
Schizophrenia in me

These dark figures creep at me from every corner. The voice, that only can hear. That same voice one day made me lose my mind. That same voice made me a murderer. Su: " It will use me until I rust" Yong: "God is just hypnotic data, the more you think about it the more doppelganger it will be.

Xsurae · Horror
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40 Chs

Dream or?

After a considerable amount of time, I found myself fatigued from following orders from an unknown number. The constant fear of facing repercussions akin to those experienced during the previous occurrence had taken a toll on me.

'I'm tired of being a weakling'

But of course, after a while, I got used to it.

During a restless evening, I found myself aimlessly scrolling through my mobile device when I stumbled upon a fascinating article about the concept of lucid dreaming. Intrigued by the potential of such an experience, I delved deeper into the text, hoping to uncover more information about this mysterious and intriguing phenomenon. I tried lucid dreaming many times after that but it just wouldn't work, all I did was fall asleep. Following a particularly challenging day, I found myself lying in bed, unable to drift off into slumber. It was then that I recalled the lucid dreaming technique, which I had attempted in the past without success. "Well, 10 times the charm," I thought.

With great precision, I adhered to the steps provided, shut my eyes, and found myself transported into a world of my own making, where I held absolute power and control.

Upon finding myself in what appeared to be our old house, I couldn't help but notice the eerie feeling of abandonment that surrounded me. Despite being convinced that the house had been demolished long ago, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all just a vivid dream. I cautiously took in my surroundings, trying to make sense of the situation, but every corner I turned only led to more confusion. It was as if the house was frozen in time, untouched by the passing years. Though I knew deep down that this couldn't be real, the dreamlike quality of the experience left me feeling unsure of what to believe.

"It appears that I have arrived tardy to your dream," a voice spoke from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. The sensation was reminiscent of the creature I had encountered beneath the stairs, albeit less petrifying. I pivoted around to confront the source of the sound and beheld an individual with lustrous white hair, eyes that curved upwards, and a mischievous grin adorning their countenance, arms casually crossed. It was Yeon. (the guy Isuel was talking to on the phone)

"What are you doing here" I spoke raising one eyebrow I wasn't surprised to see this man in my dreams because even in the actual world he was everywhere I went. But I still don't understand why he has the same aura as the creature I saw that day. That's when I noticed something behind him, tilting its head side to side taking a gaze at me. A realization jumped into my head "This was all his creation he was the one who created all this"

" I'm not here to harm you or anything all I want is a contract "

" A contract for what ?"

" If you lent me your soul whenever I like and take control of it then I'll help you control your power"

"Wait what powers are you talking about exactly? and why my soul"

"Which powers? This power" The creature behind him duplicated into thousands. "You can do this too. We both have the same power. Schizophrenia is something a human can control, and I'll help you control it to end your misery."

" And the soul part? how exactly can I lend you my soul" I asked with a curious look on my face. "Can't only demons take control of souls?" I thought to myself. That's when I remembered an article that I read a long time According to the article demons use humans' souls as doors to travel to the underworld. But I never thought that was true. well, there are other reasons why someone would want someone else's soul.

"How? You ask this is how," he said walking closer and closer until our faces were almost touching I moved my head back. "Do you understand or do I have to show you how" My face my as red as a tomato. " Am' I getting butterflies or is it something telling me to run away?

" I won't tell you why I need your soul though if you say no to my offer I will annoy you until you agree. He said turning away. " So what will it be?"

" wait wait I still don't understand"

"Oh, you don't I'm gonna have to show you don't I now" he walked even closer gently grabbing the back of my head and forcing it closer to his until our lips touched. my eyes flung wide open I quickly pushed him back. "What the fuck are you doing" I shouted.

"showing you how this deal works"

So this is what he was talking about "No I don't accept" I'm not fucking gay.

"Well that's your choice but as I said I will annoy you until you say yes"

I tried waking myself up but it wouldn't work " Are you wondering why you can't leave?."

"no" I replied

"You won't be able to leave until I allow it. you know this is not a dream but mu creation."

'So my thought was right but is this man really a human shall I ask him or no-t'

"well if you really want to go there ya go" with a a snap of his fingers I was back to reality,