

"Captain, pirate ships are demanding our immediate surrender," a droid's synthesized voice said.

Oh right, forgot that detail.

"Pick the largest ship and ram it. This will be an adequate test of our new shields."

"Roger roger."

Of all the species I could have been born as, I was a fucking Neimoidian.