
New Check-in Location, and Jun Zhangjian the Sequence Ten emerging out of Isolation

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jun Xiaoyao then returned to the Heavenly Emperor Palace with Jun Zhantian, taking Jun Linglong with him.

All of the other disciples of the Jun family at the combat arena watched the three of them leave with envious and reverent gazes.

If Jun Xiaoyao's performance was not up to par, then there was no doubt that they all would have thought less of him.

Even so, he had completely impressed everyone with his performance just now.

"Jun Linglong threw herself at the Divine Child just to be his maid... You guys saw it too, right?"

A young man from the Jun family asked, "So, do you guys think that Jun Zhangjian would come looking for trouble with him?"

"I don't think so. If Jun Zhangjian still has his wits about him, he definitely wouldn't go about looking for trouble with the divine child," the others replied while shaking their heads.

Everyone knew that Jun Xiaoyao was heavily favored by the Eighteenth Ancestor, being destined to achieve greatness in the future. The boy was destined to be the backbone of the Jun family in the future.

Everyone believed that if Jun Zhangjian dared get on Jun Xiaoyao's bad side only because of Lan Qingya, he would have definitely been deemed insane.

As for Jun Xiaoyao, he didn't care at all about what would happen to Jun Zhangjian in that case.

If the older man dared to side with Lan Qingya, Jun Xiaoyao would not hesitate to fight him.

"Is this the Heavenly Emperor Palace?"

Jun Linglong looked at the magnificent, regal buildings before her eyes. The astonishment was vaguely showing on her face.

Despite her esteemed status, she was still never permitted to enter the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao waved and said, "Just relax and make yourself at home."

"Thank you, Sir Divine Child." Jun Linglong wore a bright smile and bowed at Jun Xiaoyao.

'Normally, anyone else would have had a hard time getting Jun Linglong to even look at them. Then here I am, making her my maid without any problem. So, this is what having power and status feels like, eh?' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Being born in the right place sure is one hell of a technical job.

"Oh, right. Grandpa, with Jun Linglong now being the one taking care of my daily needs, you no longer need to come here every day," Jun Xiaoyao turned around and said.

"Well, aren't you quite the brat…" Jun Zhantiao sighed and glared at the boy.

'You're dumping your grandpa now that you've got yourself a pretty maid, eh?'

Unable to argue with Jun Xiaoyao, however, Jun Zhantian eventually relented. He would only show up if he needed to lecture his grandson on anything.

Jun Xiaoyao spent the next few days studying the body forging method that was called the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

The Divine Elephant Overpowering Force's abilities didn't stop at bringing about massive physical strength. Some martial arts techniques were derived from the fundamentals of this method.

For instance, it could eventually bring about the most powerful of offensive techniques in its arsenal—the Spear of Underworld.

The divine elephant of the ancients was capable of overpowering the forces of the boundless hell, absorbing Spirit Qi of hell, and molding it into a spear capable of piercing anything.

The most powerful defensive technique, Underworld Protection, could also be developed.

The user of the method could even conjure demonic wings, allowing them to fly at extreme speeds with just a single flap of the wings.

As Jun Xiaoyao's study of the method deepened, he would get to unlock more of the method's powers.

He could even eventually conjure the true Divine Elephant of the Ancients, summoning the gates of hell and command the legions from there to fight for him.

"Divine Elephant Overpowering Force. Gosh... this thing is so damn useful." Jun Xiaoyao felt very impressed.

While there was no doubt many supreme body forging methods and techniques found within the Jun family, none were as comprehensive as the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force in terms of functionality.

'Hopefully, there will be more opportunities for check-ins in the future," Jun Xiaoyao was very eager to get to the next check-in destination.


At that moment, he heard a prompt from the system in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host. New check-in location refreshed. Please check-in at the Ten Years Old Banquet."

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly stunned when he heard what the voice said. Ten Years Old Banquet? My Ten Years Old Banquet?

Earlier, he heard Jun Zhantian talking about something like the Jun family throwing him a grand birthday party when he reached 10 years old.

The Jun family would then invite several cultivation forces found throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm to the party: Clans of the Ancients, the Wushang Major Clans, and some others.

Jun Xiaoyao's status as Sequence Zero would also be announced during his 10 year birthday party.

The party would also mark the first time Jun Xiaoyao making himself known to the world in general.

"Seems like time and location for these check-ins are completely random, no order to be found whatsoever," Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself and remarked.

Then again, that was not an issue for him. Both the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force and the Meditative Methods of Chaotic Divinity alone were more than enough to keep him busy with his training.

"Now, I'm kinda looking forward to the Ten Years Old Banquet…" His mouth was seen growing into a faint smirk.

