1 Story 1

There was a girl in a mall with her friends and their boyfriends. As they were about to go into a store Called " Hot Topic" she needed to use the restroom. We're gonna call her Karly. When Karly entered the bathroom and went into a stall she heard people leaving the bathroom. As she was on the restroom she heard a voice from the stall next to her saying, " Would you like to put on the red vest?". Karly ran out the bathroom and called the police, once the police arrived a female officer went in the stall and heard the same thing " Would you like to put on the red vest?". The officer replied, " Yes, put it on". After they heard a scream. The officers partner looked in the stall and saw her head rolling on the ground and blood running down her back, making it look like a red vest. Turns out this thing haunts bathrooms and he will a red or blue vest. If you say red he will cut your head off, if you say blue he will choke you until you turn blue and suffocate. If you ask for another color the ground will open and a pair of pale white hands will drag you to hell.
