
Scratch of a Woman

Zria has always had a normal life, until she met Celeste. With the murder of her friend, they now must both try and find a way to live life without someone believing it was them.

CrazyDraws_yt · LGBT+
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9 Chs

A House is where the Headache Lives.

"Alright," the driver said as he rotated the lever that led to the outside. "There you go." Zria only nodded in response though. She was never really fond of the guy, but she did really hate him either. She silently stepped off the bus to see her home. A home of headaches. The truth was she wanted to turn back now, or maybe walking to Zach's house would be better. He doesn't live that far, but in reality she knew she couldn't walk that distance. She drew a quick breath and began to walk to the door. Footstep sounded like ever raging thunder to her as she made way. What if they're already arguing? At least that means they won't have to worry about me, right? She braced herself and opened the door.

And she heard silence… sweet oh sweet silence. Nobody was home, and couldn't be better. Zria smiled to herself happy that there was no one to pester her or something small. She smiles and grabs her phone to text the person who she could only explain her happiness to.

Zria: Hay! Guess who's home alone?

Zach: Ouu! Congrats! Me on the other hand, not so much.

Zach grew up with an only mom and three younger siblings so I didn't expect him to have it so breezy either. Zria thought to herself. She could invite them over to hang out. They do need some time to themselves. The ringing of her phone brought her attention back from space.

Zach: Hay, so I was thinking, the phone showed 3 dots, and those dots lasted a while. How many things Zria could have thought of, well that was nothing compared to how many she actually did. Cold ran its way back and forth on her spine. Nothing, but thoughts ran through her head. Nothing in her life could be worse than waiting for an answer.

Zach: Do you want to add Celeste into our group chat?

That was it? She continued to speak to herself. Why couldn't you put that in one sentence? She took time to think to herself. Celestine with them. They did get along great at the beginning, but they didn't think they were friends, right? The knocking of the door caused Zria to jolt out of her bed.

Zria: Sure, do whatever you want.

She put down her before she could see their response. She ran down the hall to open the door, only to be greeted by her mom's fiancé. She wasn't surprised though. He usually was the one that got home after her.

"Hey," He said in an attempt to make small talk, which failed immensely. Zria wasn't one for small talk. It was either we talk normally or not at all. "How are you doing?" Zria only nodded to be polite and continued to head towards her room to be on her phone. The thought of mom wanting to marry him made her sick. All he did was work and sleep, while mom and she did everything. Yet and still mom swooned over him. And constantly told her that she'll understand when she finds love, and all that other BS. Zria couldn't stand the idea that mom would willingly want to do that for the rest of her life, but if it made her happy then that was that. She wanted to tell Zach about her time at home, but she couldn't. She couldn't tell them how "ungrateful" she was. They grew up being the only mature one in the house and here she was complaining about one dropping into her life. She put down her phone and shoved her hands into her pillow. She wanted to leave here. To a place where she could be herself, whether that was another place or…. She began to look at the bridge from outside the window. Was that her only way out? Turns to the side to stop her thoughts.


Zria picked up her phone in anger. Who was it bothering her at this time? She flips her phone over to read the notification.

??: Hey

??: Sorry to bother you. Zach gave me your number. I hope it's okay.

??: I'm Celeste. Btw.

Zria rolls her eyes at the messages. Has this girl ever had friends before? Just because we talk once doesn't make us friends. Zria tosses the phone to the bottom of the bed and begins to fall asleep, or at least try. Zria tossed and turned, but in the end couldn't go. She wanted to go on her phone, but she didn't want to see the sight of the text on her consciousness. I mean, she begins to grab her phone back. You could just block her. Problem solved! She nodded to herself as she held her finger over her name. Right before she presses the red letters she begins to reconsider. To be fair, it's not her fault I was in a bad mood. A sour feeling began to churn inside Zria's stomach. Maybe I should give her a chance. She sighed, she knew blocking her would be wrong. Plus Zach would yell at her for doing so. She begins to type back

Zria: Cool! How are you doing?

She sets her phone down. It should take a while, right? She thought to herself as she began to make her way to the kitchen for something to eat. She is probably busy with something. She began to place her food into the microwave. It wasn't much, but it was something. Why would Zach not put us in a group chat? She picks up her phone and texts them.

Zria: Why did you put me, you and Celeste into a group chat?

Zach: No reason. I just wanted us to have each other's names separately.

Zach: Why?

Zria: No reason. Just wanted to ask.

The truth was, Zria was worried about her. She didn't know what she was about or anything. She calmed herself as she ate.

"Hey!" She turned around to see her mom. Her mom worked at the hospital, so being happy and bubbly was unusual.

"Hey," Zria replied. Their conversations were usually cut short by Lya having to do something for him. Whether it was getting beers or cigarettes, or going out to eat and leaving her behind. Both of the silence was loud, as they both didn't know what to say to each other.

"So," The mom searched around the room, her mind begging her to find something to talk about. Zria's mind just returned to eating since she didn't really feel like talking was even worth it. "How was school?"

"It was alright. We have a new student in our class."

"Oh cool," Lya's eyes glowed up. Whether it was because of a new student, or the fact that there was something to talk about was what confused Zria. "What are they like?"

"Well," Zria threw away her plate. She wasn't finished, but the thought of eating while in a conversation always seemed rude to her. "Her name is Celeste-" Before she could finish talking her mom began to speak in awe

"Ouu! Have you talked to her? Are you guys already friends?"

"Yes I hav-"

"Y'know, it's about time you made some new friends. I was getting tired of that Zach boy."

"For the 100th time, they go by they."

"Y'see. That's what I mean!" Zria looks at her in confusion. She knew something she didn't like was coming. Why was every conversation they had like this? It starts out nice, but in the end Mom talks and daughter listens. She wanted to walk away, but she knew her mom would follow. When she was in this mood. The only way to get away from her was to hit her with a bus. Zria sighed.

"I'm going to my room, alright." Zria looks at her mother's face. She could never tell if her mom regretted what she did or actually think she was in the right. It didn't matter. She was sixteen already. She'd be out soon. Soon she'd be out of this headache and be able to live her own life. She looked at her phone to see if Celeste replied.


Zria once again decided to put her head into her pillow and try to go to sleep. This time being successful.