
SCP Life Diary of a D-class Personnel

Hello, welcome to join the scp foundation, as a D-level personnel, you will get the following benefits: First, you will get a unique identification number printed on your brand new orange clothes (prison uniform), such as D-213. That’s not enough, you will also get a brand new name, which you will use to communicate with each other in the future! Like Billy-D. As a D-Class, you just have to satisfy your superiors, and they’re good guys with guns! They will help you to have friendly interactions with all kinds of safe creatures (help the ten-meter killer lizard clean the room) In order to protect your health at all times, our infirmary is always open, even if your work here is as easy as taking a walk! When you’re done with a D-Class for a month, you can go home (and be shot), no matter what prisoner you were- Don’t wait any longer, come and join scp! This is not mine I do not own this fanfic

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: : Hey, you little thing is quite fierce!

It was a white man. He was sitting in the corner crying with his head in his arms. As far as I could see, this man's skin was as pale as a dead man's, and his hands seemed to be very long, even exceeding his own legs. , and at the same time he looked skinny and very fragile.

But my physical danger alarm device as a Maozi remembered again. At this time, I just want a combat power detection device or something, because the pile of SCP things is usually not as good as it seems...

That guy did nothing but sit in the corner and cry like a fallen three year old! I didn't do anything but looked at him again, looking at that big white leg, I suddenly had a bold idea...

Cough, okay, just kidding, I don't dare to touch this thing casually, besides he is bald, Wu Ke's people never tell the way to others, what if I go up and get killed with a punch? Dr. Cao Li Lailai want the two of us to fight together? Aren't you afraid that both sides...ah bah, he was beaten to death by me?

I looked around, the room was really too dark, I didn't know if there were any strange things in the room, but anyway, the smell of blood was not weak.

At this time, I turned my head and found that the white bald donkey was also facing me, and our eyes met... ouch, white eye disease!

Damn, Little Chic looks really tm... Isn't this face too long? Just like a donkey! Also, is your jaw dislocated because your mouth is so wide open? !


At this time, the little thing suddenly screamed like a trendy girl, and then covered his face with the palm that was almost bigger than his head and started to cry, but I don't think this thing has tear ducts...

"Yeah woo woo woo!"

I couldn't understand what he was saying, and he kept barking like a baby who lost his mother for more than two minutes. The sound was so harsh that I stepped back several meters.

Suddenly, he took his hand off his face, and a pair of eyes lacking in pigment stared at me like a wolf. Then, he rushed towards me, his steps were spiritual and arrogant, and he needed to be beaten without losing his cool. The hand is floating behind the back like a kite... Naruto, is that you? Naruto? Have you crossed too? How did you become like this! This is too **** ugly!

This guy was very fast, and he came to me in less than two seconds. The huge palm stretched directly towards my arm, and I suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

His hands are still some distance away from me hurting me, so the time stop has not been triggered yet, but I grabbed the wrist joints of his two hands first before I entered the time stop, TM this little thing is quite powerful!

"MD, get out of here, you ugly bastard!"

I let out a roar and then grabbed his wrist and made him spin around me at a speed of one meter per second for five seconds. My hand is nine centimeters long and Wu Ke's body is 2.37 meters long. It is 1.5 meters, how many circles and the area of ​​the circle have I turned in total, students please answer the question. I let go of my hand, and Baihua Wu Ke was thrown into the shadows by me, and it took a while before there was a "slap". MD, I don't care if you are not a braised egg head who can punch continuously or Konoha Shinobi who has infinite chakra and can destroy the world, if you dare to provoke Maozi, you must be prepared to have your skull used as a bowl!

I stared in the direction of that little Wu Ke, suddenly! A bald head emerged from the darkness! His huge palm grabbed my head directly, and then, time stood still.

My mother, why is this little thing like a mad dog, whoever bites whoever it sees, doesn't it just call you ugly? Why are you doing this! ?

It seems that he wants to fight me endlessly, so there is no way, I didn't want to kill.

So I pulled out my dagger and slit his neck and stepped back to keep the blood from splashing on me.


The time stop ended, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his neck, splashing all over the floor! But...but why does this guy look like he's okay? That Zhang claws grasping the air do not know where I am? MDZZ...

Hey, this little thing is pretty fierce!

After a while, this guy finally turned his head and saw me, approached me with a ninja run again, and was kicked away by me...

"What the **** are you suffering from the second illness?"

I couldn't help cursing, but I didn't know why I felt a strong sense of discomfort... Looking at the **** dagger in my hand, smelling the **** smell in the air, every cell in my body was thinking about fighting , made me want to take this bald man's skull off, and the feeling was unbearable until finally, I couldn't take it anymore.


Standing in the monitoring room, because of the special nature of SCP-096 (it will kill everyone who sees his face, whether it is a video or a portrait, no matter where the target is, even if it is the universe, he will go up and tear you apart .), Dr. Rhine could only observe Gaia's interaction with SCP-096 from the radar, and the battle seemed intense. At this time, a loud "Ula" suddenly came out, not from the sound receiver, but from outside the room, from 096's containment facility! Did this man use a golden voice? It's so loud!

"Dr. Rhine, are you sure this is a good idea?" The captain of the guard looked at Rhine with a complicated expression. "Using a Euclid-level SCP to execute another Keter-level SCP?"

"Huh? Didn't the doctor's proposal to terminate SCP-096 be passed long ago?" Dr. Rhine knew what the captain meant, but instead of answering directly, he asked the captain instead.

"No, I mean...doctor, we have lost a lot of good people by transporting 096 to your shelter, and if you, a Euclid-class SCP, fail, then my subordinates will also die in vain gone."

"Then think of other ways to execute 096. This guy can continue to kill and recover even if his body is smashed by bullets. It is not so easy to kill him with human ability." Rhine said calmly, "And I think this This SCP of mine is sure to win this battle."

"...Doctor, you know, right? Even 682 can only defeat 096 but not kill him."

"I know, but this one is different. Just imagine, if all the organs of SCP096 are destroyed, will he still be alive? We only tried bullets, but if we use cold weapons to kill him Will he still be alive with his head cut off? There are so many things we haven't tried."

"This..." The captain frowned for a while, and then asked back: "If you are so sure that your SCP can defeat 096, why don't you turn on the camera?"

Dr. Rhine casually picked up the vodka on one side of the table and took a sip, then turned to the captain and replied: "I'm sure 2333 can beat 096, but I'm not sure he can kill 096, if he can't kill 096, then yes 2333 096, who has the same sense of fear as 682, will point the finger at us, and at that time, we will all die."

The captain recalled the appearance of 096 when he killed someone, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Back then, 096 tore his subordinates in half in front of him, until he was captured again...

"Don't worry, have a glass of wine and calm down."

Rhine took another bottle of vodka from the cabinet on the side, and now their shelter is most lacking in vodka because of Gaia.

The captain took the wine and took a sip. At this time, the peripheral vision of his eyes caught the abnormal movement on the radar, and the wine in his hand fell to the ground and shattered in fright.

"Doctor, look! A sign of life has disappeared from the radar!"

Sure enough, only one of the two green dots representing Gaia and 096 remained on the radar. Rhine showed an excited and nervous expression. He connected the speaker in that room and asked loudly, "Gaia, how is the situation?" gone?"

The other party was silent for a moment, and then a man's scolding came through.

"Dr. Cao Li Lailai, I CNM, you **** **** me!"