
The School Festival

The school festival was approaching, and Ayumi and Hiro were excited to participate in the event. They had decided to join the cooking club and make some delicious snacks to sell at the festival.

As they worked on their recipes, Ayumi couldn't help but feel nervous. She wanted everything to go smoothly, but she was worried about making a mistake.

"Are you okay, Ayumi?" Hiro asked, noticing her worried expression.

Ayumi nodded. "I'm just a little nervous," she admitted. "I want everything to be perfect."

Hiro smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Ayumi. Everything will be fine. We'll work together and make the best snacks ever."

Ayumi smiled, feeling grateful for Hiro's support. Together, they continued to work on their recipes, and soon they had a variety of delicious snacks ready for the festival.

On the day of the festival, Ayumi and Hiro arrived early to set up their booth. They had decorated it with colorful streamers and balloons, and they had a sign that read "Hiro and Ayumi's Snack Stand".

As the festival began, students and teachers came by to sample their snacks. Ayumi and Hiro were thrilled to see how much everyone enjoyed their food.

"These are amazing!" a student exclaimed as they tried one of their treats.

Hiro and Ayumi smiled proudly, feeling happy that their hard work had paid off. They continued to sell their snacks throughout the day, chatting with their customers and enjoying the festive atmosphere.

As the festival came to a close, Ayumi and Hiro counted their profits and were surprised to see how much they had made.

"We did it, Ayumi!" Hiro exclaimed, feeling proud of their success.

Ayumi smiled, feeling happy and relieved. "Yes, we did," she said. "Thank you for all your help, Hiro."

Hiro grinned. "Anytime, Ayumi. We make a great team."

As they packed up their booth and headed home, Ayumi couldn't help but feel grateful for Hiro's support. She knew that she couldn't have done it without him, and she was excited to see what other adventures they would have together in the future.