"By the way, why is there no news on Jun Zhangjian's end? Is he truly gonna do nothing about it?" Jun Xiaoyao mumbled to himself, feeling somewhat disappointed.

Meanwhile, in one of the hovering spirit islands in the Jun family...

The 10 sequence position holders of the Jun family were treated differently from the common geniuses, with each one of them having their own independent estate.

Each estate could come in the form of a heavenly palace, a divine island, or just some sacred locations.

That spirit island was the home of Jun Zhangjian, the Sequence Ten of the Jun family.

There was a mountain on that spirit island that looked like a longsword shooting up to the sky, emitting overwhelmingly powerful sword qi.

Lan Qingya had been waiting at the foot of the mountain for days wearing a blue dress.

"Is Sir Zhangjian still not out of isolation yet?" Lan Qingya was looking flustered, vexed, and anxious as she waited.

The more she thought about what happened at the combat arena, the more indignant and furious she felt about it.

However, she didn't dare to cause trouble for Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Linglong. Thus, her only option was to go to Jun Zhangjian.

Whenever someone got on Lan Qingya's bad side in the past, she would just go to Jun Zhangjian. The other party would certainly be the one to apologize and make amends.

That was what led to her arrogant and holier-than-thou personality.


At that moment, massive fluctuations emanated from the top of the mountain.

A terrifying storm of powers swept through the mountain's surroundings, bringing about something resembling a hurricane.

"It's Sir Zhangjian. He's made a breakthrough!"

Some of Jun Zhangjian's followers on the spirit island were alerted. All of them cast their gaze at the top of that mountain.

All the displeasure she wore on her face was replaced by intense excitement.

Jun Zhangjian had made yet another breakthrough, which meant that he had grown even stronger. That meant that he would be able to stand up for her.

Even if he couldn't teach Jun Xiaoyao a lesson, she believed it vital to at least do so with Jun Linglong.

A young man could be seen descending from the top of the mountain by walking on air, wearing a black robe and a sword on his back.

That kind of feat was usually achievable when one made it past the Spirit Sea Stage and reached the Divinity Stage.

It was obvious that the black-robed young man was already a Divinity Stage fighter.

The young man was in his early teens. His jet-black hair billowed and his eyes were deep-set. His entire ensemble and demeanor looked regal and intimidating as if he were a divine sword ready to cleave the heavens open.

That black-robed young man was none other than Jun Zhangjian, Sequence Ten of the Jun family.

It was said that when he was born, every single sword-wielder of the Jun Family had their swords shooting out of their own scabbards to point at the place where Jun Zhangjian was born.

Naturally, he was interested in the sword arts. He possessed the Undying Sword Body, enabling him to contain boundless sword qi within his own body. All of that culminated into his frightening talent for any martial arts methods involving swords.

It was due to all that innate talent that Jun Zhangjian was able to rapidly rise to prominence and become one of the ten sequences.

Despite his position as Sequence Ten being the lowest of the sequences, it was still something not to be trifled with.

It was worth noting that there were thousands of geniuses found throughout the entire Jun family. It was extremely difficult for one to gain a position in the 10 sequences.

It was not that people like Jun Xiaoyao, who was born to be at the very top with extreme privileges, were a common sight.

"You've been waiting for me, Qingya?"

Jun Zhangjian landed. Everyone present around him cupped their hands and bowed at him. However, he ignored all of them and simply focused on Lan Qingya.

"Sir Zhangjian!"

Lan Qingya squeezed drops of tears at the corner of her eyes, looking very slighted as she threw herself into Jun Zhangjian's arms.

'That bi*th…' All the other followers were cursing to themselves and shot condescending looks at her.

Despite being Jun Zhangjian's fellow followers, none of them liked how Lan Qingya went about her business.

'Wow. You go about calling Jun Linglong a b**ch, yet you don't take a second to look at yourself?'

Jun Zhangjian wore a faint smile and asked, "What is it? Who upset you this time?"

It was obvious that he favored Lan Qingya a bit over the others, treating her differently from his other followers.

"Well, this is what happened…" Lan Qingya proceeded to explain what happened.

She then shed vexed, indignant tears and said, "Sir Zhangjian, I was doing it all for the sake of your image. I never thought Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Linglong would…"

"Wait… you're telling me you offended Jun Xiaoyao?"

Jun Zhangjian's jet-black hair covered his eyes quite a bit, preventing people from getting a clear look at his expression.

"Indeed, Sir Zhangjian. You have to stand up for me…" Lan Qingya continued with a sad tone.

However, what came next was a very, very loud slap on her face.


"Are you trying to get me into trouble?"