
Something Paranormal

(continued from Chapter 1)

2 days later..

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the village, when Thomas, a man of intriguing intentions, arrived in haste. He had come in response to a rather cryptic message from the village head, who had requested his presence in a matter of urgency.

"How long has he been sleeping like this?" inquired Thomas, his eyes focused on the still figure before him.

"Two days," replied the village head, his voice a whisper.

Thomas, a man of peculiar interests, couldn't help but give a knowing smile. "Interesting," he mused. "Can I take him?"

The village head hesitated, his gaze falling upon the mysterious sleeper. "Someone from Andhra, known to Father Luther, is on his way to examine him before they come here and clear my curiosity on him," he explained. "That's why I called you."he ended 

"Why me,if someone already in job to takehim,why you just waste my time?" questioned Thomas. "I thought of you as a person who deals with rituals and the supernatural. Maybe you can do something about this guy. We've never seen someone like him, feeding on dead bodies. He's definitely not a spirit, and he's no regular human. His eyes... his eyes are something else. Beautifully wild, until you get closer and realize they're different. They're the eyes of a vulture."

The village head regarded Thomas with a mix of curiosity and unease. "So, who is he? What do you think he is?"

Thomas shrugged, his gaze never leaving the enigmatic sleeper. "A person with powers that a normal human wouldn't possess. He's a case study, a puzzle that needs solving."

With a nod of understanding, Thomas prepared to leave. "Alright, I'm going. I have some work to attend to. Can I have his blood samples, though?"

The village head hesitated, his anxiety palpable. "Be careful, brother. If Father Luther finds out about this, he'll be furious with me."

"First feed him something looks like that person gonna die by starving" Thomas whispered when he saw Otto body more closely ,Village head have no idea what to do next,he says "ok collect the blood first i will think"

Thomas, smirking in his characteristic way, reached for a stick and began to disturb the wounds on the sleeper's body, collecting blood samples in a small vial. "Maybe I'll use this in my rituals," he said cryptically, leaving the village head with a sense of foreboding and unanswered questions.

Thomas and the village head were leaving the abandoned cattle hut where Otto was tied when an eerie sight unfolded before them. A convoy of six black cars, each adorned with a Hindu sun god logo, arrived at the scene. From five of the cars emerged five black-suited individuals and five priests of different religions: Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian, and Sikh. The black-suited individuals promptly set up a rope fence around the cattle hut, bearing a warning that read, "Paranormal Activity ahead, Don't Cross."

One of the black-suited individuals approached the village head and Thomas, urging them to leave and observe from a distance. The village head, unwilling to comply, protested, "I am the village head of this place, and you want me to watch from afar?"

Suddenly, a voice called out, "Paul!" It was Father, who signaled for Thomas and the village head to join him. Father appeared bewildered, and he explained, "They are here to examine him. Let them do their work."

The priests from different religions began chanting verses from their respective texts for nearly 30 minutes, invoking their spiritual power to ward off evil spirits. When they concluded their chants in unison, one of the black-suited individuals exited the hut and signaled with his hand - nothing had happened.

Without a word, the priests departed in one of the cars. Another person, carrying an EMF meter, entered the hut. A request was made to the villagers to shut down all electricity in the village. The EMF meter readings around the village showed nothing unusual.

The person with the EMF meter then entered the hut. Thomas and Paul exchanged anxious glances, and beads of sweat formed on their foreheads. When he emerged, he spoke with another black-suited individual. This person unlocked one of the cars, and a truck arrived, emanating a pungent odor. It was carrying the lifeless bodies of pigs. The villagers watched as these were taken inside the hut.

After a few minutes, eerie sounds echoed from the hut, clearly audible from 30 meters away. The sounds were of voracious, violent feeding, suggesting a deep and unrelenting hunger. It was evident that Otto had awakened.

Just as tension filled the air, a charismatic figure emerged from one of the cars. His aura exuded positivity and purity, spreading a calming energy throughout the village. Adorned with a Rudraksha necklace, a small trident, and a Rudraksha mala, he wore black shades and had "Om Namah Shivaya" inscribed on his head. With a deep chant of "Om Namah Shivaya," he introduced himself as Naren, the head of the Sunray Paranormal Society.

