
Scion of Time Gaming System!

Full of face slapping! The slaps are so hard that you will feel and hear the echoing of the slaps! Time is always fleeting. But what if the sands of time could be grasped in one's hand? Marvin is a senior high school boy that has awakened but lacks an ability. In a world where weakling is handled as the strong wished, Marvin was bullied regularly. But one day, he awakened a Gaming System and obtained the attribute of time!!!!!! Ever Since that day, he climbed his way to the heavens. This is Marvin's adventure from being bullied to the peak of life. Beauties from all walks of life will fall in his embrace; be it a teacher, models, or a demonic vixen. This is the story of Marvin, the godly gentleman conquering beauties, creating his harem, and becoming the absolute ruler of all! ------- Hiatus till April 10 Check out my other novel: Gaming Sword Magician!

Lazy_leon · Action
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156 Chs

Chapter 134: Solo Battle (a)

"It's a deal then! I believe a magnanimous being like you will honor its words till the very end," Marvin said as he thought that a being that pride itself as a mountain lord will have a characteristic of a prideful person.

"I will not attack until they go away, but my patience is limited. They only have five minutes to get out out of my sight." The draconian snake said as it merely gazed at the group with its three ruby eyes.

As they weren't going away, Marvin grabbed their hands and stepped a few meters back with both his wives before stopping as to not agitate the snake.

"Why are you both pouting? Do you know how cute you look right now? Joke aside, why are you both not going away from here? It wasn't easy to get this chance for me," Marvin said as he was surprised attacked by both the beauties.