
School Of Kings : Book 1

At just 15, Emily Austin was already a battle-hardened brawler, honing her skills in illegal underground fighting pits to make ends meet. Known only by her alias "Mir," she was mature beyond her years - and her overdeveloped physique - from the harsh realities of her world. But Emily's gritty life was forever changed when she was snatched abruptly on from her school. She awoke in an opulent castle surrounded by crashing waves, patrolled by armed guards and lethal maidservants. In the study, Emily was met by the imposing lord of the castle, Salvador "El Sombra" Montalvo. The infamous godfather figure revealed himself as Mir's biological grandfather. Though he'd disowned his genius son for eloping with a "lowly" woman, Salvador informed Mir that she was the sole heir to one of the most formidable families on earth. To claim her inheritance, Emily must spend the summer transforming into a lady worthy of the Montalvo dynasty. Come September, she would attend the elite School of Kings alongside scions of the world's most influential lineages. At this cutthroat academy, there was no hiding from enemies. Yet the most vicious threats came not from rivals, but beasts within the castle walls waiting to betray Emily and seize power for themselves. Survival would require mastering her heritage and trusting no one. Emily steeled herself to navigate this lavish but lethal new world. With her street smarts and savage fighting instincts, she was ready to conquer aristocratic intrigues and emerge a true Montalvo successor. This is a world that exists among us but is invisible to those who are not a part of it. A world of constant war, fire, vengeance, betrayal, blood, agony, and pain. It’s the survival of the fittest and losing isn’t an option P.S MC has mismatched eyes but I couldn't produced an Ai image like that so just make a note.

Asura_Dragon_Works · Urban
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1

The humid warehouse was ripe with the stench of booze, blood, and sweat. A mob of rowdy spectators packed shoulder to shoulder around the makeshift fighting pit, jostling aggressively for the best view of the impending violence. The crude 15x15 enclosure was sunk into the concrete floor, its walls spattered darkly with the blood and sweat of past warriors who had graced its confines.

As the crowds swelled, the steady din of voices trash-talking and placing bets built to a roar. Two bookies stepped into the pit to take wagers, calling odds and tallying grubby bills in their weathered ledgers.

"Last chance to get yer bets in! David's the heavy favorite tonight at 3 to 1!" "Feelin' lucky punks? I'll give ya 5 to 1 odds on the scrawny newcomer!" Fans waved cash feverishly to place their wagers, hungry to make a profit off the imminent brutality. The skinny man who earlier bet $50 on David shoved another $100 at the bookie, screaming "Put it all on David! He'll rip that little rat apart!"

As the bookies finished up, the two combatants entered the pit to thunderous cheers and jeers from the worked-up crowd. In one corner was David, a bearded colossus whose body looked carved from stone, covered in a roadmap of jagged scars and crude tattoos. He paced like a caged beast, flexing his muscles and pounding his fists, riling up the already rabid spectators.

"Rip his damn head off, David!" One burly man bellowed from the stands. "Yeah, crush that skinny coward!" An equally mammoth woman chimed in. David raised his arms, basking in the crowd's adulation. "I'm gonna enjoy putting this upstart six feet under!" he growled menacingly.

Across from the mythical figure of David lurked the challenger, the upstart newcomer Mir. Face obscured by a black mask, the only visible features were the fighter's mismatched eyes - one a piercing emerald green, the other an icy, sapphire blue. Though slim in build compared to the hulking David, Mir's frame was taut with lean muscle. Loose, dark clothing concealed the physique, giving no advantage to the opponent.

While David worked up the crowd, Mir stood silent and still, a mysterious void radiating a piercing intensity. Mir seemed unaffected by the masses screaming for blood and demolition. The focus was inward, mentally preparing and strategizing for the imminent clash.

After what seemed an agonizing wait, the shrill bell finally signaled the start of combat. David reared up and charged straight away like an enraged bull, veins bulging in his neck and temple. Massive fists sliced through the air, hoping to bash Mir's head into the concrete wall with a single crushing blow.

But Mir was ready, having timed the pattern of David's wild haymakers during his egging on of the crowd. With a subtle lean and angled footwork, Mir evaded the fatal punch, letting David's momentum carry him stumbling past. As a counter, Mir delivered a lightning-fast strike to David's exposed ribs, eliciting an 'oomph' from the giant. The crowd cheered and jeered at this early evasion and counter.

David wheeled around, furious that the first exchange had not ended the fight right away. He came at Mir again swinging wildly. But this time Mir crouched low, letting the fist sail overhead. As Mir sprung up from the crouch, another rib shot landed squarely on David's left side.

"Hold still you little rat!" David bellowed, clearly frustrated that his powerful blows could not seem to find their target. "I'm gonna rip you limb from limb!"

At this, Mir finally spoke up, a muffled gravelly voice from behind the black mask: "You'll have to catch me first."

This brief taunt enraged David further. Abandoning strategy entirely, he charged Mir with arms spread wide, hoping to grab the elusive foe in a crushing bear hug. But Mir was ready, dropping suddenly to the floor and between David's legs as he passed over. Then, in a stunning show of athleticism, Mir launched into a backward handspring away from David's grasp.