Naren approached the scene slowly, pausing at a distance. He whispered something in his assistant's ear, who promptly handed a small rectangular box to Father Max Luther. The assistant explained, "This is an audio receiver. You can listen to what's happening inside."

Father Max Luther accepted the device, nodding in acknowledgment. Naren placed an earpiece into one of his own ears and gestured for Father to take a seat at a table his assistant had set up. Another rectangular audio box, capable of recording and transmitting audio, was placed on the table.

"But Father, I'm the head of this village. I have the right to know what's happening in there," the village head protested.

Father Max Luther raised a hand to silence the village head. The conversation came to an abrupt halt. Naren, exuding an air of unwavering confidence, addressed Otto, who had awakened. "So, I believe you're well-prepared to provide answers, given the amount of sustenance you've consumed. You have exhibited remarkable energy," Naren observed.

Otto, growing impatient, retorted, "Do you think I'm here for fuckin job interviews? I want to be free! Free me! I'm not a spirit."

Naren remained composed, "I understand. I've already conducted all the basic tests. But you're not a spirit, a ghost, or Satan, or whatever other terms are used. You are a 'MAR.' I am well-versed in dealing with them, but you seem to be a new variant. I've never encountered this kind before."

Otto, increasingly agitated, shouted, "I don't know what you're talking about! Just fuckin leave me alone, or I'll rip you to shreds!"

Naren grinned ominously and revealed a heretic's fork, explaining its function. He also displayed a headphone emitting echoing sounds designed to damage brain cells. "Just answer me. What do you know?" Naren questioned in Telugu, "Nuvvu Tappinchukolevu Otto." (You cant escape from me-In Telugu),Otto confessed that he survived by consuming dead bodies, be it animals or humans. He claimed to have no knowledge of his age or any other personal details and eventually drifted back into sleep.

Naren then ordered the removal of the torture devices and approached Father, noting the anxious state of Paul. Naren slowly saw face of Paul and asked him "Consider this: Would you prefer to be a king of an empire or a low-ranking but exceptionally strong soldier?" Naren inquired. Paul acknowledged, "Obviously, I'd prefer to be the king."

Naren continued, "Now, imagine a scenario with 100 soldiers equipped with a well-thought-out strategy, pitted against a mighty king devoid of any strategy. Who do you think would emerge victorious?" Paul struggled to respond, but his answer was written all over his face. Naren smirked and elucidated, "Strength, race, religion, cadre, creed, caste, money, administration, and the like are powerless against an individual like Otto. The only determining factor is strategy. Fortunately for us, he is currently in a weakened state. If one is not careful with their raw power, devoid of strategy, they would be ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds, Mr. Village head."

Paul was drenched in sweat, and Father inquired about his well-being. Naren assured them that Otto remained stable. He explained that the heretic's fork was specially designed not to penetrate too deeply, as other types of "MAR" were far more aggressive.but not to worry as the these MAR dont easily get hurt by the forks as they are very strong and can easily break any weapon if used on them and some are bullet resistent. Naren also mentioned his intention to stay for two days to study this new variant of "MAR" (neither normal human nor spirit but a powerful entity that can destroy the humans and spirits)and instructed them to keep the situation confidential, avoiding any contact with the media, government, or G.O.A.T.

As Naren prepared to leave, a black-suited man approached to retrieve the rectangular box. Paul asked Father how Naren had known about their conversation, and the black-suited man interjected, "Because there is another receiver in Naren's ear, and this box has a transmitter too."Black suited man tapped on Paul's shoulders and took the box. "Am i only the joker here "Paul whispered ,Father and Thomas left the place quietly 

Naren's assistant approached him and inquired about a suitable name for this new type of "MAR." Naren paused and looked intently into his assistant's eyes. Thomas discreetly sent a message, "Another person found (emergency)," and received a response asking for clarification. Thomas typed, "Scavenger."

Naren chuckled and said, "Let's classify this type of MAR as 'Scavenger.'"

Thomas, still messaging, typed, "Scavenger."