
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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Meeting of The Minds

Walking out of the classroom I summoned my pocketwatch as it materialized in my hand. Although I could take less then a second to know the time because of my affinitys I found myself able to apreciate things that interact with it more. The decay of people as they wither away with only the majority of people immune to it being those within this facility. Staring at the pocketwatch I stared into the realm the Timekeeper was trapped in, suffice to say they were broken.

They had succumbed to the corruption I had previously inflicted upon my own soul. As I watched as their form previously ethereal, ghostlike and congruant had become nothing more then a writhing mesh of Flesh. The black mass seemed to be growing yet I coupd feel the pocketwatch passively take the power they emmited to expand its realm. It was an endless cycle as the previously named Timekeeper now mound of wriggling limbs and body-parts tried to grow to a size to overwhelm and escape my realm. Only for it to grow along with it.

In my estimations I believed the realm to be 100 million Km a fifth of the size of planet earth. Deciding to put in more protective measures I focused on enlisting the Librarys books in my neverending quest to make sure the planet didn't get destroyed by some monster. Anticipating my need a book titled "Sacrificial Rituals and You" appeared in my hands. Looking at it I remembered my putpose for checking the time in the first place. Me and my (Administrator)s were going to discuss the personnel they needed along with any seperate requests.

Tucking the book within my Trenchcoat I spun the pocketwatch before I clamped down on it with my fingeres before flipping it through my fingers. As I did so it left behind a blue, purple and black hur while leaving afterimages of each colour every second of doing so. Arriving at the meeting room door I desummoned the pocketwatch as it became whole with me ince more. Walking theough the meeting doors I was greeted by each (Administrator) looking eerily tense.

Wondering what they could've collectively done to look so afraid I slowly subdered to my seat allowing the stressful atmosphere to get to them. I slowly lowered myself to my seat as I purposefully allowed the aura of the room to stress them out. I had multiple reasons to do this, but one usurped them all. I didn't know their loyaltys. I had no idea if the part of the system had up and disappeared with the rest of it. This lead me to one conclusion.

I already had a heavy hand of power and could devestate the facility. However I didn't know their ambitions. For all I know one of them could be trying to take the position of leadership, and intimidation always did well in the short term. After being seated for 10.392 seconds I said, "we are gathered here for multiple reasons. Before we get into the meat of it I want a status report on everyone here and your own input that I noticed wasn't put on the documents." Although they started as mindless zombies they had progressively developed personalities.

Most interesting was how they seemed to do so based on their jobs. I initially thought the guards discipline and sense of keeping things in order was the system or their teachings from Miss J. What I did not anyicipate was how it seemed any "employee" who was summoned seemed to be moulded to fit their assigned role.

This was most prominent in the (Administrator) who handled outside contact and missions. Initially it was subtle a bit of extra diligence in regards to their dutys and making sure the G.O.C. couldn't catch word of us through information seeping through the cracks. In their reports they got more direct, to the point with little to no fluff associated with them. Eventually I found my basically spymaster to have been getting much more effective in their dutys. Their operations they planned out worked in tandum with eachother as key figures where assasinated, "kidnapped" or just went missing allowing the infiltrators we had to become several high level people within banks, police and govermental facilitys.

Of course the goverments and companies investigated. But things get muddy when you drag in civilians as the (Administrator) did they exact same thing with chosen people. Just a little more obvious to bring suspicion to them. And that was but one of their plans that so far had been working, and have been mostly successful in their distractions. The only altercation came when one of the infiltrator who were going to be promoted to a branch manager through blackmail and a conviently open position was arrested. Thanks to the (Administrator)s planning the agent had a fake tooth filled with cyanide in their mouth and was going to comit suicide if not for them letting him go after an 8 hour long interrogation.

Safe to say they had acclimitized well ti the position and adding on to it I could detect multiple hidden audio recorders in the meeting room which made me wonder how many were in the facility. After taking a second to wonder the (Administrator) in charge of security spoke first. "The fortifications are perfect the ambush plans reviewed multiple times by every man and women and weapons equipped with those dragons breath round converters!" She said all in one breath with more respect any person could receive.

