Sup (Can Skip, Literally a Rant)

This is a reboot of my first book. Crazy right unlike all those other SCP writers I ain't no quitter. I stick to writing good shit about a universe that is slept on way to hard. If you for some reason want to read something of way less quality check out my first book its literally this one, but worse.

In all seriousness things in this one are gonna change so don't be too surprised. I don't have an upload schedule so you can put that into your review that all of 0.005% of people who read this will make and even less read. Literally figured out how to view all them like a month ago. Only reason being when I got a notification that someone submitted one I went "oh that's how you do it". Because when your scoping out a book you look at the description, when it was last updated and if it had a no-harem or harme tag. (No comment of which ballpark I'm in. I'm here to write a book not engage in gladitorial combat.)

Seriously though who reads reviews?

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