
Scholar's Advanced Technological System

After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a hardworking but poor university student, somehow becomes the owner of an advanced technological system. With the cheat given by the system, his university life changes overnight. A Master's degree? Easy. PhD? Not a problem. From a nobody, he quickly becomes a huge celebrity in the world of science. With the missions given by the system, he is on his way to winning a Nobel Prize. "System, can points be exchanged for money?" "No." "F**k, what use are you then!?" "This system will make you the ultimate scholar, the kind that lords over all of humanity. What use will money be to you?"

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1685 Chs

I Want HiSilicon

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations



Wang Zhengfei was stunned by Lu Zhou's reply, and he didn't respond for a while.

Lu Zhou saw CEO Wang's look of disappointment. He sipped some tea and said, "Graphene transistors are not my research direction. There are other scholars in this area. I only solved some problems regarding graphene Mott insulators. I guess it's a small theoretical contribution."

Calling it a small contribution was underselling it. After all, the theoretical calculations made during the Mott insulator research played a decisive role in the research of graphene semiconductors.

Therefore, it definitely wasn't just a small contribution…

It was more like a medium contribution.

Nevertheless, the graphene transistor was the work of Professor Wu. Even though Lu Zhou, as the head of the institute, had the right to claim this research as his own, Lu Zhou would never do something like that.