Next was the (Administrator) in charge of the science team. I say team as there's only 20 of them and one of the main reasons I'm doing this meeting as there is currently a 55-1 ratio with guards being the larger number. Not to mention how the (Administrator) incharge of engineering only has 10 maintenance workers. Currently do to the size of the Site about 50 guards have used SCP-5094 to learn about maintenance and keep the site running. Not to mention how the (Administrator) who was the head of Foreign Affairs had literally nothing to do except visit the cult to make sure they're loyal and help the other (Administrator)s on menial tasks.

Being understaffed seems to be an addiction when looking at those numbers, and I have overdosed.

Some would think the (Administrator) in charge of security would like having so many people. When asking her this she replied "You try managing about 1,000 people with their schedules training and reports by yourself DAILY." Safe to say after the stress indulged frenzy she devylged I asked a very simple question. "Why haven't you had any guards train to manage the guards under them? If we expand we're not just gonna have (Administrator)s and guards. Train some captains." Safe to say after my suggestion I noticed how Miss J was booked for a week for captain training

So with all this in mind when they procured a single piece of paper I was surprised. Until I saw the contents of it.




{Senior researchers-50}

{Managereal Staff-10}

{MTF Unit- 5 }

{Spymaster-1 }

(For Continental Hotel Oversight)

{Level 5 Infiltrator-20}

Doing the quick math I found that getting all of these people would cost l,

-250 points for the Engineers

-250 points for the Tinkerers

-1,000 points for the Scientists

-750 points for the Senior Researchers

-250 points for the Managereal Staff

-200 points for the Spymaster

-500 points for the (Level 5) Infiltrators

Which left me 1,800 points which the list would say I should get an MTF unit. Which I just didn't have the points for so something had to go. Now I could just go "I don't need another MTF squad." Problem being I did. My attunment to Time informed me that I wouldn't get the system back in at least a few years. Which lined up suspiciously for when my protection against the Foundation ran out. So I needed to plan and to not dilly dally around capturing SCPs before the Foundation could.

I would keep the Engineers and Tinkerers in as theh cost barely anything and were mainly for maintenence and reapairs. The scientists were going to be needed as I was getting ready on sending out the original guards that came with the Site and use them as their name suggested an (Elite Strike Force). The Senior Researchers could be cut back as a 4-1 ratio in cost wasn't pleasing, nor needed because of SCP-5094 emaculate teachibg.

Lowering that number to 10 to assign them to teach other scientists less efficiently I continued down the list. The Managereal staff were needed to lighten the (Administrator)s workload and could be shuffled around according to the (Administrator)s workload. I agreed with the purchasing of a Spymaster as I did not believe the threat of retribution from the "High Table" would keep the Continental Hotel in check forever despite the information about them.

The Infiltrators however were a bit much if I wished to get a low level MTF Unit. Lowering the Infiltrators down to 10 I now had 2,650 points which was enough for MTF Unit Pi-1 City Skickers. Now the reason I wanted this particular unit, aside from their affordability, was they were extremely specialised in urban operations. This was important as this also came with the need to be undetected by the populace while taking part in operations. I planned to have them assigned to the spymaster I would be employing. To which they would oversee the training of all mercenaries within the Continental Hotel in to grant the (Administrator) in charge of external affairs a greater force to work with.

I had 150 points left, but withheld didn't ask for any more suggestions it was a small amount. So I instead found the point more worthwhile to allow the teleporting in of 30 guards to defend me significantly more advantageous. Informing the (Administrator)s of my decisions and reasoning behind them I moved to a more important topic.

What SCPs we had currently after my raid on Site-88 along with the progress in studying them. And what SCPs would be more advantageous to take, or set up ambush, before the Foundation/G.O.C. could catch wind of them. The (Administrator) in charge of science and engineering respectively seemed both happy and unhappy when it came to my question.