The crowd erupted at this unexpected maneuver. "Hot damn will you look at the moves on Mir!" one spectator yelled. "David can't lay a finger on the kid! My money's on Mir for the upset!" Another exclaimed.

David turned to face Mir, chest heaving, eyes bloodshot. It was already clear this would not be the quick demolition he had expected. There was more to this scrawny newcomer than met the eye. Mir's agility and counter-striking posed a legitimate threat, something David had not anticipated from a seemingly outmatched foe.

The two fighters began to circle, each now with a wary respect for their opponent's skills. David feigned a lunge, trying to get a reaction from Mir, but none came. Mir's composure was unnerving even in the face of the giant's threatening gestures.

David decided to switch tactics. He charged suddenly, but it was a feint. As Mir moved to evade, David pivoted and landed a vicious backhand to Mir's jaw, catching the agile fighter off guard for the first time.

A cheer went up from David's supporters as Mir stumbled back, seeing stars from the heavy blow. Pressing the advantage, David quickly closed the distance and trapped Mir against the pit wall before the fighter could recover balance. David drove a massive knee up into Mir's abdomen, forcing the air from Mir's lungs in a pained wheeze.

With Mir momentarily doubled over, David wrapped his thick arms around Mir's torso, pinning Mir's arms useless at the sides. The crushing bear hug lived up to its name as David squeezed his tree-trunk-like limbs, threatening to crack Mir's ribs and spine.

"Not so slippery now, are ya rat?" David hissed in Mir's ear with fetid breath.

He began pummeling Mir's face and midsection with short, brutal shots, keeping Mir trapped in his crushing embrace against the wall. With Mir's arms pinned, there was little defense against the onslaught. David battered his opponent mercilessly, finally drawing first blood as Mir's nose erupted red. The crowd was in an utter frenzy by now, sensing David was closing in on the inevitable victory.

"Finish 'em, David!" The burly man from earlier yelled maniacally. "Make that rat suffer!" The imposing woman beside him added.

It seemed Mir was on the brink of defeat as David continued his vicious beating. But in a remarkable show of fortitude, Mir managed to wrap his powerful legs up around David's thick neck, creating just enough space and leverage to twist himself free of the bear hug. Both fighters crashed to the floor, battered and exhausted.

A hush fell over the crowd at this sudden turn. They had been certain of Mir's demise, but somehow the scrappy underdog persevered.

Chests heaving, both fighters slowly rose to their feet. David's face was a grotesque mess of swelling lumps and bleeding cuts. Blood still poured freely from Mir's shattered nose, matting the mask and clothes. The fight was now irrevocably painted in crimson.

Bodies drained, and the two began to circle once more. The crowd looked on with bated breath. Chants of "David!" and "Mir!" broke out intermittently around the stands.

Sensing this was the final stretch, the combatants moved to finish it. Muscles screaming in protest, they came together in the pit's center and traded devastating blows. The heavy impacts of bone on flesh sounded like shotgun blasts echoing off the warehouse walls. Neither fighter gave an inch, willing to endure extraordinary pain and punishment rather than yield.

After an eternity, the slugfest subsided, both men barely standing. David's face was grotesquely swollen, his eyes mere slits. Mir's mask was now more red than black, and the fighter spat a glob of blood and saliva onto the pit floor.

"Ready...to give up...little man?" David taunted through ragged breaths, though he stood a little better. "This ends...on my terms..." Mir rasped in reply.

The fighters circled, searching for the decisive opening. Mir feinted left then threw a lightning right hook, cracking David's already fractured jaw. The giant reeled, struggling to remain upright.

Sensing David was dazed, Mir moved in to finish it. Ducking under a clumsy haymaker, Mir drove a vicious uppercut into David's exposed torso. As the hulking fighter doubled over wheezing, Mir leaped and delivered a punishing knee to his face.

David stumbled back, gushing blood from his mouth and nose. Yet somehow the giant stayed on his feet, refusing to fall.

"Is that...all you got..." he gurgled through the flowing crimson mess of his face.

Mir did not engage in further banter, resolute on ending the punishing match. Moving in a blur, Mir battered David with precisely aimed strikes to the temples, throat, and kidneys. The onslaught was relentless, never letting David recover.

With the giant thoroughly weakened, Mir landed a final devastating heel kick square to his opponent's jaw. David's eyes rolled back as all 230 pounds of muscle collapsed face-first into the pit.

A hush fell over the crowd, stunned by the monumental upset. The indomitable champion lay motionless, felled by the mysterious underdog. Then the warehouse exploded in elation and fury, fans euphoric or distraught at the small fortune won or lost.

"Down goes Goliath!" The announcer screamed. "The mighty David himself lays slain by Mir!"

As the referee raised Mir's trembling arm in victory, David stirred and crawled to his knees.

"Finish...me..." he choked through the blood and swelling. Mir paused, considering the request to permanently maim or kill.

