
Scratch of a Woman

Zria has always had a normal life, until she met Celeste. With the murder of her friend, they now must both try and find a way to live life without someone believing it was them.

CrazyDraws_yt · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Zria began to stumble through the door, barely able to keep her footing as she helped lay the other on the bed. Every blood drop made an echo, as if telling the police where they were. Zria began to look around the cabin. The walls were Rosewood, while the floor was Teak. The curtains were yellow with roses that danced up and down them. The place wasn't big though, the bedroom and kitchen were basically together, and the bathroom was just a few feet ahead, but any home was better than where they were. Zria's thoughts of the room were interrupted by Celeste's groan of agony

"Hey," Zria began to question whether the other was okay or not. "We're here alright? You don't need to worry. Zay was right." She lays Celeste on the bed, as she begins to look around for First Aid. Zria looks under the bathroom sink. She became aggravated to see the place blank though. Zach had promised it would be there. She wanted to sit down and collect her thoughts, but she couldn't. Nothing else matters right now other than making sure she and Celeste are safe. Zria pinched herself to snap herself out of a trance, but in reality, she knew that she would never be able to snap out of this. She paused to look into the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She was pretty banged up. Her glasses were cracked, her forehead was bleeding, and her ankle was bruised from the fall. The truth was she wanted to cry, but nothing would come out. What would she say to anyone? How could they reach a place that was across the ocean?

"Hey Z," Zria panicked as she thought Celeste was in trouble, but alas it was her holding First-Aid. "Let's get patched up, okay?" Zria only nodded in response. "Apologize" was ringing through her head. "You brought her into this. This would be a problem if it wasn't for you!" Celeste placed a hand upon her shoulder. She kept telling her how they were fine now and how it wasn't that much more to go, but Zria knew she was lying. The truth is, it is her fault. She should have listened to May and the others, if she would have kept her mouth shut.

"There," Celeste, feeling satisfied, wrapped the last bandage around the other ankle. "I think I did pretty good." Zria smiled as she hastily began to move to the desk sitting in the corner. Celeste smiles as she hasn't heard her lover laugh in a while.

"So you're just gonna watch me?" Zria said as she struggled to grab onto the chair. The other only shook her head as she got up to help.

"What are you doing, anyway," She lightly sets the other down onto the chair, before leaning up against the desk herself. The pain in her hip is not quite gone. "You're supposed to be resting!"

"Well for starters, I don't have time to rest,"


"And secondly," Zria began to open one of the drawers of the desk, and a pencil. "I'm gonna tell the world our story." Celestine smiled as she saw Zria slowly get back into her creative space.

"So where are we gonna start?" Zria scoffed

"Where every story starts, with a Prologue."