
Scholar's Advanced Technological System

After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a hardworking but poor university student, somehow becomes the owner of an advanced technological system. With the cheat given by the system, his university life changes overnight. A Master's degree? Easy. PhD? Not a problem. From a nobody, he quickly becomes a huge celebrity in the world of science. With the missions given by the system, he is on his way to winning a Nobel Prize. "System, can points be exchanged for money?" "No." "F**k, what use are you then!?" "This system will make you the ultimate scholar, the kind that lords over all of humanity. What use will money be to you?"

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1685 Chs

The Correct Method For Tuning The Artificial Intelligence

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

It was in the evening when Lu Zhou went back to the dorm and opened his laptop. He was about to log on to the Academic Affairs Office website when he suddenly noticed the QQ pop-up window in the lower right corner. He was stunned.

He did not remember sending a message.

In order to keep in contact with Xiao Ai, he would usually send Xiao Ai messages through QQ.

"What the hell…"

When Lu Zhou opened the window, he found out that it was a group message.

[Historical information: First love invites you to join a group of mathematics model… Agree.]

Lu Zhou: ? ? ?

Suddenly, he found out what was happening.

F*ck sake!

There's a bug.

Lu Zhou opened the development tools and opened the program that connected QQ to Xiao Ai. He quickly found the line of the bug in the code.