
Day 2 supplies


"𝗢𝗜, 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞!" yelled Alessandro


People start to get up from their beds to start getting to work

Jehanne starts to head to the weapons storage to check the weapons.

"ugh my head," said Derek as he groans

"well I should at least start getting to work"

Derek starts to head to the center of the town to see if he can help gather food.

"where is it? god damn" said Derek as he admonishes the design.


it was Jehanne, she was pointing to the left side



Derek starts to head to the food area to start working.

as he heads into the building, he sees a person with a weapon on their back.

"oh, you must Derek, the newest member."

"my name is Oliver, Oliver Louvet"

"hey, sooooooooo what do I have to do?"

"ah, they didn't tell you? well, you will need to get a weapon and help us collect food," said Oliver as he hands Derek a spear.

"here this is the only weapon we have left. We will give a better weapon later but have this for a bit."

"oh alright thanks, so where is the area where I have to get food?"

"damn, they really didn't tell you anything did they?" said Oliver with confusion in his voice

"well, you will see it when you start walking. The sign on the top will say restaurant"

"oh okay, thanks," said Derek as he starts walking to the gate to start getting food.

"WAIT" yelled Oliver with a backpack in his hands

"YOU GONNA NEED THIS" yelled Oliver as he hands the backpack to Derek

"THANKS, OLIVER!" yelled Derek

as Derek starts to head to the location, he spots an employee walking around

"AaAHH humph geez I'm haven't gotten used to them," said Derek with a quiver in his voice

"I guess I should get to them being here, well let's try to get as much food as I can"

As soon as Derek said that he spots a sign named restaurant.

"Ah, that should be it well let's start heading there."

Derek starts walking to the sign, he sees several bags of chips and many bottles of soda.

"Wow that's a lot of food I guess I should get as much as I can," said Derek as he stuffed as much food as he can into his backpack

After stuffing the bag with as much as he can he finds a weapon made from metal that seemed to be quite old.

"hmm looks like this was abandoned maybe I should take it," said Derek

the weapon was a medieval polearm and seemed to be quite worn-down

"well I guess I should keep it and take it back to the base," said Derek as he grabs the polearm

"let's start heading back to the base"

"yeah, I think I remember the way back..." said Derek hesitantly

Derek starts walking the same path as he did to get to this place and finds out that the base was being under attack by another group.


as soon as he heard this he dropped his backpack and used the polearm he found to attack the group of raiders.

Derek ran to attack the closest raider and strikes a heavy blow on his first hit

"AUGHH... shit who the fuck attack me," said the raider

Derek used his chance as he was talking to strike again to finish him off before he told the other raiders.

"oof that's the first time I've killed well it's not going to be the last I guess well let's continue this and help the team."

the raider fight lasted 48 minutes and completely destroyed most of the structures in the base.

"jeez what the fuck happened?" asked Derek

"some raiders came to steal our supplies, we took care of them though," said Alessandro

"damn well is everybody okay?" asked Derek

"Yeah there were some people injured but mostly okay," said Alessandro

"We are going to need to rebuild the base before night or all of us will die"

"you should start helping us out," asked Alessandro

"yeah sure ill help as much as I can," said Derek

all of the people in the group helped rebuild the base by stacking tables and using bed frames as frames.

this continued for 2 hours as the base slowly returns to its original shape.

"Yeah that's close enough to what we had before," said Alessandro


"fine" "ugh I don't wanna go to work" said the people as they head to their station

"oh also Derek have you gotten any food from your trip to the food mart?" said Alessandro to Derek

"yeah I got quite a lot, let me put it in the food storage" told Derek