"No, you live," Mir stated firmly. With that, Mir turned and limped away, leaving David alive in his disgrace.

The bookie forced his way to Mir's side, slapping the weary fighter on the back. "Here's your 60% cut, kid. You made me a rich man tonight!"

He passed Mir a thick wad of bills. Without a word, Mir pocketed the cash and pushed on toward the exit.

As Mir stumbled out of the sweltering warehouse into the cool night air, a mob of fans crowded in, eager to get close to the new champion.

"You're incredible out there!" A scantily-clad woman cooed, touching Mir's arm. "I've never seen moves like that."Top of Form

Mir silently brushed past her grasping hands, not interested in such advances.

"Come party with us champ! Drinks on me," a large bald man bellowed, reeking of booze.

But Mir had no time for revelries. The pain of broken bones and bruises was screaming itself aloud now that the numbing adrenaline had worn off. Fresh blood still dripped from the open wounds on Mir's battered face.

Slipping into the shadows of a dingy alley, Mir limped aimlessly until the roar of the crowds faded. Finding a quiet side street, Mir slowly peeled off the tattered mask, taking a few deep gulping breaths. Shoulder-length jet-black hair spilled out, matted with dirt and flecks of blood. Behind the mask was the petite face of a girl no older than 15, her round cheeks still holding some baby fat, though her eyes looked far older.

Hearing hurried footsteps, Mir carefully turned, stifling a wince. She tensed, ready to fight off another rabid fan. But it was Stacey, Mir's most trusted friend, her long blonde hair shining under a streetlamp. Though they came from vastly different backgrounds, the two girls shared an unbreakable bond.

"Emily!" Stacey cried, immediately moving to support Mir's slumped frame. "That fight was insane! Are you all right?"

"I've been better," Emily rasped, managing a weak smile. To anyone else, she was the fearsome fighter Mir, but with Stacey, she could be her true self.

Stacey's bright blue eyes clouded with concern as she examined Emily's injuries. Though they were the same age, Stacey's life had been comfortable, leaving her naive about the dark side of their town. But she never judged Emily, only sought to help her.

"We need to get you patched up. Come on," Stacey said gently, guiding Emily through the maze of streets. They moved slowly, Emily limping and wincing with every other step. Finally, they arrived at an old shop front. The faded sign read "George's Garage."

Inside, George looked up from the engine he was tinkering on, his craggy face creasing into a frown when he saw Emily's condition.

As Emily limped into the garage, George glanced up from the engine he was tinkering on. Though nearly 50 years old, George had a roguish handsomeness about him - shoulder-length blond hair, golden chains around his tattooed neck, and a magnetic charm.

"You look like you got mauled by a pack of wolves," he remarked in his smooth British accent.

Emily just grunted, too exhausted for banter.

"She won big tonight, although … did cost her a few bones," Stacy said, carrying Emily deeper into the building and George went in the opposite direction to clean himself.

Stacy carried Emily into a small, dark room and carefully placed her on the bed before switching on the barely illuminating lights in the room.

A few short minutes later, George returned with a huge bag in his hand, full of medical tools. He handed Stacy and flashlight which she held firm and steady, pointing it straight at Emily.

"What exactly happened tonight? How did end up looking more shitty than usual? You don't roughed up this bad" questioned George in a low, serious voice and Stacey relayed the whole fight to him.

George set right to work on her wounds, keeping up a stream of chatter as he did so. "That was a daft move letting the brute pin you against the wall. You must learn to anticipate their moves."

Emily gritted her teeth, annoyed at the criticism but knowing George was right. He always acted like he knew everything, even as he patched her up time and again.

"Yeah, I screwed up," she muttered. "You gonna lecture me all night old man, or get me fixed up?"

George just chuckled. "Listen here, Lass. Recklessness and confidence can only get you so far. Don't think you are something great just because you managed to win against some trash. It just means that you are slightly better trash. The real ones, if you meet them, will wipe the floor with your face." He remarked in a cold, serious tone.

"Oi, I know I- FUCK…. AHHH, WHAT THE FU- AAHGGG" Before she could complete her sentence, Emily grunted and roared as the pain coursed through her body.

George smirked in an obvious, taunting way and passed her a clean handkerchief which she put inside her mouth. It muffled her screams of pain.

After 2 hours of work, George got up and Stacy finally let her hand down, waving it around to numb the pain of holding he hands up for so long.

"Bring her fresh clothes tomorrow. She shouldn't move to her state. I have cut up most of her clothing around her injuries, especially the ones that were muddy or blood-soaked, they can cause serious infections. " explained George as he got up and walked outside of the room and Stacey removed the saliva-soaked handkerchief from her friend mouth and wife her tears with the corner of her sleeve.

She too had tears in her eyes now. "How long she and how much," said in a teary voice.

Emily smirked, her mismatched jewel-like eyes looking warmly at her friend "A few broken bones and a bit of blood-ahgg" she coughed mid-sentence "A cheap price to pay for my future" she said smiling.

I was a bright , beautiful smile bust also the most heartbreaking thing any human could lay eyes on.