
SCP - The Game Console

[This Fanfic goes over Game-Elements, Multiverse Traveling, and more. If that is not your cup of tea, then it's your choice in whether or not to read the novel] [Synapsis] From being run over to finding out that I am an SCP within a world full of beings that could end the world as we know it... Arc 1: The Beginning(Chapter 1-25) Arc 2: Multiversal Travel and Divine Energy Collecting(Chapter 25-?)

Unholy_Student · Fantasy
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77 Chs

075 - The Hellwalker

[A/N: As someone has put in a recent review, I really do not know how to exactly write a more 'human' and normal conversation between the MC and others, if you have any tips to improve this, please comment down below]

Sitting within my room in the farmhouse, I was surprised to suddenly have one of my angels that should be in hell, appear before me through a beacon within my room that allowed me to travel instantly to other worlds if there was a problem.

[Angel Image here]

[A/N: Only thing missing in that picture, is their 'eyes' which would be two glowing orbs under the hood where their eyes should be]

Standing before me, was one of my Commander Angels that had the red eyes.

I had multiple classes of angels that revolved around their eyes.

Blue Eyes = Common Angel Soldier

Red Eyes = Commander Angel

Golden Eyes = Angel General

"What is it?" I asked the angel.

"We have found the being you told us to look for," The Angel informed me, which got me almost immediately out of my chair.

"Have we made contact with him?" I asked with worry.

"We have not, we kept our distance," The angel explained.

"Good...good," I muttered as I let out a sigh of relief.

I would rather not get on the bad side of a being who had the power to kill Gods.

Although I do not know if he was strong enough to kill me.

"Lead me to where he was last seen," I commanded the Angel before me who nodded.

"As you command, Creator," The Angel replied before we both teleported to hell via the beacon.

Once we appeared in hell, we took flight and I followed the Angel for over 2,500 miles before we stopped and landed on a cliff looking over a vast and barren landscape that was completely corrupted by hell.

But what was strange, was that there were some demon corpses that were obviously killed by something other than my Angels.

If anything, it looked as if the demons were killed via projectile weaponry.

"You saw him?" I asked.

"We did, just an hour ago, in fact, we saw him heading further north from here," The angel told me.

"Good, then you're free to leave, I will take care of things from here," I told the Angel before he nodded and flew back to base.

Now then, time to meet the Hellwalker and Demon Slayer himself, once I find him, of course.

After searching for a little over 40 minutes, I finally found the hellwalker walking along the barren earth in his armor with a shotgun in his hands.

Suddenly landing behind the hellwalker himself, I watched as he almost instantly turned around with his shotgun and shot.

My eyes widened as I felt the rounds impact directly into my shield created from pure divine energy.

Calming myself down and letting out a smile, I just waved my hand, sending the floating shrapnel stuck in my barrier away before looking at the man covered in full body armor.

"Greetings Hellwalker," I greeted the Doom Slayer.

"Demon? No...there are no signs of corruption, human? Impossible, none can survive here, perhaps I am just imagining," Doom Slayer talked to himself out loud as he examined my body.

"I can assure you that I am real and that although I may not be human, I am certainly not affiliated with this place," I explained to Doom Slayer.

"Hmmm...who and what are you?" Asked the hellwalker.

"You may call me Zephyr and I am a God," I introduced myself.

"What do you want? How'd you get here?" He asked.

"I came here from a portal," I informed him before cutting to the chase.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Cleaning up hell," I told him honestly.

"How?" He asked bewildered.

"Well, you see, I am constantly purifying Hell with every day that passes and I would like your help in this," I attempted to persuade him.

"Why would you need my help?" Doom Slayer asked on guard.

"I need you for what you do, what your good at, and that's slaying demons," I told him truthfully.

"And what's in it for me...?" He asked.

"You, my friend, will get to slay many many more Demons, and I will give you the power to do so and you will help me by cleansing this multiverse from the demons once and for all, do we have an agreement?" I asked, hoping that he would agree.

But after hearing my offer for power, he immediately rose his gun and aimed before taking another shot at me.

"Woah! Calm down, what's wrong?" I asked bewildered by his reaction.

"I will not become some puppet for your 'power'!" He shouted as he fired a couple more rounds into my barrier, causing me to jolt back from the impact.

"Cool it down!" I shouted as he continued firing and bashing into my barrier.

Noticing how he just ignored me and continued trying to kill me, I grew annoyed and finally just summoned magical chains I used a while back that should keep him down for a while.

Word Count: 867

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