
School Fight

Hiro and Ayumi were sitting in their classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive when they heard a commotion outside in the hallway.

"What's going on out there?" Ayumi asked, standing up to get a better look.

Hiro stood up as well, and they both walked towards the door.

As they peered out into the hallway, they saw two students, a boy and a girl, shouting at each other. It was clear that they were angry, and things were quickly getting out of hand.

Before Ayumi or Hiro could do anything, the boy pushed the girl, causing her to stumble backward.

Hiro immediately rushed out of the classroom, with Ayumi right behind him. They could hear the girl crying as they approached.

"What's going on here?" Hiro demanded, stepping between the two students.

The boy sneered at him. "Mind your own business, loser. This doesn't concern you."

Hiro could feel his anger rising, but he tried to stay calm. "I won't stand by and let you hurt someone, especially not a girl."

The boy laughed. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Before Hiro could answer, the boy swung his fist at him. Hiro managed to dodge the punch, but the boy continued to come at him, throwing wild punches in every direction.

Ayumi could see that Hiro was struggling to defend himself, and she knew that she had to do something to help.

She ran towards the boy and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him away from Hiro.

"Stop it! This is not the way to solve your problems!" Ayumi yelled.

The boy struggled to break free, but Ayumi held on tight. Finally, the boy relented, and Ayumi let him go.

The teacher finally arrived and broke up the fight, and the two students were sent to the principal's office.

As they walked back to their classroom, Ayumi could see that Hiro was shaking with adrenaline.

"Are you okay, Hiro?" Ayumi asked, her voice filled with concern.

Hiro nodded, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for your help, Ayumi. You really saved me back there."

Ayumi smiled at him. "I'll always be here to help you, Hiro. That's what love is all about, right?"

Hiro smiled back at her. "Right. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

As they sat back down in their seats, Ayumi and Hiro knew that they had just been through something that had brought them even closer together. They had faced a challenge together and had come out the other side stronger than ever.